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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Hello burroughs,

    Interested in playing CMBN, FI, or RT, up to Reinforced Company, Meeting, QB's.

    I also use Dropbox for Game File exchanges, and can do 1-2 turns daily.


  2. Hello Veles Truck,

    Interested in playing CMBN, FI, or RT, up to Reinforced Company, Meeting, QB's.

    I also use Dropbox for Game File exchanges, and can do 1-2 turns daily.


  3. Yeah, that's right, it's MadMatt...I also remember KD, Moon, and couple others. Yeap, I also remember a few of these past Forum members back in the day...Many have left, but some have stayed after all these years.
  4. I remember having the same or similar issue in a QB...I set a 30 or 45 sec delay with a T-34/85 and the countdown jumped to I think 5-6 seconds. Joe
  5. This just came up, and was wondering to myself, how many of the Original BF Crew (pre-CMSF) are left, and when did others leave, and who are fairly new (post CMSF)..Off-Hand, I remember back in 01-03' time-frame, Steve, and Mad Mike (and his 'Mad Minute' phrase), but I'm sure there were a couple others. * Side-Note*...I remember coming across the 'Battlefront' web site, and downloaded the CMBO Demo back in 01'-02', then purchased the Game shortly after, then CMBB & CMAK about a year later...Had all 3x CMx1 Games by Dec 03-04'. Joe
  6. I'm just Glad that you are in constant recovery, and continue to participate in the Forums and playing CM when you can :-)
  7. It may not stop a PBEM Game File, but it might render it incompatible...Which means, you may or may not notice any hidden issues during a game, and so it's better to take, BletchleyGeek's, advice to be safe. Joe
  8. Hello Panzer,

    Interested in playing CM:BN-FI-RT against Human. I like up to Reinforced Company size QB's, and can do 1-2 files a day.

    I also use Dropbox...If interested, then PM with your Dropbox email. 


  9. Hello petsi,

    Interested in the following: CM:BN-FI-RT (fully patched) against Human Opponent via PBEM...I prefer up to Reinforced Company size engagements.

    I also use Dropbox, and can do 1-2 files a day...If interested PM your Dropbox email.


  10. Correct, and there is no Embarking on Armor...The Arrow (Red) just shows that you can't embark on that Armor, but can still be moved into that AS (Action-Spot) that Armor occupies. Maybe in the next CMBN Game Engine (v4), we might see Embarking on Armor (which we were hoping would happen with Game Engine v3, but didn't materialize). Joe
  11. Test Results were tested by yours untruly...You have more cover in the Open, then you do in Rat Holes...err, I mean Fox Holes.
  12. Surely, you meant you can't get a 'Single Game' done in over a month vs. the Computer, then I could understand...However, if by the smallest chance in the universe, you said One-Turn in over a month....Then, Daaammmnnn, what the Frack is wrong with you :-) Of course, I will have to wait another month before you respond back :-/
  13. I believe this was brought up before in the past. I Think, Steve, mentioned that there was far to much content to make just one Core Game Engine with different Modules as separate Games...Instead, each Game would have it's own Core Engine with separate Modules.
  14. Ahh, it's no wonder it took 5 minutes once the M7 got to the Hedge to shoot out...Good Editing Indeed. * Side-Note; I wish CMBN had a better provision for sighting delays Firing from a Tall Hedge that a Unit just moved up to...In RL, I would think a Unit would have to first Probe through the Thick Underbrush just to see what's on the otherside. Joe
  15. Ahh, and I still know what you did last Summer
  16. OMG, I use to live near Chantilly, Va (Loudoun County-Sterling), and my Dad opened-up a Game Shop there called 'Wargamers Hobby Shop' back in the early 80's. However he sold it in early 90's...Now, I visit the 'Game Parlor' in Chantilly from time to time to keep up with the Hobby. I'd definitely by CW & MG now...Then, CMFB at a later date. Joe
  17. Ahh, I'm telling, Mom (BF), what you just said...and your going to get a Licking
  18. Now, DasMorbo, if you would have said 'Space Lobsters', and the 'Space Lobsters of Dome' Module, then you would have been Ok
  19. Actually, if your unit is also in Panic or worse, then you may get a Darker Red Line...Unit is simply out of C&C due to being in Bad Shape.
  20. Brighter the Red, the more your Unit is in C&C of the parent HQ. Also, If you look at your Troops UI, you will also notice Visual & Voice Icons...The closer your unit is to the HQ you may get both Visual & Voice (better C&C communication), but further away you may only get Visual (less C&C communication), and if neither, then (no C&C communication). I personally don't use the 'Command Lines' option (turn them off), and just go by my Units Visual & Voice Icons to give me an idea of my level of C&C. Joe
  21. I think, IanL, actually has a better assessment of the 'Time Compression' factor, but your Statement also has some merit.
  22. Your Correct in that BFC didn't put a time measure per-say (that # I stated is how I roughly perceived it to be), but rather CM has a 'Time Compression' factor of sorts including the ones you listed.
  23. Casuas Belli What you are suggesting actually works better using a Multi-Battle Campaign and not a Single Battle. Also, to keep things into perspective, CM uses Time Compression to simulate Battles that could last several hours...a 15 minute turn in CM could equal an Hour of Combat in RL (that's BF's reasoning anyways). Combat in CM is a lot more deadlier then in RL, and your Omaha example would have All Troops on one side Dead in an hour. Joe
  24. Yes, just like you can enter a Destroyed Standalone Building from all angles. Joe
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