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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Hawk !,...i forgot to mention that i have a little bit of information on War of The Rings at the link below!...hope it does some good!. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=59;t=000144
  2. Thank-You Etienne !,just to let you know that you are a distant neighbor of mine,...my family is originally from the 'Alsace-Lorraine' region!. They emigrated to Canada in 1666. [Correction: 1663]...it's been a long while since i had to recall that date!. [ July 16, 2006, 11:11 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. Fredoz !,...your resourcefulness in aquiring 'Sprites' is amazing & inspiring!. I hope that other's in need might be able to benefit from your lead's & sources!.
  4. The Rich---Rule this World for their personal benefit! [Money have the power], Rule by the Rich = 'Autocratic Rule',...Rule by Corporations = Corporate Rule = Fascist Rule...both are closely related!. The Rich get the BIG TAX Break's, the poor pay for those Tax Breaks. Its NOT 'Democracy' is it???,...probably more like 'Demonocracy'!.
  5. The "Job-Jar"!...is never Empty!,... 'Capt Andrew '!. You have an 'Extraordinary Historical' understanding of the 'Soviet Baltic Fleet' in WW2!. Few other's know anything about it,including me!,...therefore!...Coudo's to your knowledge in this department!. Your historical understanding in this department is what i think Blashy is looking for!,...let's hope that it is considered and implemented if at all possible!.
  6. Etienne! ,...Hello!,...your Talent's are ever so much in need!. Honch, so far as im aware of is working on the 'Lord of the Rings-War in Middle Earth' MOD!. Might your Expertise be such as to be able to help him out with Creating-Adusting or Aquiring the necessary Bit-Map images for this Creation?. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=59;t=000144 Also, Fartknock3r is working on a 'WW2 War in the Pacific' Mod,...same request i ask for him!. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=59;t=000101;p=4 [ July 16, 2006, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. I totally agree!. This SC2 game he has designed hold's so much potential,...as to what can be done with it!. I am looking forward to more tool's for MOD-Designer's to even make it easier for them to create new MOD'S!. Your solution makes sense Blashy , i can't think of any way of getting around that quandry myself!, perhap's someone else will have a more effective idea?.
  8. Do a search on "WW2 ALLIED STRATEGIC BOMBING in Europe" to see what your search-engine come's up with!. [ July 14, 2006, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. In either case!,...however it end's up,...Nice Work on the Flag Kuniworth !.
  10. Fredoz !,...Some of your work is just 'Amazing'!,...such as regarding,...where did you manage to get that small 'Authentic-Looking' Japanese Tank?. Where did the Artillery Gun come from?,...'Excellent Work' to you in getting these item's!. It look's like you used the Early Italian Tank and the German captured Polish Tank for the other 2 Japanese tanks. The German and Allied Half-Tracks i assume are from the game itself where they are momentarily-DISPLAYED when 'Motorized' Infantry is moved!. Finally!...Nice Work on the Japanese Flag!. Look's like your New "F&F" MOD is going to be a welcome'Treat' for us!.
  11. No new's that i know of for either ALEXANDER or THE PACIFIC WAR CAMPAIGN. Both of these MOD's make me Drool!. I am also hoping that HONCH will not give up on the WAR OF THE RINGS Mod. I have idea's for a few other's.
  12. It might only matter if your going to sell it!,going to make money on someone else's work!,...otherwise, no-body will care.
  13. At first glance!,...all i can say is,...'Holy Leaping Lizards'!!!.
  14. Which one is it Blashy ?. Ive just looked at the Web-Site and am failing to recognize it!.
  15. william bowen All i did was set up a New Account! at cmmods...then, you'll have access!.
  16. A few more websites with UNIT information will be posted here as i can find any that might seem useful!. http://ca.games-workshop.com/news/cn/articles/wotr_ca/studio_camp.htm http://www.mithril.ie/designer/index.html Mordor Olag-Hai Troll Chief [ July 31, 2006, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. I am placing some material that might be used by someone who can create Bit-Map images for gaming units!,...so...here it is!. http://classictoysoldiers.com/cgi-bin/ctsc6/rtl/cat_dsply.cgi?cat_id=000028&Category=54mm%20Toy%20Soldiers&cat_tn_ref=&cat_des= American Doughboys French Infantry British Soldiers http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Manufacturers.html German WW1 Infantry French WW1 Infantry http://arquebus.com/brit_ww1/brit_ww1.html More...RELATED WEBSITES: http://www.toy-soldier.com/Toyinternetregister.asp http://www.toysoldierco.com/MainPages/SearchResults.asp?Source=Level1&Page=Plastic http://www.toysoldierco.com/MainPages/Product.asp?ItemID=5953 WW1 RUSSIAN INFANTRY [ July 09, 2006, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  18. Great AAR's from your effort's Timskorn !. Keep up the good work!.
  19. Honch !!!... http://www.superiormartialarts.com/cgi-bin/uniform/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=ENTER&thispage=flagsandpennants.html&ORDER_ID=!ORDERID!&affiliate=855 It's a stab in the dark, but might be worth a look!.
  20. Hell!,...to change out a transformer should only take an hour or hour and a half!...why 16 hour's to change out a fuse?. Complain to the City & Electric Utility Company!,...i would!. ***11:41 Pacific Time...CM MODS is back up again!.*** [ July 04, 2006, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. John DiFool the 2nd ... i am with you on your comment's, ... i agree!. The game for me has a different over-all feel as well as play's a little differently,...such as concentrating on one front instead of the whole European-African theatre'!. All in all,... a welcome 'MOD' addition to the line-up!.
  22. Very...Very Scaaarrrryyy!!!,...Heavy...Heavy Danger!!!,...will be on the look-out for your download!. Glad to see that you have such a Drive to 'Create'... a MOD after analyzing/assessing the SC2 Forum comment's from the member's!.[i like it!] Please let us know when your MOD is ready for download Normal Dude !,...and if you could, a link to where it is!.
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