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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. What I did for my last one was to put the light tanks at the approach to the bridge, and put the heavy tanks downstream on the enemy side of the river. This is to simulate them crossing somewhere else. The different colour setup zones prevents the player from moving either tanks to different sides of the river. I have large heavy buildings guarding the bridge and did not want the heavies being used to take the buildings down.
  2. Here is some Gulf War tanks Turbosquid preview The text says low poly for games.
  3. Go here Mark Gallear's mod corner At the bottom are links to his tutorials on mods and scenario making. This will get you started.
  4. Gpig found out that QB map sides are opposite for CMBO (IIRC) and CMAK. I used Pyewacket's PC map converter to flip the map for him.
  5. A keyword search would help too. BTW Gary has been thinking about an archive at TPG for the test scenarios that are ready to move to TSD. The archive would contain the test AARs and comments IIRC. It would also be handy in the event TSD goes down like cmmods has.
  6. I visit this website all the time for early war French info. Thanks for pointing out that there is more to this site.
  7. CMMODS is a website with mods. CMMOS is a mod swapping program. Got here for info on CMMOS
  8. Anyone figured out a way to simulate bridges that cannot be crossed by heavy tanks? Yet still passable by AFVs, infantry and light tanks. Fords have a "chance" of bogging but bridges are all the same as far as passage goes.
  9. Phoney War 1939 is at the proving grounds if you would like to look at it. You might concider using South Afrikans for Dutch in your battles. At least the flags have orange on them. IIRC some of the troop names are Dutch.
  10. Ian, find the thread in the CMBO forum for Indeo Codec.
  11. Thanks for the post painfbat I'm working on a Sept 1939 Saar Offensive battle. Crap tanks vs crap tanks.
  12. You could be right. I thought it odd that the target line went thin then disappeared. Last night in a CMAK battle I had a PZIVC visually half way into a house, fire through the house and knock out a M5 Stuart.
  13. I'm in the USA and you won't learn "English" from your friend, lol. Welcome and don't worry about your English. I would rather read a good post in broken English than some of the babble that comes from someone who has a great command of the language.
  14. Not until cmmods is back online. Are there any small mods that I could email to you?
  15. Wouldn't you know that I played on and replaced the auto save. I tried to duplicate it, but the AVRE gets knocked out by another threat.
  16. I downloaded some. Didn't want to overload your site.
  17. Welcome to CM. It's been a while since the demo for me. I think I worked on the left flank and let the Shermans come to me. Someone will be along to tell you better. Night time in North America now.
  18. CMBO, I'm viewing the movie, I click on an Axis Gun? to see what he is firing at. The thick red line goes to my Allied infantry squad. An AVRE motors along in front of the troops. The red line gets thin as the tank moves across the LOS of the gun. Then the line disappears. Turn ends. CMBO only?
  19. I saw that this morning. CC2 caught my eye. Made me think about CC5 maps. I'll get on it tonight.
  20. No Mac IIRC. I can convert it for you. It will be just a map with setup zones.
  21. Since McAuliffe has placed a battle at TSD for CMAK, maybe something is in the works.
  22. Not only do BO scenarios convert well, I think they are more challenging when played in AK.
  23. Since 3/4 hour had passed I thought I would post something for you. You checked back in an hour. Some questions are hard to test, some are easy, some are fun to test.
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