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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. My guess is you will need to re-do (add back in) the AI Plans as they were deleted when you changed the Map size, Setup Zones and Objectives. Joe
  2. It's to bad these Tests, and any BF Armor/Ballistics Modeling (much latter) weren't incorporated into 'Tractics' back in the day :-( I still remember in one example; the U.S. M4/76 Gun needed to use HVAP (APCR) to penetrate the Upper Hull of Panther (AP couldn't as Upper Hull was around 160mm or 80mm@55 degrees), since HVAP penetrated something around 200mm. Now, newer Data (or rather older Data that was never incorporated into Rules) showed this to be improbable as even 76mm APCR couldn't penetrate Panther Upper Hull (or even U.S. 90mm Gun). I wonder how many other WWII Miniature Rules from the 70's-90's are totally wrong about this (I know many are). Joe
  3. Nah !..Ammo Dumps (along with Troops carrying to much Ammo) are for those who play FPS Games, and have no place in CM
  4. Now Now, User1000, can we be alittle more, well, User Friendly :-)...IronCross is still New here on these Forums. In regards to .050 Cal...It can do some minor-major Damage (some possible penetrating) if several rounds hits the side Suspension area of most Medium Tanks (in between the Hull & Tracks), and in general even penetrate side Armor of Light Tanks.
  5. As the previous Poster mentioned, (if not, I will say it here) RO is the way to go (thou dated, and often Dead), and it's 'Darkest Hour' mod (more lively)...Not RO2. I haven't play 'RO & Darkest Hour' in awhile, and so it's time for me to jump in to see what's the latest going on...Need a FPS fix from time to time...Thou, Technically, ARMA 2-3 (WWII Mod) is supposed to be much better, it's just that I never got around to purchase it.
  6. I see that all the time against the Panther (not sure if I remember against other Armor), and it seems every Hit Decal that's against the Front Lower Half Turret gets the same Decal on Top of Hull. I'm thinking it's some sort of Game Engine 'Reflection' (possible 'Bug' ?) and not an actual Hit 'Deflection'?...Or-...The Game Engine is showing Fragments as a Decal on Top Hull...Basically, just a Superficial Hit on top Hull that's being represented as an additional Hit Decal. Actually, this is a fairly good point to discuss in a New Topic... Joe
  7. You meant to say, "The German late War HT can be dealt with from a .50 cal bullet"...Didn't you :-)
  8. Ok, we now established that the Jeep/MG is also a "Bullet Magnet" with a Concentrated Barrage centered on the Gunner. This now pretty much means that CM considers exposed Personal (Tank Crew, Jeep/MG, HT, AA/Vehicles) as Priority Targets and plain Jeeps/Trucks not so...Ok, Fine. However...I still have a problem of these Units being an instant "Bullet Magnet" w/concentrated Barrage. As I mentioned earlier, it needs to be toned down abit with things like; alittle longer acquire times, more sporadic (vs. concentrated), and wider dispersal of Small Arms fire of maybe Action-Spot in size...The closer the Target gets, alittle more concentration of Small Arms fire. Anyways, just my Million-Dollar solution :-)
  9. the Real Life view is probably even alittle worse then #1 (definitaley not #3...except if using a Bino to try and identify target) since there is real-life weather conditions, troops popping up-down, etc, etc...I barely can tell that there is a Vehicle there, let alone someone on top. So how can CM justify having a HT Gunner receive this instant Laser-like Precision Small Arms fire ?...I don't know either. in the above situation, the HT as a whole (let alone Gunner), at best, should receive sporadic Small Arms or burst of MG Fire with some hits but most miss. Slightly off subject, but Contrary to the previous Poster, RL Troops in the Open would probably not give away their position (unless it's short range and knows it can take out threat) knowing the retaliation in this situation can be worse...MG Gunner in protective HT at long range vs Troops in the Open...I report, you decide.
  10. Rocket, Use an Jeep/MG in your test...This will give us an idea how it compares to HT Gunners, and plain just Jeep/Trucks. Will we still get the same 'Bullet Magnet' situation we see with the HT, or will the Jeep/MG receive sporadic or Small Arms fire aimed against the Jeep itself and not the Gunner (as if it's just a plain Jeep/Truck)...If it's the Latter, then we should ask ourselves why since both should be considered equal threats (both have unbuttoned MG Gunners).
  11. Ok, this HT 'Bullet Magnet' & HT Gunner Survivability issue has been around since CMBN...The Laser like Hail of Small Arms Precision along with the increased Firepower patch since CMBN (especially automatics) has simply made the HT too Unsurvivable. No Scientific Data here, but reasonably at 250 meters away with Small Arms against even a Vehicle Size Target should be around 50% and say 25% if aiming at top half of vehicle, then try hitting a man size target on the top who is considered Hull Down...I venture to say a 'Lucky Shot' is needed to get a hit. Snipers at the above Range or Close Range Fire of say 100 meters should result in more consistent HT Gunner/Crew Hits. I don't know what's needed, but me thinks it should take alittle longer to acquire that Gunner/Crew (and not this instant spotting of Crew who are hull down), less overall Firepower (more Pop Shots vs. Aimed Shots), or maybe a better 'Savings Roll' to represent Gunners/Crew ducking in and out of cover when fired upon (not visually simulated), and more quicker Buttoned up of these Vehicles. Don't get me wrong, but I think unbuttoned Units are still a priority target and should get hit fairly regularly, but not at the pace CM portrays it now.
  12. Hello Rocketman,

    In regards to your HT SurvivabilityTest...Add a Jeep/wMG and see what effects are produced.


    1. rocketman


      Thanks for the suggestion. I have considered it, but it is not the main focus just yet. From experience they die awfully quick but are also more exposed than HT gunners.

  13. You mean, more realistically 10 Volleys to KO a HT Gunner at that ranage...Right ?...Cuz, if it's only 10 bullets, then that's one of the most absurd things I have heard about CM. Yes, we have established HT/TC Gunners/Crew are 'Bullet Magnets' and are KO'ed far to easily a long time ago, but BF thinks that's Ok anyways. Joe
  14. Hey John, here is an PBEM opponent that plays Platoon up to Reinforced Company size engagements. You can try your hand against him for more continued Therapy as there is no need to play against anyone else...After all, who else do you know on these Forums reminisced the past playing "TRACTICS" :-) Joe
  15. Looking to play against 1-2 PBEM Opponents for the titles listed in Topic heading (no Vehicle or Scenario Pack for CM:BN). At the moment I like to play: Tiny, Meetings, QB's with some variable parameters, or Scenarios that I make-up. PM or Write Back to let me know and will setup something in Dropbox (only use Dropbox for File exchanges). I also like to use the following House Rules below: * No Arty on the First Turn of a Meeting Engagement, or First Turn from Defender. * Let the Computer AI choose what Targets to shoot at...However, a Player can still use 'Area-Fire' at any part of the battlefield (Mouse Cursor will say 'Area-Fire' at so and so range), and use 'Firing Arcs'. * Vehicle Smoke Dischargers is controlled by the Computer AI, and not by the Player. * Turn off Vehicle 'Hit Text'. Joe
  16. What's this 'Bolt Action' you speak of...There Can Only Be One...TRACTICS :-)
  17. Nah !..I will just stick to my Company Size Scenarios... Joe
  18. Yes, and Thanks for pointing out that helpful 'Animation' File you created RockinHarry...I use it, and it probably helps a little somewhat on the Battlefield.
  19. Oh Yes, it has changed thou, for the worse...After all, we got a Higher Rate of MG Fire, Higher Rate of Small Arms Fire at short range (both, in which we all wanted, right), Crews who instantly die when they unbutton (BF doesn't believe Bullet Trajectory should be Center-Mass...you know, like in RL, but instead, Bullets continuously hit top part of Vehicle), Arty that almost always KO's someone on the Battlefield far away from the Blast, etc, etc. Just to name a few. Sorry, I will try and Rant a little harder next time...Just not feeling up to it today.
  20. Yeah, I'm with 'Point of Bullet, and Emery's of Michael' here, and also think (as many do) that Casualties are alittle to High in CM, and having a 'Light Target' as a Standard Order, and or a better Savings Roll to represent troops taken better cover or using better survival instincts. Yes, there has been many a discussion on this over the years. Basically, we get things from BF saying something like, "Think of CM as a Time Compressed Battle, what normally takes 30-60 minutes in CM is like Several Hours in RL"...Or..."Players push Troops to hard and in unrealistic ways. I think CM simply hasn't gotten it right with the Game Engine in regards to Bullet Trajectory, Arty, Cover, Savings Roll, Ammo Expenditure, etc. So, in saying the above, I try to find ways to make Casualties in CM alittle more palatable...Using only Green, but with different levels of Leadership & Motivation to represent actual Green, Reg, or Vet troops in RL. Joe
  21. Oh, and I thought 'Iron' Difficulty is not enough...Guess you and I would never play as Opponents :-( Joe
  22. Yeah, I figured your trying not to represent 'Tip of the Spear'...just keep in mind CM is fast paced by Game Engine Design, and you will for sure need to use Clever Techniques (AI Mission). If anything, At least the initial placement of your Sniping Troops will give them additional Cover/Concealment compared to a battle that's ongoing.
  23. Bullet, Keep in mind, CM's Game Engine is all about 'Tip of the Spear' Battle'/Scenarios...Because of this, Troops (snipers, etc) tend to get Spotted quickly (1-2 Turns), and the Return Fire more deadly (especially from an opponent who will use 'Area-Fire' at every Opportunity). This would mean your Snipers will probably be short lived (either KO'ed or Ineffective). Now, you can try to represent your idea of 'Harassing' enemy 2nd line or Transport Troops (not 'Tip of Spear') by giving your enemy Green Moral, Moderate Motivation, and your Snipers Vet, High Motivation +1 Leadership for example...This will at least give your Snipers a better chance of Harassing Enemy w/out get spotted right away ( then, re-locate). Anyways, as others have mentioned, try Testing these ideas out to achieve the desired results. Joe
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