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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. At The Scenario Depot, under CMAK, Battles, Index, letter S for Small Battles or SB Or search by author Hans
  2. And my wife says I waste my time here, ha! I never knew that. I'm a City boy.
  3. Thanks bob48, wait till cmmods is back up and upload the mod for everyone. Someone in the cmmods forum was telling MikeT that they could do a convertion rather quickly. The instructions are rather daunting for me. I'd rather use McMMM for most mod swapping or just install a mod permanently.
  4. Is blue cheese moldy? Is cottage cheese curdled? What the heck IS buttermilk?
  5. At least he asks good questions Some of them are about things I didn't know but wondered about.
  6. Like so many things with CM, there should be an on/off user choice button in a parameters screen.
  7. I use the db's all the time, especially with making a scenario. I look forward to the comments and miss them when the are absent. I don't know enough to write them myself, but do throw something in when I can. Thanks PP and the others from me too.
  8. Nice change of pace. Should look good in BB too.
  9. Did you ever write a tutorial on how you convert a mod to cmmos in ten minutes? cmmos is nice when there are lots of options, but that looks like the hard part of converting.
  10. I think the advantage of withdraw is the troops run right away. With move etc, they will continue shooting at the enemy before they move. If that is what you want them to get away from (the enemy), they will die before they get away. Make sure your plot line is long enough for them to get to a resting place. They take a long time to recover and will have the "rattled" tag after. Mortar and HMG troops will fall down tired before they reach that resting place so plan for that too. It is a desperation order, if it doesn't work, you were doomed anyway.
  11. I use the "Windows" key near the spacebar.
  12. Why lock it up? It's facinating. Maybe Jason will come along and explain it all for me. Is that AAR, like a pirate? Space Lobsters of Doom playtesting?
  13. Anyone interested in May June 1940 should look at the post. Axis History Forum thread A listing of Armour and AFVs for both sides with quantities.
  14. I think Patboy did the ww over grau. If no one replies in the next 6 hours I'll see what I have. Is there any at CMHQ? or Tom's?
  15. and I just found out why there was a plastic trash bag over the stool in the men's room on Friday.
  16. I'll add to the above. You click "Full Reply Form" below the message box on this page. That will take you to the page with buttons for quotes and images etc.
  17. How prophetic. CMAK has Aussie Italian tanks vs Italian Italian tanks. I too enjoy the early war stuff, only in CMAK instead.
  18. When you get CMAK, try "Raid on Tileste" from the Scenario depot.
  19. The challenge of night battles is friendly fire incidents and troops "spooking" from shots fired. Try to keep your troops aligned to the sides lest a shot from behind spooks them or worse.
  20. For anything but a flamethrower, your question makes sense. Once that ball of fire comes out, everyone knows.
  21. Thank you GS_G for getting Jason to post. Good stuff !
  22. Such is war. I am not happy when an artillery barrage spoils my attack plans. Should my opponent not use artillery? What if the map designer had placed a blown bridge there? Refuse to play the map? If there was no other way to cross the river and do battle it would be a stalemate. But you say there are other ways.
  23. I have three partitions on one drive. I set them all with 1024 min 2048 max virtual memory. Then did disc cleanup and defrag. Ran the battle again. 2:17 I have 512 sdram. It seems that the CPU is the big factor.
  24. A game about the USA Civil War. Bull Run was the location of the first "battle" of the war.
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