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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. I forgot this one Mark Gallear's Mod Corner
  2. At CMHQ in the left side column, Combat Missions, 3rd Party Mods and Mad Dog are all CMBO but some will work in BB. The CMMOS mods are listed as BB and BO. These mods are written for and work best with the CMMOS mod manager. Wife and I used to go to the Sheraton in French Lick for weekend getaways. Back in the 70s. Best memory was a horseback tour in October through the hills with the fall colours on the trees. Evansville, I think we drove around the town one time.
  3. I'm not being mean I hope You need to start playing with the editor. Besides being a fun break from playing CM, you can learn a few things. Go to the units menu and pick 10 120s and a T34. Go preview the map. Set the T34 in the middle. Set your mortars around behind the T34 at least 100m away. Save as T34test. Exit and start the battle. Fire away and let me know the answer.
  4. Some stuff at Tom's TCMHQ SW Ind? I've been to French Lick. And that college town near there.
  5. DavidI that is why I have 6 AK installs plus 2 BB. Saves me from most of that swapping. Great mods BTW.
  6. Once you have prisoners, what to do. The normal advice is to walk them off your side of the map. Do they need an escort? Or will they stay hands up unattended.
  7. And by renaming the AVI file I no longer have the annoying beginning.
  8. If I read you correctly, cmmods and the mods database are the same site. Todd is busy with real life right now and will get the website back up when he can.
  9. We all know that BFC are not going to do any more with BO BB and AK but it is as much fun as a family reunion to argue about this stuff.
  10. If I play vs I should have a choice. If I PBEM, my opponent and I discuss version, size, forces etc. Some people use Fionn's rules or other agreements. Some people are just asking to take the "luck" equation out of the battle. I too have checked ground pressure stat before going off into the soft ground or snow. I would be nice to choose when.
  11. Sixth post on first page. My comment came from games like Steel Panthers where you have a user parameters screen. There are things you can turn on or off to suit your style. Like breakdowns. In the editor for ops the designer can set repair/recovery/resupply/etc Why not have a player screen too.
  12. Is there a way to PayPal him while we wait? Not to highjack the thread. We love your mods Gurra and Mikey.
  13. Almost one year later, I have this problem. Installed 71.89 driver. Same. Going to setup mode doesn't help.
  14. Another thought. The analyse program takes a while to run and IIRC doesn't show on the screen until it is finished. You might try running it again and just wait longer or did you get an error message?
  15. Send it to me and wait 4 hours. I'm at work.
  16. Rob, I have the same card 4x/8x. Just got it. Now when I am in the map editor I cannot arrow side to side and up down without it pausing and jumping. Same for you?
  17. Better than that is a column of black smoke hovering above a road. Later on found to be an AFV hit by mortar fire.
  18. And Sergei's Finland maps at Der Kessel They are beautiful.
  19. I don't mind a surprise if it is reasonable and plausible. For CMBB try Hans' A Simple Attack Comrade at TSD as Soviets. EDIT under A for A Simple Attack Comrade [ April 12, 2005, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  20. And diameter, lettering, texture, number of lifting holes...
  21. If you have CMAK and want a lesson in fighting withdrawl, get the operation HSG-B-The Forest Battle by Warmonger Even if you only play part of it you will learn something. You win by preventing the Germans from reaching the end of the map.
  22. Watch out for the manhole cover grogs.
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