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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. The Canadians were MAJOR PARTICIPANTS in WW2...and they supplied vast quantities of equipment of every description to the British!. Infact, from a previous post, i mentioned, that the Canadian's only used 30% of what they manufactured for their own forces!...the rest was supplied to other's. So, as you say Cheese Panzer... B] I don't mind the Axis minors being limited, but it does seem very strange that the Canadians cannot be ugraded. Not only is it strange!...but very wrong!.
  2. It should have been E-Mailed to you! If you ordered the game Online, then simply RE-SEND back to them, that request or... the proof of purchase that they E-Mailed back to you...but, include in sending back the copy of proof of purchase...ask this time for the "elicense" or activation code's...that they be sent to you! Describe your situation in detail and ask for assitance to rectify it!. http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html [ May 07, 2006, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. Timskorn!!!..., i'm now in the processing of erasing the AMERICAN-COLOR-CODED-TRACK back to 'Casablanca' with my 2 Vichey French Corp's...and GUESS-WHAT!!!,...i just sighted the "U.S. H.Q. Unit"!. What is it doing by itself, half-way's between 'Algiers' and 'Casablanca'???.
  4. Jersey John, please keep us apprised of the result's of your-fix!. As i myself at-least... would personally like to fix my game program to rectify that situation myself so that it more reflect's the actuall historical reality!.
  5. I just press the 'Microsoft Windows Flag Button' on my keyboard...and it instantly takes me back to my 'Desktop'...then, to return to the game, i just click the button???[That indicates the SC2 Start Icon]...on the 'Start Bar' to go back to the game in progress!.
  6. Jersey John : Well, in my estimation, it's not that anyone else didn't have that problem!,...it's just that none-of-us were as "Astute" as you in recognizing it!!!.
  7. Timskorn :***Mainly just British Infantry Corp's Unit's landed [6-8 of them]...but, also a B-17 Bomber Group transported over to the BREST Region in France!. As well & as usuall the British Fleet sallied-forth with it's usuall Coastal-Bombardment Effort's anywhere it could!. Both American & British bomber group's also assisted in the 'Reduction Effort' when they could!. ***Was in Russia_nearing MOSCOW vicinity_Approx June of 1943 ***I had Done some serious pounding on the British Fleet...and had destroyed a British Infantry Division and Airfleet, so they had remaining 2 Army Corp's,1 Armoured Division, and an HQ,...so they were in no postion to attack Tobruk!. Other British reinforcement's didn't join the British Units in the Suez region. As for taking ALEXANDRIA...i only have 1 Italian AirFleet 2 Italian Armies & an Italian HQ...i am facing a British Armoured Division, a NZ Army Corp's & another British Corp's in Alexandria,...so im waiting for the outcome at the Vichy French N. African City to see if i can transfer those 3 battlegroups and Vichy French Corp's to help at ALEXANDRIA!. I don't have the GERMAN resources to spare [Too busy on the Eastern Front],...to send to Africa to assist in the assault on ALEXANDRIA!. As for Iraq...it had strong leanings to the Axis [80%], and as well, no-British activity there!. After the AMERICANS declared war on Vichy FRANCE they landed on the west coast of AFRICA [near Casablanca] and rushed across North Afica till they reached the 'Vichy French' City [Forgot the name], so i transported a Vichy French unit [Corp's] from FRANCE to assist in the Cities Defence and also repaired a FRENCH Cruiser group...which was then also pressed into service to assist in protecting the Vichy French City. So with 1 Italian and 2 Vichy French Sea Combat Units i managed to destroy 1 American Army & 1 American Corp's...By coastal bombardment...as well as from assistance from the 2 Vichy French Corp's Unit's at the City!. ...and that's where i am now with 1 American Army & Corp's 'without' an H.Q. pressing on with it's attack's on the North African Vichy French Coastal City. [ May 07, 2006, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  8. Timskorn! ,i too found the MOD to be more challenging, as stated above by the other's. The American's declared war on 'Vichy France' in early to mid 1943...the Italian's MPP level's seemed to have dropped off drastically...took me till 1943 to build an Italian HQ! [besides repairing Ships & other unit's, etc]. Because of the reduced MPP's and other changes,...'Russia' is now taking more time and effort to overrun!. So far, overall...i rate this as an 'Appreciated Version' of 'Fall Weis'...it's good to have an alternate situational-mode for that Campaign!. I was surprised more than once!!!...for example i didn't expect the 'Brits' to do a D-Day landing on France [With 'Corps' units at about the same time the Americans declared war on Vichy France!. I didn't have much in the way of force's in France...and it was just a co-incidence that i had a freshly built Panzer Division & Airfleet entering the game at that Dire-Moment!.
  9. Well TaoJah!, ...there is something to what you say!,...granted, i like the game, but, eventually i would like more 'meat' in it!. I for one would like a global map [For a 'True World War'] as well as larger maps of different fronts [Eastern Front, Western Front, Mediterranean Area [Possibly could be inter-linked somehow (Map Size Restrictions)]...and so forth!...in order to have 'Maps' in greater detail to explore WW2 in greater depth!.
  10. Yes...i agree with Blashy!...im fairly familiar with WW2 [Not a 100% Expert] and i can't recall much in the way of giving technology or equipment to minor's!. Maybey it happened somewhere else beyond the example's i'll list next!,...like a previous post mentioned 'Yugoslavia'...where several nations donated huge quantities of material's to the New Yugoslavian army to bring them up to speed...and also where Germany i think supplied the ' Finn's ' with equipment [How much, i don't know]...and lastly where the German's benefited from caputuring 'Polands' tank production facilities and used them to crank out more tanks and anti-tank self propelled unit's for their Panzer Division's!.
  11. I think many of us have experienced what you have Jersey John!, so...don't feel too badly about it, but do apologize as needed, if needed, and it look's like you have just done that!...everything seem's to be well under control!. I myself, am unfamiliar with the case you just iterated!...but, that's o.k. .
  12. Both are good in their own way's...but, as for SC2...it will take a little time...but, eventually, we will have more Player made 'MODS' available to keep us 'Riveted' & 'Interested' in SC2!. I wished we had a place where player's could/'would' post their ' Script's ' [Edwin P. could post quite a few!!!] with instructions as how to emplace them into our game, so that we may then benefit from their insight's!. Granted!, SC2 is Not HOI2!...but, that's good!...who would want two very similar games?.
  13. I'm with you Blashy!!!,...this latest 'Republican-Crowd'...really makes me 'Howl' too!.
  14. Sound's GREAT...& look's Promising Timskorn !!!,...i have just downloaded your 'Mod'...and will begin play as soon as it has been installed!.
  15. I agree with EDWIN... No one should be forced to continue...if they would rather concede defeat!. That OPTION would be welcome, i think, for those who play Head to Head, etc.
  16. Two thumb's up from myself as well ' Hubert ',...i hope you never give up the Gaming Profession!.
  17. I concur Jersey John...the Review---'A bit harsh'... obviously, this commentator doesn't care for this type of game at all!. He mentions that the graphics are lacking???...maybey as far as comparing SC2's graphics to 'Rome Total War',BUT!,for a turn-based-wargame...the graphic's i think...are spectacular!. I don't need 'Mind Numbing Repititious' music to give me some unknown inspiring purpose or result in life!. He seem's to think it necessary???. His finale' recant is!... Above Rant from a 'Brain Dead Mental Midget'!... who obviously has no background or past experience with this type of Gaming Genre'.
  18. WOW!!!... Panzerkiel ... your and my post's shock me!!!...how could the German's have managed in WW2 with this type of Partisan opposition?. I for one!, would like to have the option of having situations like 'Yugoslavia' Partisans etc, to be enabled in SC2!...Much more Wicked and Harsher than it is currently emulated!. These situation's would make,_taking over 'Russia' a great deal of work and expense!. [ May 03, 2006, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. GERMAN OCCUPATION IN YUGOSLAVIA: Revealing Information!. http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/yugoslavia/yugoslavia171.html The Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) under Tito also refused to accept defeat. It remained inactive, however, until Germany attacked the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. With approximately 80,000 fighters, the Partisans fought occupying forces, collaborators such as the Ustase (see Glossary) in Croatia, and their political opponents, the Cetnici. By the end of 1942, the Partisans had grown to 150,000 troops organized into two corps, three divisions, thirty-one brigades, and thirty-eight detachments. Axis occupation forces launched several major offensives to destroy the Partisans, but they failed in each case. Although the Partisans liberated some areas of the country, they generally avoided major engagements with superior forces. Yugoslavia became an unanticipated theater of war for the Axis. Large German forces were forced to remain there to protect lines of supply to Greece and North Africa during the critical year of 1942. Nearly 600,000 Axis troops, thirty-eight divisions in all, were needed to control the country and thus were unavailable as reinforcements for the pivotal battles of El Alamein and Stalingrad. The occupation of Yugoslavia drained significant Axis manpower and resources from other theaters over a long period of time. Partisan pressure was a factor in Italy's withdrawal from the war in September 1943. When Italy's twenty divisions left Yugoslav territory, Germany had to commit even greater numbers of soldiers to maintain its position there. At maximum strength the German occupying army included twenty-six divisions. By late 1943, the Partisans began to resemble a regular army. With captured or abandoned Italian arms, they armed 300,000 combatants in eight corps and twenty-six divisions. At the end of 1943, virtually all Allied military assistance was transferred from the Cetnici to the Partisans, whose operations had the potential of hastening the defeat of Germany. From then until the end of the war, the Partisans received over 100 tanks, 300 field guns, 2,000 mortars, 13,000 machine guns, and 130,000 rifles from Great Britain and the United States. The Soviet Union provided even larger numbers of guns, mortars, and machine guns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTERMATH: Yugoslavia suffered 1.7 million dead during the war, out of a total population of 15 million. Of these, over 300,000 were killed in action. Another 400,000 were wounded. Yugoslav sources claimed that the Partisans inflicted over 450,000 enemy casualties. The amount of Ustase and Cetnik casualties in that total is unknown. [ May 03, 2006, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. From memory i recollect,...that 'Yugoslavia' tied down around 300,000 German troop's throughout the war!.
  21. Yes! ' Jersey John ',...you have presented 'very revealing' and insightful information!. I had known only to a limited degree about what your saying!...but, didn't realize that it was to that extreme extent!. It's a good thing that 'Herr Hitler' had his attitudes and ethic's,...for if it was not the case!...the 'Russian's ' may very well have been defeated by 'Germany'!. Maybey...a 'MOD'/'SCRIPT' could be made to incorporate this possibility???.
  22. WhyNot have 'HQ's show a 'Supply-Indicator' value at all times [Option to toggle on or off]...as this would remove all-the-mystery concerning 'Supply Capacity'!.
  23. Just thinking!... ...whynot have a pop-up that indicates your 'Bombing Result's ' for that turn,... to show you just exactly what has been accomplished!. This 'Option' could then either be Toggled...'On' or 'Off'!.
  24. Dare to put your hand on the 'Lower Countries' that soon in the game, while you are engaged with 'Poland',...and you'll be pulling back a 'Stump'...instead of your hand!.
  25. I'm glad that there are such as those of you... 'Panzerkiel' ...that have noticed this flaw and other flaw's!. This information of your's will shortly become a focus of attention by those who can check/verify & correct the error!.
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