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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Honch : If we can at least get HQ's as you just said, that should fix the problem of moving Bulgarian forces to and from Sophia!. Where'as without them, the Bulgarian Army cannot negotiate anything except clear terrain. As far as the Mannerheim fix goes, yes, moving him so that he start's in full supply will definetly help out!. Strange thing with the Mannerheim HQ, it doesnt have enough 'oomph' even at full supply to permit an army within range of good supply to move through forest or swamp or a combination of both. By reducing the movement cost for such terrain, that will resolve that issue for sure!. Finally, that 'activate far east reserves' issue need's a remedy as well!. Thank's for helping out, will look forward to giving the MOD another go after it has been re-adjusted!.
  2. Fartknock3r : Thank's for your response!. It might not seem like much, but it helps us you-know!, at least we now know that 'Your above ground, instead of underground'.
  3. JerseyJohn: I like your 'Alternate Hypothetical Path in 1940', it does have a REAL-POSSIBLE-HISTORICAL basis in-fact! [Fictitious?...even so, this situation could have easily have developed as such], so, whynot create this art-form for us to indulge in!. [ August 21, 2006, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  4. Capt Andrew , Again i concur!. I would at least like to get a progress update, whether it be positive or negative. So far in the last two week's or so, there has been a deafining silence on at least 2 Major Project's, including my 'War for Middle Earth' wish-list MOD!. Im hoping that ' Honch ' will still keep it in his personal to do/attempt list.
  5. Capt Andrew , im with you on this!, i was hoping that the Alexander MOD would have been out already!. We can only hope that it decides to surface one of these day's. It's too good a MOD idea for it to fade away. Im hoping that the 'Alexander' crew will give us an 'Update'. Us 'Alexander' Fan's would surely appreciate that gesture.
  6. Delete this posting abberation- - - please!. [ August 21, 2006, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. Im for both 'Very REAL HISTORICAL' related MOD'S as well as Neuro-Psychotic-Mind-Bending-MOD's. I like very much SeaMonkey's Hypothetical MOD idea... because it is based on real historical information/Archive's. Also i would like just a little bit more information as to why Stalin was considering this possibility as a necessesity?. Now for my Psychotic game idea, it has been brought up before by me [and totally dismissed by the community],...and that is after the War in Europe has been decided [Axis Victory], i would like to have a MOD dealing with the Invasion of North America!. The Atom-Bomb could be included or excluded here, i prefer not to have it included, and now have both the Japanese & German's/Italian's coming for the final kill!.
  8. J P Wagner , Interesting idea to put Limit's or Cap's on Unit-Strength!. A useful tool indeed, it could be very helpful for some application's. Now, on your Bit-Map's, Interesting WW1 Sopwith or Neuport?, Strange-Looking Horse-Rider's, Medieval Fortification with Gates or Draw-Bridge's (i think?) guarded by 4 gun position's, and last but not least, that 'ZarDoz' Beast - Self Propelled Unit that you have there!, what is it anyway?. Your concept work is interesting if nothing else!. [ August 20, 2006, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. Capt Andrew ,...i really hope that this is not another abandoned project!. We are now at the end of the Summer Vacation Season, so now, hopefully it'll be the right time to redirect concentration & effort's on these 'MOD' project's. "F&F" MOD = The East is a Beast!. They've put a lot of work and effort into it already, so i would bet that this is not a dead or abandoned project.
  10. More Version 6 Idiosyncracies: KHARTOUM: At North of Khartoum the 'Ariete' Tank Group [1-space distance from Khartoum, or placement is actually in 2nd row from City] is attacking a (uk) Bomber [bomber is adjacent to Khartoum];... so far so good, now...im trying to bring in the (Italian) xxi corps to assist reducing the (uk) Bomber,... so this Italian Corps should be able to enter the 2nd row to bring to bear it's firepower against the Bomber, or move up against Khartoum itself, BUT!, cannot???. Therefore, i am unable to bring the Italian Corps to bear either against the Bomber or the city???. My unit is not-permitted to move in any closer, it's like a force field is in place???,... some kind of restriction?. However on the South side of Khartoum the Italian Corp's can at least move in behind the River and finally can now attack the city, at least it now can be adjacent to the city...whereas on the north side it cannot even enter the 2nd row of squares at all!. Might the Bomber somehow be the cause of the abberation?...as regarding a type of 'Zone of Control' or something?,... as the clear terrain squares are acting like impassable terrain!. UPDATE KHARTOUM: At very-long last the (uk) Bomber has been eliminated, NOW!, the 'Impassable' terrain bogey problem is gone!. I can now move unit's around Khartoum in the normal, regular fashion. NEXT!: My 'Finnish' Mannerheim HQ at start [601,5],...right from the 'get-go' is constantly out of supply, cannot move at all and so is thusly rendered impotent/unusable?,...and 'Finnish' unit's are now unable to move away from the vicinity of Finland's capital or to move to Leningrad, or to leave their country at all!. UPDATE FINLAND!: Captured Leningrad, at long last it grades up to 40% Efficiency, and so now finally, Mannerheim has supply for the very 1st time!. However, Mannerheim's supply of 10 is not effecting movement of the Finnish Army to Leningrad, nor is the HQ able to move at all itself, even though it has the maximum supply of '10' [strange?],...it is now Dec 14/41. ---It's now June 14 1942 [Game Crash Time] and the Mannerheim HQ is still 'unable' to move itself or allow the Finnish Army unit just south of it to move toward's or into Leningrad. Will add more information as i come across it!. BACK AGAIN!: Was just checking on my Italian Unit's in the'Palestine/Trans Jordan' location,...and here, even though my Italian Unit's are adjacent to or in the Cities of Jerusalem or Amman, they derive no-supply from them???... why is that?. Same situation for Italian occupation forces in Alexandria and Cairo!,... no-supply, even though they are occupying the cities!. So, unless an HQ accompanies unit's constantly,and are in range, the Unit's get no-supply!. BULGARIA: 5th Army & 1st Corp's are unable to move at all to or from Sophia! since joining the Axis!. 5th Army is able to move on clear terrain in the SE, but, unable to move into the forest or mountain's toward's Sophia. A constant out of supply condition persist's even through the summer, no change in supply status was observed!. BULGARIA UPDATE: May 2nd/42 Romania finally joins including it's own HQ!!!, NOW!, Bulgaria can move it's troop's into the Forest's & Mountain's. Bulgaria by itself was unable to move it's Army & Corp's unit into the Forest or Mountain's without it's own HQ, but now with Romania's HQ included in the alliance, they can. JAPAN: I purchased a Japanese HQ Unit, then tried to place it when it was finally available. The Japanese controlled city of Bangkok was unoccupied and so i tried to put the HQ there, however i was unable to emplace it there or anywhere else on the map?. UNTIL!!!,...by accident i found 'TOKYO' in the extreme upper right hand corner of the map, i was at last able to put the HQ into a city, now i'll try to transport it to the Bangkok area. SEGMENTATION VIOLATION: One turn after setting down the Japanese HQ unit into TOKYO,...i get this message on June 14, 1942 [***Deploying the Japanese HQ to TOKYO has no effect on this SEGMENTATION VIOLATION error!.***]...as i reloaded the previous game prior to deploying the HQ, then did not deploy it, and still got the same SEGMENTATION error: "USSR activates the far eastern reserves" "FAILED (handle_unit_scripts):" "segmentation violation" GAME CRASHES!,...and so for now this is the end of it!. Otherwise a very interesting game!. Makes me want a WAR IN THE PACIFIC Mod, as well as a Global Mod, which would include both the European & Pacific theatre's. [ August 21, 2006, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. Capt Andrew ...Who immediately comes to mind for this type of specialty [scripting] is...Edwin P._Blashy_Honch & Seamonkey . Im sure that some other's are good at it too!, but i just can't think of them at this moment!. [ August 19, 2006, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  12. The effect of bombing was not to weaken the U.S. militarily, but to influence it's citizenry to take an anti-war stance and put pressure on Washington to give up the war in Europe. 12,000,000 or so, people live in the New York Area today, so what was it in WW2?...7-8 Mil?, anyway, if enough of those citizen's were absorbing bomb's now and then, im sure that would affect their attitude toward's the war in Europe. I can't figure out how Hitler figured that he would be able to bomb New-York,...as the U.S. would surely have Radar, and make it impossible to make a surprise bombing run?.
  13. I was watching the History Channel and the 'Bombing of America' was the topic!. Willy Messerschmit,...showed Adolf Hitler a prototype of the Amerika Bomber,... he said to Hitler...would one-day would be able to reach America. So even though Willy only had a Non-Operable Mock-Up at the moment, he knew that Hitler was definetely interested in Long-Range-Bomber's and so being the Salesman he was, made a strong assertive argument that he could deliver such a weapon for Hitler's plan's. According to the show, Hitler was interested in that prospect, but knew that the distance was too great at the present time, so then he had tenative plan's made up to attack 'Iceland',...in order to put airbases on it in order to launch his bombers from there!. However the U.S. president saw the danger of Iceland being exposed to Axis forces, and so was able to arrange for U.S. forces to be stationed there, thus unkowningly, disrupting Hitler's plan to invade & occupy Iceland!. Hitler wanted to bomb New-York in order to use this event/action to assist in forcing the U.S. to negotiate in order to get them out of the war, as he wanted to concentrate his effort's on the Eastern Front. Also what was discussed was to do a similar effort in South America, just South of Mexico!. From there, these bombers would also be able to strike the U.S. . At that point i fell asleep, so i am unable to provide more information on this subject. So what about an event based on this information?,...that it could be included as a random possibility in the game?. Is there any point to it at all?. [ August 18, 2006, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  14. So far in Version-6, i am unable to occupy Amsterdam, the Allied Unit occupying Amsterdam has been eliminated!. That should not be happening!. ***UPDATE: On the 3rd-turn after removing the Army occupying Amsterdam, i was finally able to occupy the City!.*** [ August 17, 2006, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  15. Hello!, check with howller ...i have only seen 1-post from him and that is in the 'Mod Request' discussion!. He claim's to have some capacity or the where-with-all to work with 'Bit-Maps',...so i was thinking, whynot contact him or send him an E-Mail to see if he can help you out?.
  16. J P Wagner ,...im glad that the MOD is being made, and thankful that your creative enough to do what look's like a very decent job of thing's!. I am looking forward to giving it a go!.
  17. Hyazinth von Strachwitz ...at least to me, what you say makes sense!,...it look's good on paper!. The way you explain it, seem's like it could work out game-wise!. I guess we'll soon hear from the 'Game Design Experts' as to how your argument can fit in!.
  18. howller ...Hello!...first of all!,...2ndly i don't really know how many faction's there are, however quite a few web-sites are listed in the discussion topic...that could be used to ascertain that!. I think personally what is most important is to include the main players...then amalgamate the remainder into some of the other main player's if necessary!. HONCH ...was going to make this MOD and still might!, he recently bought a 'Battle for Middle Earth' board game in order to use it as a template to assist in the design for this MOD!. I really really really believe that he would just love to have you help him out!. The only problem right now is that everyone seem's to have gone quiet???,...a 'Summer Holidays' thing or what?. Anyway, please keep an eye out for HONCH and make contact with him!. P.S. : On page 1 of this discussion is a PDF file illustrating a Battle for Middle Earth Wargame and it shows a lot, including all the major players, rules, Location start position's, Reinforcement Schedule's, military icons etc, etc!. Please go over all the posting's carefully, checking each & every link, then you will have a very good idea of what this project will or can involve!. This will not be a simple MOD to make,...and so as well...i offer my services to search for specific information, Characters, Abilities of so said Characters, Maps, Building Constructions, etc, etc!. I think i have laid a pretty good foundation of useful usable information, and will work at it as needed to bring it up to where it need's to be as required by HONCH & perhap's yourself as well!. [ August 13, 2006, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. Your onto something Liam !, also what i would like to add is what really happened historically,...and that is,... because of the bad weather in the English Channel [believing that the Allies would dare not invade],...the German's relaxed their vigilance and were caught off-guard, thus making the Allied Amphibious invasion more successful!. At that same time, Counter-Intelligence had a conspiracy to fool the German's into believing that 'Patton' was going to lead the Main-Invasion-Assault at Calais!...and that the present invasion going on was just merely a diversion!. That's why Hitler refused to release the Panzer's to counter the Allied invasion effort!. Had those Panzer's been released or moved up to the coast as Rommel recommended, the D-Day invasion may have had a different result!. Maybey some of what i just mentioned could be factored into the game somehow!. For example, the convincing of Hitler to believe that Patton would invade Calais,...could become a random chance occurence that the Allied attacker would never know for sure until the actual invasion is attempted?.
  20. As you stated,...yes, your Paratroop's should have supply ONCE Finland has joined the Axis!,...otherwise, they're going to be out of supply!.
  21. Hagen: "I hate the happy and am never glad!" Ren & Stimpy: "Happy!...Happy!...Joy!...Joy!".
  22. To get the best attention for a 'BUG' report,...post these occurences at... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=forum;f=22 & also E-Mail directly to 'Hubert Cater' at... support@furysoftware.com
  23. To get the best attention for a 'BUG' report,...post these occurences at... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=forum;f=22 & also E-Mail directly to 'Hubert Cater' at... support@furysoftware.com
  24. I was born in 'Toronto' Ontario, Canada in the 'York-County/District'!. Then, lived in St. Catharine's near Niagra Fall's [around 10-12 miles away]!. Of course i don't remember much of it anymore!. Ontario is OK!, but i plan to live in KITIMAT, British Columbia, Canada!...in the 'Cable Car District'. Just got the tree's falled, local's took most of it away [Thank-Goodness],Culvert put in the ditch,...property road entrance built over the Culvert & had fill brought in for the property to level out the landscape, Bull-Dozed, Gravel brought in for the road,...and it look's "Great"!. 131ft X 400ft lot! [1.21 Acre's],...with a 100ft X 360ft area cleared!...and the natural soil has good drainage capability!. It's beautiful up there!, Bloody Gorgeous!. There is also an Inlet similar to a Fjord [60 Miles or near 100Km or more from the Pacific Ocean!]...is there as well!. Terrace & Prince Rupert are not too far away either!. Large enough convenient Airport's and 1st-Class Hi-Way are also part of the package!. Only an 12-13 hour drive to Vancouver, British Columbia from Kitimat!. Check it out at the B.C. map web-Site included below!. http://www.ourbc.com/bc_maps/pdf/BC-nologo.pdf -Use Zoom-In & Out features! & Hand-Grabber to move about the Map. Kitimat, British Columbia: As the producer of 11% of British Columbia's manufacturing output, Kitimat, a town of only 10,233, is an economic tiger. Sitka Spruce Tree near Kitimat: A large tree that commonly grows up to 70 metres tall and 2 metres across when mature. The largest known Sitka spruce is 93 metres tall and 5 metres across. Sitka spruce has been introduced into Britain and northern Europe, where it is now widely grown. [3.28ft=1 Metre] http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/explore/north/cities/kitimat.htm http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/documents/treebook/sitkaspruce.htm The MAP on display below is from: & 'Kitimat' is just a little SE of an extension of Alaska near the coast!. http://www.sitesatlas.com/Maps/Maps/canbc1.gif ***By-The-Way!...'Battlestar Galactica' is NOW shooting episodes in 'Kamloops, British Columbia', i guess they have had enough of the scenery from the Vancouver area [Very Green & Lush, a very moderate Temperate Climate_Lot's of large Tall Tree's & Vancouver is Surrounded by an arc of Real Mountain's [Not Hill's]],...find 'Kamloops' [Desert-leaning like terrain] on the map!,...it's just over the Coquihalla Hi-Way,...the Hi-Way on top of the mountain range!.*** http://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=15&cat=44&id=702286&more=%20report Battlestar Kamloopica: The crew of Battlestar Galactica turned Kamloops' arid landscape into a landing pad for a Hollywood spaceship, above, and a battlefield for series stars Michael Trucco (playing Samuel Anders), right, and Alisen Down (playing Jean Barolay) as they exchange fire with the cylons . City of 'Kamloops': http://www.city.kamloops.bc.ca/index.shtml http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/bchighwaycam/index.aspx?hideFramework=False&cam=1 BC Highway Cams-Highway 5 (Coquihalla) Zopkios, near the Coquihalla Summit looking south (elevation: 1220 metres/4000 feet) Toll plaza, looking north. (elevation: 1140 metres) [ August 16, 2006, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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