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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Benelux!!!,...i don't know for sure...but, i'll hazard a guess that it might be an abbreviation for BELGIUM-NETHERLANDS-LUXEMBOURG!.
  2. As ive mentioned several times before...i really didn't have any problem with any part of the game...other than getting used to the functions of the buttons!. I didn't think the buttons were too small!. I liked the extra screen space!,...NOW!,...perhaps at high resolution levels,...the buttons might look small, i really don't know!. If that is so!,...then, perhap's...this problem can be worked on to rectify that result so that player's can see their buttons at higher resolution levels?.
  3. I like the graphics too!,...and so do not find them to be any problem at all for me!. The 3-D graphic's do not disorient me in any way, shape or form!...i have no trouble understanding or comprehending the strategic situation!. Even at a glance on the screen,...they do not interfere or create any problem!...at least for me!. As mentioned before by Moon and other's...the 2-D option is readily available and a Unit/Icon replacement option is there for those who must have it!...so the 3-D Graphic's should then no longer be a major problem for some!.
  4. stahlwolf ...i can't guarantee any of these websites can help or will help,but...maybey?...,however, it may be a place to start from!. DOWNLOAD OF SOME KIND?...PATCH???...CHECK IT OUT!. http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-patches/2003/02/att-0178/01-criticalsection2.diff ---------------------- http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/directx9_c/DirectSound_Return_Values_by_Name.asp ---------------------- http://www.koders.com/delphi/fid54F0F7B8ECE47F6FD5CAFEE15A140B0F9E057E51.aspx ---------------------- http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-patches/2004/07/0355.html ---------------------- http://www.codase.com/search/call?name=init_format ---------------------- http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/paulm/WRT/patch.php?bid=328&patch=1 ---------------------- NEW PATCH http://www.mail-archive.com/wine-devel@winehq.org/msg21610.html ---------------------- http://www.koders.com/c/fid7C7D7FB2A2198688B5ECA561C93F0A5BF2D011EB.aspx ---------------------- http://cvs.fukt.bth.se/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/api/include/dsound.h?rev=1.1&sortby=date&view=markup ---------------------- http://nick.serveblog.net/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=52.0 ---------------------- http://nick.serveblog.net/forums/index.php?topic=52
  5. Try Updating your DIRECTX...Might Help?. Goto this Website: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en
  6. I just played the DEMO and the Graphic's worked just fine. Of course, the obvious is to download the latest DirectX from Microsoft...and hope that, that will alleviate the problem!. Goto this Website... DIRECTX http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en Then click "Continue" to 'Validate' your Windows Installation & Download the very latest DirectX!. Once your 'Validation' has passed you will be automatically directed to the download page!. [ April 04, 2006, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. I just did the 'Low Countries' DEMO, Benelux,Denmark & Norway!. The game played well, i didn't take all three targets on the 1st turn,and so didn't notice any spectacular attack bonuses...but was noticing a loss of effectiveness when fresh conquest's were not recent!. Overall...i did not find the SQUARE'S to be any kind of a hinderance at all!,...nor, the ISOMETRIC'S to be any problem either!. Yes, in the DEMO, unit's could not be purchased!...as well as i was 'unable' to save the game in progress in the demo!. There was a comment on 'Crowded Maps'...well!...it's no more crowded than in SC1...maybey even slightly less!. However, ive always been a fan of Larger more spacious Map's!...and would like to see creations where that option in game-playing is available!. I would like to have had the feature to 'turn on' or 'turn off',...a hovering box explaining or illustrating the functions of the button's,..and also was glad to see that more of the screen is available for gameplay as verses SC1...where nearly half of it was used up by Option-User buttons, etc!. Other than those few observations...i'd give this game a 2-Thumb's Up!.
  8. Me Too!!!...Lot's of good games out there...but!,PG2 has made a Deep Lasting Impression on me,...even though there are better games out there!.
  9. Me Too!!!,...Still Downloading The 83.4MB Mega-File!!!... . This is "BLOODY-HELL-GREAT!!!".
  10. "BLOODY-GREAT!!!",...I have also sent a link to a couple of friend's of mine so that they can give it a try as well!.
  11. Thank's for your input fantomas,...some would-be game maker will surely take serious note of these 2-D counters that you are making us know about!. I would like to see a TOPIC dealing with Scenario/Campaign creation...with LINKS to 2-D counters,...and what-ever else is relevant to that effort!,...such as 'Orders Of Battle' perhap's!.
  12. This is a Wish-List i would like!!!...who can make it happen???. ANCIENT CAMPAIGNS Wish List For SC2: * ROMAN EMPIRE CAMPAIGN * PELEPONNESIAN WARS & ALEXANDER THE GREAT * THE CRUSADES RECENT HISTORY CAMPAIGNS Wish List: * WW2 Without Historical Start!,...meaning,it can go anywhere at all,...without any pre-determined parameters!. * ARAB-ISRAELI War Series!. BY-GONE ERAS Wish List: * AMERICAN CIVIL WAR * AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 1776 * NAPOLEONE BONAPARTE' - WAR IN EUROPE
  13. I like that idea SMG42 ... which is why in previous posts i mentioned having CONTROL in AREAS in order to ensure convoy movement/access to be able to deliver supplies. In the case you sited SMG42, obviously, you would need to dominate or control the area/region where your convoy is...otherwise your convoy would be unable to utilize that pathway to deliver supplies. Now!...going a little further on this!, i would like to see a Convoy being organized to bring supplies from point 'A'['U.S.' for Example] to point 'B'[North Africa]. When and if this Convoy gets to or reaches point 'B'...THEN! & ONLY THEN!...would a determined amount of supplies be available for usage by Allied Forces!. A supply system somewhat like the above illustration would make planning a supply-run a 'Paramount Priorty' in the game,...instead of just an automatic GENERIC supply status situation throughout the Theatre!. Desert Dave snuck in his post before i finished and posted mine!. Perhap's the supply system he mentioned will, after-all do 'Just-Fine'!...who know's???. [ March 26, 2006, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  14. Didn't 'Ariel Sharon' cross the Suez over to the Egyptian side with around 15 tanks or so to begin with [More Tank Units Followed Presently] to start taking out and then eventually taking out those SAM-Sites?. So...the Israeli air units would have to avoid that region until the SAM's have been eradicated!. As far as the SAM's Range and defense values,...they should be rated as to how they Historically performed!.
  15. I agree!...this needless worry, anxiety...and irrational concern about nothing is just a waste of time and effort!. There is a rational, natural progression of stages or events that are needed to take place to get us stage through stage before the game is ready for release or for digital DEMO download!.
  16. [ALREADY POSTED IN...'Dedicated Site for Mods and Scenarios???'] Im sure that many will want to use their own Unit & Terrain Graphic's in games... ...Soooooo...maybey someone can devise an Associater of some type,...so that the Right Graphics Modules can be Auto-Loaded for Campaign's/Scenario's Etc...so that we don't have to figure out through Trial-&-Error and try to Guess or find the correct Graphic's for those games!. ---------------- OR!!!...have the choice where-ever possible to use the Graphic's that come with the game!.
  17. Im sure that many will want to use their own Unit & Terrain Graphic's in games... ...Soooooo...maybey someone can devise an Associater of some type,...so that the Right Graphics Modules can be Auto-Loaded for Campaign's/Scenario's Etc...so that we don't have to figure out through Trial-&-Error and try to Guess or find the correct Graphic's for those games!.
  18. I do understand your view RobRas ...and therefore do not disagree with it. However...i have had a Paradigm shift regarding this matter...and am now really in-favour of 3-D isometric's & Superficial Chrome Graphic's. For me it took some personal orientation to make the change...but now, i feel better for having done so!. It's not that i cannot accept the regular icon's anymore...it's just i now prefer the 3-D look and isometric's...unless after when i have the game and find that it is a problem. From what i have seen so far in the screenshot's...there should be a 'slim to none chance of a problem'... to play the game effectively!. PARADIGM: http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~khanhvo/paradigm.htm
  19. Has everyone forgotten that the whole Prussian Army showed up on the French Flank...thereby making it impossible to continue on with assaulting the British forces?. Not only that...but that also one of the heaviest or more than heavy seasonal rainfalls had just taken place the night before..thereby making the overall situation even more difficult in every way to contend with!. Not only that...but Napoleone had 1/3rd of his army sent on a Goose-Chase chasing after the Prussians by an 'Inept' and so these 40,000 troops of his were never used in the Waterloo battle!.
  20. I too TaoJah 'primarily' if not 'exclusively' play against the 'AI'...so for me, 'Scripting' by the creator of the game is of 'Paramount Importance'!.
  21. It's too-bad that CYBER STRATEGE doesn't have a tab or icon to press to have the website in English!...i would love to be able to read it!.
  22. I do agree with FoxDrake on the Parachutes topic & maybey even a few others,...how 'insanely stupid' to waste so much time and effort on such a mundane topic!. I too say that the parachutes look just fine!.
  23. Your doing Extremely Well fantomas...to be able to speak any other language at all!,... most of us here i would say can 'only' speak English!
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