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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Let the 'Sanguinary Rampage' continue on!. Sound's like this may be an interesting game!... Orignally from Barcelona 1936: Glad to hear your perspective on Kuniworths Dynamic Creation!...another game i can't wait to try!!!.
  2. Yes!... Canuck_TAR ,...your quote... Is the truth of the situation!.
  3. MMP Production in CONQUERED lands!. Suggestion!...if it hasn't already been suggested!. When Countries are favourable to your Diplomatic Effort's ... they will willing join your cause...and so here i would like to see...MAXIMUM MMP OUTPUT!. However, when you CONQUER a country, MPP production i would think, should result in an affected/reduced MPP OUTPUT!,...by how much i don't know...but just for example...FAVOURABLE COUNTRY = 20 MPP's....UNFAVOURABLE/CONQUERED COUNTRY = 10 MPP's! What Say You!!!.
  4. FORTIFICATIONS!!! ... We know that Fortifications protect unit's in them!...however, i would like to see that benefit translated visually to the unit when it is on the Fortification so that it's obvious!. Example...for an Infantry unit 'On A Fort',... would show, instead of say, a Hard [Tank] defense of 4 [in Yellow],...would now show a 'Hard Defense' of 6 [in White]. By showing a 'Hard Defense' of 6 in White...it would immediately alert you to the fact that your unit is on a Fortification!. Not that that fact is not noticeable...but, it's just to help make that reality more obvious to the player!.
  5. vveedd ...you may very well be correct!. However,...not in WW2,...but in the war in IRAQ...when the Mini-Surveilance aircraft which were launched to give the Battleships eyes to see their Iraqui target's were spotted by the Iraqui's,...a sea of white flags and high raised arms appeared on the monitoring screens by those who were controlling these mini surveilance aircraft!. These Iraqui's knew that not to surrender immediately meant that they would soon die immediately!. What this tell's me is that,...Battleship 'shore bombardment' just might be quite effective!,...however it would be much more effective in the present day as compared to WW2!.
  6. I am playing the Axis...and starting my Attack on France, The French attacked a tank army which was at strength 8...and reduced to strength 3!. Then a French Corp's moved alongside the damaged Tank-Army [at strength 3], but then proceeded to attack a full-strength entrenched German Army in a city???. Whynot cannot the AI...be adjusted to try to take advantage of opportunities such as preying on severely weakened units ... so as to eliminate them?...instead of assaulting dug-in full-strength unit's?...when instead, an easy-kill is readily available for them?.
  7. As i can recall,...the German's for example, used to Rebuild decimated force's by utilizing the survivor's as the Core to rebuild or reconstitute the Unit!. This meant that the new unit would now have a certain level of expertise and inherent capability without having to be first 'Baptised' under fire in battle to learn the rope's!. This could be simulated in the game?...why not?.
  8. We look forward to your new creation Honch! . What you are attempting here is what i was hoping for as part of a selection of "What-If's" to explore various possibilities 'Prior','During' & after the actual end of the war!.
  9. Keep those 'Stool Pigeon' report's comming in Edwin P. ... we are so glad that your eagle eye is ever so vigilant!. I downloaded the patch last night...but have not installed it since i was playing a really engrossing game MOD created by 'jaimain'[Fall Weis-(Atlantic Wider)]!. My wig flipped when several British Corp's were storming the Normandy beaches in early April 1942!,...that event was totally unexpected!. Immediately following that,...the American's assisted the British in that invasion endeavor!,...i had only a skeleton force in France...and couldn't afford to pull any other unit's away from their locations. I was forced to put most of my MMP points into purchasing more Ground Units,...instead of using them for Unit damage repair!. I-Nearly lost France there!.
  10. yEAH!!!...A blast from the 'ANCIENT' past!. Look's like you have an excellent MOD in the making!,...also, please if you can, put in easier starting level's if AI is very difficult!.
  11. Fartknock3r I believe that the U.S. Navy prepared for a Japanese Expansionist Empire sometimes in the early 1930's...& if i remember correctly...the study i think was called 'Case Orange' or 'Plan Orange'...whatever?. Found it!!!... http://www.strategypage.com/strategypagegamestore/war_plan_orange.asp War Plan ORANGE is not WW2 in the Pacific,... Just only a What-If Possibility!, but for now, it's just a point of interest that might be used for an additional MOD for 'Pacific War 1941-1945'. ------------------------------------------------ The Study of War With Japan http://www.army.mil/cmh/books/wwii/Sp1941-42/chapter1.htm And just for fun!!!...A GAME... http://www.battle-fleet.com/pw/his/WW2%20World%20War%202.htm Back to business:... http://www.anesi.com/ussbs01.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Plan_Orange http://www.avalanchepress.com/gameNPO.html http://history.acusd.edu/gen/st/~pbugler/page5.htm So that's it for this part!...i don't really expect that the information i have presented so far [ABOVE] will help create the Pacific War Campaign!. BUT!!!...some of this might!... http://www.snowcrest.net/jmike/ww2pacificmil.html http://home.earthlink.net/~tmflood/page2.html
  12. I am impressed by Hubert's Herculean effort's,...let's hope he has the stamina to continue on!. I am now dreaming of future release's,...perhap's next with a 'Pacific War' Version of the European Theatre'. Then, later, much more...such as the 'Roman Empire';Alexander the Great; Discovery, Exploration, & Conquest of the 'New World; Korean War; Arab Israeli Wars; etc, etc!.
  13. If...there is any time or any point or benefit to it...i would like to have in the game...short-movie-clips of around 5 seconds in length...for when you occupy Major/Strategic locations such as London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow or Washington!. This would be just to give 'Due Honor' or recognition to your achievement's,...with perhap's including a personal visit from your leader [screen-Flash showing your Leader & You shaking hand's] as well as a few extra MPP's put into your expense account!. This might add some additional 'Spice' and flavour into the game!.
  14. Thank-You ' Blashy '!...for simplifying the question at hand!.
  15. Your next 'Project'...might be...'The Pacific War 1941 - 1945'!. I'll buy that!!!,...Really!!!.
  16. Whynot where applicable,...if applicable?...bring up a 'Pop-Up' onto the 'Victory' screen to give the player the option to continue the game further, if he so desires too!... ...Since only a few would really 'know how to'/'be aware of!'... or be 'self-sufficient' in accessing the "Victory Scripts" to make the adjustment within it to effect a continuation of the game!.
  17. I have lived for most of my life in 'The Great White North!'...and what happen's here is that... 1. You don't know any better, so then the harsh winter doesn't seem so bad!,...you think nothing of it!. 2. You learn how to effectively deal with such a harsh environment from personal experience!,...for yourself,...and for any equipment you need to use!.
  18. Cheeze Panzer's point need's careful scrutinization and consideration!,...for example, i for one, never gave it any thought!,...but it seem's to makes good sense!. Changing this Morale Aspect could have the Benefit of Canceling the Cheezy Morale Boost that the German's get by conquering 'near defenseless countries' before they attack the Russian's!. ---What think 'You-All???.'
  19. william bowen!: Every time i captured RUSSIA...i would recieve MPP's from it!,...they have never witheld them from me!...so, why in your case is this being done???. For me, so far, that would be the end of that story!. However, i usually don't elect to attack Turkey immediately after taking RUSSIA,...maybey once?, but, even then, i don't recall Russian MPP's being used to assist the Turk's!,..i will have to look out for that!. SEND your 'save game',...just before you conquered RUSSIA to 'Hubert Cater' at Fury Software or what-ever and explain to him what is happening to you!...because if that situation is really going on, it need's to be corrected!.
  20. avari ...i, as Rolend have had identical experience's!, however...what you describe sounds like some 'Anti-Virus' programme running without you knowing about it, or maybey a 'Virus' or 'SpyWare' running on your Machine!...something that is putting heavy demands on your CPU!. So far ive installed 4-Mod's and my game has not been affected!...even when i have been playing those Mod's!.
  21. Hello Agamemnon!: I know that when supply is restored...the ability to replenish units with supply/replacements/tech advances can be done!. However if a unit is destroyed when having less than a supply of 5 is something i have no answer for yet!. To get a supply >5 one need's to move your HQ closer to a City or to your home countries border,...or capture an enemy city so as then to have a fresh supply source!. From what i have come to understand...is that if you embark troop's onto Transport's or Amphibious Landing Craft...you should plan accordingly so as to minimize the amount of time that they are embarked on those craft,...as it may indeed be detrimental for moral purpose's or for an HQ to provide supply as it was intended too!. [i have never kept troops embarked for any longer than necessary...so i have not had the chance to experience negative result's in this regard] OK!...so now im reading that your Troop-Transport-Vehicle got stuck on an Atlantic Arrow???,...that should'nt be happening!...i would say that...that may very well be a BUG in this game!. Anytime you encounter a 'SERIOUS BUG',...please post a New TOPIC indicating something like 'Game Bug'...then a brief heading for the pertinent bug topic!. I also have never used those arrows to move from region to region!...so someone else who has had direct experience with this matter will be better able to assist you!.
  22. I agree David Chapuis! ...what you just reiterated is an example of depreciating the realistic WW2 simulation situation that we are seeking in this game!. Although!...i think that taking other countries recently would sure have upped the Morale & Attack Capacity of the conquering Armies, i also think that a resulting Morale Boost/Attack Capacity should only give that advantage to local countries that are attacked next...within a realistic time frame!. Not to give those advantages later on for some far off conquest!. Think of the Morale Boost/Attack Capacity Multiplier as something that has it's own Zone of Control around the recently conquered country!,...and can only be applied to the next country to be attacked if that next country is within it's Zone of Control!. I think that something like this would be more realistic?.
  23. Timskorn is absolutely correct!... I loved CWG2!, i don't know how much different it is than ACW...but, if it resemble's it even somewhat...this ACW created using the SC2 engine would indeed be a major drawing card for North American buyer's. Next...we would need some European or Pacific War Campaign's to assist in that direction as well!. ------------------------------------------------- I personally would like to see a Campaign on the War of 1812...as well as the war between France and England which culminated in the assault for the city of Quebec on Sept. 13 1759!. General Montcalm General Montcalm rallying his men in response to the British attack on Quebec during the battle on the Plains of Abraham, September 13, 1759. James Wolfe was a British general who captured Louisbourg and Quebec in the French and Indian War. In June 1759, he sailed up the Saint Lawrence River with about 9000 troops and attacked them on July 31. The attack was no good and on the night of September 12, Wolfe moved 5000 of his men downstream about 1.9 km Southwest of Quebec. They climbed a cliff to the Plains of Abraham which was above Quebec, the British troops forced the French to fight them. This happened on September 13 and the British ended up winning. Wolfe was shot in the wrist and died a few days later of infection. The French commander, Marquis Louis Joseph de Montcalm de Saint-Veran, died the next day. The French and Indian War http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/frenchandindianwar1.htm Beginning With---'Part 1: The Colonies in America ' [ May 22, 2006, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  24. Agamemnon! ...i can symphatize with you in your painful dillema!. I know how miserable it can be to learn a new type of gameplaying!. Please give yourself a chance!, the game really is not that difficult or mind-bending or frustrating to play...it just takes...presenting your specific game situation's to us here in the forum. We will then be glad to give you the benefit of our personal experiences with this game,...and ultimately, help to guide you through this dark forest of uncertainty!.
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