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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. ColumbusOHGamer ...how could one possibly know what name or words was in a Campaign or Scenario Title to use in searching for a game?. Is it possible instead, to just have a selection as...'LIST ALL GAMES' or 'LIST ALL GAMES, MOST RECENT GAMES FIRST, and so on!.
  2. I would love to play a "BATTLE FOR MIDDLE EARTH" Campaign using SC2!. The game called..."Call To Power II" had that game available as a download from Appolyton!. It might have been called 'Middle Earth'???...anyway!, it was great-fun!...i would like to have it again!.
  3. When one is fully vested into Research...2000 points worth...sometimes items start to become Fully-Researched!. Question: How can i cancel a Research Project/Cancellation of Project,...so that i can then invest in Researching alternate technologies?.
  4. Hello Terif! : Thank's for your suggestion's!. Now!, Question!!!...Question!!!. 1. How do we go about 'Hindering Supply To MALTA?'. 2. Our previous Air Fleet Bombardment, Cruiser/Battleship Bombardment trick resulted in too many Blank-Shots ['0' or Negative Attack Result!]. There-in lies the Paradox of our problem!.
  5. rleete!!! ...thankyou for your reply!, yes, we tried that...but, had no way to access the Motorization Upgrade!,...even though we thought that the HQ unit was close enough to allow us to do that!. Our solution was to make the Fallshirmjaeger and HQ unit move as close together as possible,...then,we FINALLY!!! had access to the Upgrades listed below!. Long Range Aircraft 2(2) Infantry Weapons 2(2) Antitank Weapons 1(1) After doing the Upgrades, somehow we had access to 'TRANSPORT'...so at the cost of 32 MPP's we were able to move (Teleport) the 'Paratroop' Unit out of the Mountain Bottleneck to right up against the Norwegian Capital City!!! ...'End of Problem'!!!.
  6. Anyone know how to take out MALTA?. I have tried by using the Italian Air-Fleet to try soften up MALTA, then the 4-Italian Cruiser & Battleship groups to do the same. Problem is, is that this use of Italian resouces is largely ineffective???...it doesn't work?. If i can't soften MALTA up somehow!,...then i don't want to Amphibious Attack it with ground troops to take it out until MALTA can be softened up 1st!. Has anyone got a working proven formula as to... how MALTA can be taken?.
  7. My friend who "NEVER" plays any WW2 type games...had NO-Issues or problems playing SC2!. Of course i instructed him and guided him at first on how to play the game...the menu, moving units, upgrades, research,etc. This WW2 Wargamer 'Green-Horn'...has 'no-problem' or difficulty with playing SC2!...Isometric's and 3-D Units included!. The only problem or abberation we encountered was...that he landed a'Paratrooper' unit on the South-Eastern Corner of Norway and then was Unable to Move it out of that postion for the rest of the game so far!. This Paratrooper unit will not move over Mountains...and we have no way to get it out of there!. An 'HQ' unit is with-in range,...so supply is not the problem here!. Nuff Said!...'I LOVE THE GAME AS WELL'...I will be playing it for year's to come!.
  8. Blashy!!! that's what that Brain-Dead 'Moron' Bush is doing right now!...what you just said...read below!. If some serious changes do not take place soon!, The United States will no-longer be what it-was, ... it will, instead become a declining Military World Power,...and start to show signs of becoming a 3-world nation. In Part due to letting in an additional 1/2 Million Mexicans EACH YEAR,...to take Americans jobs away from them!. A carpenter said," I used to work for $21.00/Hr,...now my propective employer tells me that the Mexican's will do carpentry work for $8:00/Hr!.
  9. I resent in the original confirmation E-Mail of my SC2 order REPLYING with a request as to when and how i could do the download. The next day i got a reply with the appropriate code to use and when i could download. 20 minutes of downloading or so did it!, now, im playing the Full-Game!. AND...I downloaded the game at EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA using Telus.net Internet Service!.
  10. Blashy!... ,Please take a few important/significant screen shot's,...as well as maintain a good Action Report so that we all can enjoy your game!.
  11. Also,...the 'English Channel' can have 'Treacherous Storms', i don't know how frequently although!. Perhap's there could be something in the game to refelect this reality,...so that one would have to try to synchronize their invasion with the English Channel Storm situation in mind!.
  12. Hey!,..Look!..Yes!, most of us want to buy the game as well as many of us have pre-ordered it!. AND YES!!!,...we realize that it is 'NOT-PERFECT'!!!,...that it still need's more work!,.were NOT BEING SNOWED UNDER BY FALSE ASSUMPTIONS....for most of us, ...there is NO MYSTERY AT ALL!...WE STILL want this game!.
  13. 'pzrgndr' ...only you guy's and 'Hubert' can possibly decrypt what 'Edwin P.' is expounding!,...sound's like he has a million idea's, and i like almost all of them!. My uneducated/uniformed appraisal of the above situation is 'To Go For It' and try to implement at least some of those idea's of Edwin's as can be done!.
  14. The 'Battle of the Bulge' was a successful surprise attack for the German's because Radio Traffic was at a minimum and the need to know to those who needed to know. Information was severley restricted,...so the Allies had little chance to know what was going on at the German High Command.
  15. Im 52 years old myself since March 25th...so im no whippersnapper myself, and ive played it all!, starting from board games, etc!. I wished that a 'toggle option' was in place for those who prefer the overhead 2D asthetic view...even though, i myself, prefer what Hubert has created & i have no difficulty with the visuals or grasping the 'Strategic Situation' or the 45 degree view. In my 'Fantasy World' i would have liked to have seen controls to be able to adjust the 45 degree perspective...if one wanted to, to help better grasp the game situation for those who need it!. As well as a toggle to switch from 3D to 2D...even though i prefer 3D and the "eye-candy"!.
  16. Right Karhu! this has been already questioned!...but no reply yet!. Yes!...what is needed is some indication as WHAT-KIND of Transport we have...an OFFLOAD anywhere Transport or a PORT Transport!. As well...i suggest that while hovering the MOUSE over the indicated Transport...that, perhaps an 'Infantry','Artillery','Armour' or 'HQ' Icon of somekind can momentarily show itself as one hover's over the selected transport OR...have a mean's of having the ICONS continually hovering over the Transport's until otherwise required!.
  17. Supply as i already mentioned in other post's should be a 'TOP PRIORITY'...in all of it's aspect's!...as [CASE IN POINT] in the particular possibility that you have just illustrated santabear!.
  18. Perhap's an inclusion of a ghostly infantry image superimposed over the troop transport would help?. I had a similar problem...with confusing a Cruiser and a Submarine,...it did happen to me!,only once though!,...so, if someone can come up with an acceptable method of readily identifying/separating the various ship types...please feel free to comment!.
  19. Excellent Commentary santabear!!!, i am of the same mind as you on this subject!.
  20. fantomas!!! ....since you are a 'RENOWNED REGULAR' at "Cyberstratege"...can you please request that someone translate the 'French' into 'English' so that one-tongued person's such as myself can then select the 'English' button so that we regular's at SC2 can enjoy the web-site as well!.
  21. I agree with you Excel!, perhap's the Mouse Scrolling Wheel could be utilized as well as/or '+' & '-' to quickly make Zooming in or Zooming out possible?.
  22. Yes!!!...Overall, a good review for SC2[Quite Positive...but low mark's on AI development]...and, also a lenthly LINKS section from many other game developers who have also sent him their games to review!. Even if the AI suffer's a little,...between Hubert and the Community, i think that this deficiency will soon be resolved!,...and continually get better with time!.
  23. I really like that concept 'Moon'!!!.... ...as the thought of waiting another 2-weeks or so is nearly unbearable!.
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