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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Honch!!!... In reply [in Part] to ... http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsStartPac.htm INDIAN & PACIFIC OCEANS at the START - December 1941 September 1940 - Vichy France finally agrees to the stationing of Japanese troops in northern Indochina 1941 April 1941 - Five Year Neutrality Pact between Japan and Russia benefits both powers. Russia can free troops for Europe and Japan concentrate on expansion southwards RELATED INFORMATION: http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsJapConquests.htm http://www.naval-history.net/WW20StartPac.htm http://webpages.charter.net/wisconsinlegion-7thdistrict/WW2_Battles_Pacific.htm http://www.onwar.com/maps/wwii/pacific1/index.htm http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/map22jc.html JAPANESE CONQUESTS 1939 - 1942 http://www.marshal-alex.net/forums/ JAPANESE WAR FACTORY http://www.visual-mp3.com/review/17175.html [1942 Campaign for Malaya Free Download] http://www.kamikazewargames.com/gameCM.htm [ July 04, 2006, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  2. WOW!!!,... an incredible effort you have here Kuniworth!. It has everything i like to see in a MOD...except...an AI player option for either side!...but, that can wait till later perhap's!. I will download it now...and this game will be next to do on my play-list!. Thank's for your effort Kuni ...your work is appreciated!. You have put your 'ALL' into making this MOD as historically correct as possible...it seem's to me!.
  3. Sound's like a good MOD in the making Blashy !. Can we have regular ARTILLERY in this game?.
  4. I concur with Lars!. I Agree with Lars!...in essence, don't be so sure that it can't happen here!. http://watch.pair.com/reich.html Some excerpt's from this one website of many!. "Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed" by John Buchanan New Hampshire Gazette, Oct. 10, 2003 "WASHINGTON - After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush and his 'enemy national' partners. "The documents also show that Bush and his colleagues, according to reports from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and FBI, tried to conceal their financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a steel and coal baron who, beginning in the mid-1920s, personally funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power by the subversion of democratic principle and German law. "Furthermore, the declassified records demonstrate that Bush and his associates, who included E. Roland Harriman, younger brother of American icon W. Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker, President Bush's maternal great-grandfather, continued their dealings with the German industrial baron for nearly eight months after the U.S. entered the war... " President Bush's family had already played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany; in financing and managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of Europe and war against the U.S.A.; and in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with their well-known results. The facts presented here must be known, and their implications reflected upon, for a proper understanding of President George Herbert Walker Bush and of the danger to mankind that he represents. The President's family fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project. The powerful Anglo-American family associations, which later boosted him into the Central Intelligence Agency and up to the White House, were his father's partners in the Hitler project.
  5. Duplicate?...how did that happen?. [ June 29, 2006, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  6. Well stated Rolend!... also to add i would like to still have V1 & V2 Rocket's to perhap's cause Morale Loss and some Minimal MPP loss'es...but, not to be used as a main center-piece weapon's platform!. I too agree with some form of Artillery Unit's, whether they be shell or rocket artillery or both as different technological system's. Rocket's, im not sure, but they might have been more demoralizing than regular artillery???...does anyone know?.
  7. What matter's here is Leadership, Equipment, Tactic's & Strategy!. If any one of those are below Muster, then the price in live's will be higher!. The Romans also destroyed the Briton's in at least as grevious the casualties as Blashy stated for the French,...i think that the Briton's losses were even much worse!.
  8. Im with you Major Spinello ...the Metric System Blow's the Imperial Measurement's system out of the water!,...it's divisible by a common denominator of '10',...THEREFORE,...NO-MIND BENDING FRACTION'S!.
  9. Napoleone'...instituted the 'Metric' system to standardize measurement's so that he could have the war armament's industry standardize ammunition...weapon's...etc!. He also changed the education system to make it so that the commoner's had access to public education!...not just the priveleged and the rich!. He instituted the 1st military 'Ambulance Service' to take care of wounded soldier's!. He also instituted an independent battlefield supply wing to his army,...in order to make ammunition, food supplies, replacement weapon's, etc available for the Armies in the feild!.
  10. Keep it up Timskorn!,... i am in the crowd that loves a good/great AI player opponent!. Some say it will never amount to anything!,...that it is a highly predictable slope headed gaming moron!,...yes, perhap's it's not spectacular much at the moment!...but, one-day with interest and input such as your's and other's,...it will one-day make the AI 'AMOUNT TO SOMETHING'!...of that...i hold as an eventual conclusion to this debate!.
  11. Tigleth Pilisar !,...TREMENDOUS!!!,...I couldn't have stated it any better!. It would be great if 'Hubert' would put your commentary where it could alway's be readily accessable for anyone else who is not of the same mind on this game!,...so that they would be able to see the game and what it is to other's, from another point of view!.
  12. What i see missing is 'Zone of Control' movement penalties!. Remember the old 'Zone of Control' feature in the game's of our past?...it seemed to me...to work well...and alievated this... ...problem!. Moving into the space between two enemy unit's is fair...but, moving 'diagonally through & between two enemy units'...doesn't ring right with me!,...without some kind of movement penalty kicking in!.
  13. http://www.militarymodeler.com/portal/category_253/content_768/contentview.html Russian Army Assault Infantry During World War II, the Russian Armed Forces consisted of five main elements; the Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force, National Air Defense and Armed Forces Support. The Ground Forces represented about 80 percent of the total manpower, being the largest in strength. It had approximately 5,300,000 military effectives at the outbreak of the Russo-German War in June 1941. However, devastating damage brought by the German Mechanized Forces resulted in more than 70 percent losses of its entire troop strength within five months. This led to rapid reorganization of the Ground Forces, and with a help of the harsh winter climate of Russia, they managed to repel German's advance just in front of Moscow. Due to the heavy losses, reorganized units became much smaller than before. Rifle Forces (infantry) reduced their divisional strength from 14,483 to 10,859. Tank Divisions, which possessed some 20,000 armored vehicles, lost about 70% of them at the initial stage of war. Most surviving Tank Divisions were disbanded, and the available tanks and crews were re-assigned to much smaller units like independent tank battalions or tank brigades. It was in 1945, just prior to the end of the conflict, that the Russian Armed Forces recuperated the pre-war level of their strength. The main strength of the Russian counter-offensive was their tank troops. Following concentrated fire by their artillery units, the tank troops advanced in three groups, and many infantrymen rode on the tanks of the 2nd and 3rd groups. This infantry practice was unique to Russian tactics and was called "Tankoviy Desant" by the Russians. Since the Russian Ground Forces did not possess armored troop carriers like the German halftracks, an infantry battalion called the 'Motor Rifle Unit" was attached to every tank brigade and assigned to close support the tanks. A Motor Rifle Unit consisted of about 500 infantrymen. PPSh-41 or PPS-43 machine guns as support arms. Soldiers carried as many magazines as possible, and advanced while riding on tanks. Once encountering an enemy's defensive position, infantrymen would disembark from the tank, attack the position, and then return to the tank. These infantrymen were spearheads of the attack, and due to enemy's defensive fire, liable to sustain heavy casualties. Detailed Commentary of the 'German Invasion of the U.S.S.R.'. http://www.grolier.com/wwii/wwii_6.html I read somewhere that the Russian's were at the end of their manpower reserve's toward's the end of WW2 and that they couldn't afford to maintain the pace of loss'es anymore!. I couldn't find that information this go-a-round!.
  14. One more point that just came to mind!...regarding deep bomber penetration's into enemy held territory!. Since Allied Bomber Fomation's will now go deep into Axis occupied territory [The bomber's will now need extended range to go deeper into Europe],...i would like to propose that somehow the Axis Fighter Air-Fleet's get to attack once on the inbound bomber group and once more on the outbound or homebound bomber fleet!. This was historical,...it was done just so!. As it now stand's...if the bomber's have extended range...they can fly-in,...and be 'intercepted only once' before they can return back to safety!. Where'as in Reality the same interceptor group's,after refueling...could go back up to intercept the bomber & it's Escort Fighter's AGAIN on the bomber-group's flight back home!. The reasoning behind this is,...that each turn is about 2 week's on the average,...so that's why im clamouring for a double attack on a Bomber Air-Fleet if the Attacker elect's to take that option!. Thus...a fighter attack take's place prior to bombing,...then the bomber group [Escorted by it's Escort Fighter's] bomb's it's target,...then the fighter attack group could elect to attack a 2nd time if they feel that they have enough strength to do so!. A FINAL LAST POINT: To be able to Escort Bomber's to Germany ... the Allies will at least need the P-51 Mustang!,...as it is the only fighter that i am aware of that could fulfil that mission!. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/p51_mustang.htm http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~nagle/P51arch.html The Mustang in its primary role: escorting a B-17 Flying Fortress. The Mustang was the first fighter capable of escorting bombers over Berlin. That might mean requiring an Aircraft-Tech level of 4 is my guess!. [ June 23, 2006, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  15. All Terif has to say is,....'I'll take you out at the Knee's and bring you down to my size',...'Then we'll see who's going to go down!'.
  16. Interesting insightful point Rolend ...about... So... then, based on your assessment,...i would say that the German's should suffer a slightly diminished supply situation. Perhap's modeling the supply problem in Russia?. This, of course would be based on the amount and type of Air resources that the Allies bring to bear...and also as to how often that they commit these resources!.. This, would then 'Force' the Allied player to invest in Air-Resource's in order to effect a negative supply effort for the German's as well as to reduce their MPP output for them!. Keep in mind...that weather effect's such as cloudy/rainy or Snow Storm weather should allow Axis supplies to return to their full complement. [ June 23, 2006, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. Im agree with you on your assessment Rolend !. Also with your conclusion about making the US contribution's 'More Historical', thus skewing playbalance to be less historical for the Axis!,...a problem indeed...to be avoided!. If the Axis or in particular, the German's have no-chance-to-win,...then what point would there be to playing the game?.
  18. The increased continuous bombing frequency as well as now bombing deep into Germany is very welcomed where it will historically simulate the 'Real Bombing Effort'!. Thankyou for improving the realism of this aspect of the game Kuniworth !. If one play's the Axis,...the Allied bombing effort should now be a full-time-real-concern as is was historically!. However, some play-balance issue's might need to be resolved so that the Bombing Effort doesn't twist the game into some un-historical result!. EG: If necessary, the German's should be able to get a leg-up on Anti-Aircraft Gun research,...without having to wait till the end of the game before it take's place!. Already in v1.02 for the Bomber Group effort of the British & American's in Western Europe [mostly France],...the latest patch has made an improvement!.
  19. It look's like around 20% of these unit's served in the Pacific!,...i personally thought that it would have been closer to 40-50%!.
  20. Found an interesting WebSite called "World War 2 in the Pacific" http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/7962/ Brian Smith [Creator of the WebSite:] This Brian fellow has 'Sounds of War'- WHICH MIGHT BE INCORPORATED INTO THE 'PACIFIC WAR' MOD! FDR's Speech to Congress Asking for a declaration of war against the Japanese on December 8th, 1941...A radio broadcast of the Attack on Pearl Harbor...Aircraft Sound's...Naval & Land Battle Expose's, make sure to check his LINKS tab!...,...and on and on!. EG: From Links Tab: under the HISTORY LINKS tab http://www.geocities.com/guy_conquest/links.html ***Comando Supremo:Italy at War_The best website out there on the subject of Italy in World War 2.*** 'Home-1941-Weapons' EXCERPT: Autoblinda AB41 in Tunisia. Photo Courtesy Alberto Rosselli Italian Tank crew and M13/40 M13/40 at Aberdeen Proving Ground Littorio battleship outside of the La Spezia naval base in 1942 after undertaking camouflage painting. Photo Courtesy Claudio Tadolti Main entrance of "Campo Mussolini" in Rome 1934. Photo Courtesy Lele [ June 22, 2006, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. Jersey John![Hello Stranger, pull up a seat and make youself Homely!] is that like 'Loosing' instead of 'Losing'?. ------ By the way!...check out...the MODS & SCENARIO Forum http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=59;hardset=0;start_point=0;DaysPrune=0
  22. Ships but not the Ocean ... Hello!. I will add to this posting as i come across more information!....but, for now, i will post what i have. ***Also, you say that you will not have enough units to garrison all of the island's!.*** 1st...in the Editor, someone might know how to increase your build limit's,...if this can be done, your difficulty should then be probably solved!. Also, make 'At Start' UNIT Game Change's to permit you more Starting Corp's [Or Whatever] for Island Garrison purpose's. If 'Increasing Build Limits' is unworkable,...then i have an idea, i don't know if it will work!. IDEA#1: Create New-Unit's such as a (MANNED) BUNKER-ICON to take the place of a Garrison Unit. These Bunker Icon's would then be your Manned [NOT 'Un-Manned'...if that can be figured out???] Fortified Position's on these Island's/Atoll's. You would get a Historical Quantity of Bunker Icon's pre-postioned to simulate pre-garrisoned fortified Island's at the start of the Pacific War!. Engineers would then be able to construct any subsequent fortification's!. Of course, MANNED BUNKER'S may mean that other regular unit's will not be able to end their turn on those Bunker's. Some OKINAWA Fortifications http://www.svsarah.com/Non-Sailing/Okinawa,%20Naha%20AB.htm British and Dominion Armed Forces > http://niehorster.orbat.com/017_britain/__uk.htm British, Colonial, and Dominion Armies > http://niehorster.orbat.com/017_britain/39_india/army.html ***CLICK ON THE ITEM BOXES (That Indicate Unit Formations) TO GET MORE DETAILED INFORMATION [Can only be done at WebSite]*** ORDER OF BATTLE 'Royal Indian Air Force' 3 September 1939 http://niehorster.orbat.com/017_britain/39_india/riaf.html Pacific Theater of Operations _Orders of Battle _The Beginning _8 / 7 December 1941 Malaya, Burma, and Hong Kong http://niehorster.orbat.com/600_pto/41-12-07_pacific.htm More Theatre' Information -> THE HISTORY PLACE _ World War Two in the Pacific http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/pacificwar/timeline.htm [ June 22, 2006, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  23. I have tried to find out about Japanese troop deployment's in the Pacific, but so far, no luck...and im not giving up!. Too much European War history and not too much on the Pacific War is the problem!. Anyway, here are some pic's for 'Unit Bit-Map creation' if so desired!. http://www.figarti.com/Catalog/WWII_Pacific_Theatre/Japanese%20Forces Just found a bit of information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Army http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Armies_of_the_Japanese_Army Allied landings - August 1942 to August 1945 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:US_landings.jpg If you require a Much-Larger MAP...then goto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:US_landings.jpg ...and select "Download high resolution version (2000x1363, 436 KB)". I had the larger-map posted here...but, it was causing the forum here to be elongated by approximately 50%[Making easy reading and negotiation of this site a non-happening situation],...so i have replaced it with a reduced size version of that map!. http://www.anesi.com/ussbs01.htm UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY***PACIFIC WAR*** http://www.combinedfleet.com/kaigun.htm IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY [ June 20, 2006, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  24. I never knew about this 'Red Cross of Lorraine' flag!. What doe's the 'Red Cross' stand for?,...why is it there?.
  25. LORD OF THE RINGS - METALMINIATURES http://www.mithril.ie/LT/index.html Théoden King of the Mark Half-orcs http://my.fcc.net/%7Eworkgroup5/pages/ Minas Tirith_GONDORS Capital City Helms Deep Castle http://www.sodemons.com/rhmithril/indexrohan.htm Rohan Spear Horseman PHOTO'S: 'Click Write-Up's -BELOW- to see picture's Saruman's army consisted mainly of orcs like this. Isengard was the stronghold of Saruman, an ally (servant) of Sauron of Mordor. Saruman used orcs to assault Helm's Deep. But they were defeated and destroyed and Isengard itself was attacked by an army of Ents with the help of Merry and Pippin. Theodan sent his people to Helm's Deep as a result of the raiders from Mordor and the new threat from Saruman in Isengard. Lord of the Nazgul: Chief of all the servants of Sauron, the Witch-king (Lord of the Nazgul) was, in origin, one of the black Numenoreans who the Dark-lord seduced to his own service by the gift of one of the Nine rings. The rings conferred great power upon their wearers but also subjugated them forever to the will of Sauron. Half-orc of Isengard-He was part of Saruman's experiment of cross breeding orcs with humans to be able to withstand daylight Gimli, son of Gloin, from the Dwarf Kingdom under the Lonely Mountain, was chosen by Elrond to represent the Dwarven folk among the Companions of the Ring. Gandalf the Grey, the wandering wizard, called Mithrandir by the Elves, was well known amongst the peoples of Middle Earth. Saruman was chief of the Istari or order of wizards in Middle-earth. Isengard orc warrior-Orcs of the white hand, one race amongst many in Saurman's army. http://www.lotrfanshop.com/lotrshop/actionfigures/armiesofmiddleearthdeluxefigur.asp?ReturnPage=/lotrshop/figures.asp Figure-Gondorian Horseman http://www.lotrfanshop.com/lotrshop/actionfigures/gondorianhorsemanbattlescalefi.asp?ReturnPage=/lotrshop/figures.asp Gondorian Horseman http://www.lotrfanshop.com/lotrshop/actionfigures/treebeardttactionfigure2ndrele.asp?ReturnPage=/lotrshop/figures.asp Treebeard [ENT] [ July 30, 2006, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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