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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. Nah, you two were in another thread. Here is the post I was thinking of: "One of my favorites was the incendiary bats! The idea was to drop them over Japanese cities, and let them roost in the eaves of the wooden buildings. The time-delayed incendiary bomblets would go off, burning large swathes of the city! Sheesh!!"
  2. Didn't I see Andreas and JonS at AHF talking about exploding bats ????
  3. I guess my JMHO was wrong. I came to this party late and missed that discussion. The few scenarios that I have done and sent to TSD get downloaded but never reviewed.
  4. JMHO once a scen is at TSD it is fair game so to speak. I think David was just tring to make it easy for others. Not like he is taking credit for them.
  5. jl2, I'm not flaming you, ok? I also see your posts as being against a post WWII game. "I can't even imagine what would have happened if NATO and the WP had taken a run at each other." "The Arab-Isaeli wars are something I don't know nearly enough about." I think these quotes explains your position but makes me wonder why you are posting. How can you say the game won't work if you can't imagine or don't know the subject. I have learned way more from WWII wargames and forums then I ever learned in school and from video media. I am learning more and more about the post WWII era and would like to wargame it. Hope you take this as positive.
  6. The danger of this is a stalemate situation where both sides sit waiting for the other side to do something. If CMAK, I'd be willing to test it for you.
  7. "tree help alot less when there are no leaves " BO and BB have fall trees, AK does not. Made me wonder if the engine is the same for all three in that respect, or if AK has LOS the same from July 43 to Dec 44.
  8. The Aussie's bought CMx1 The USMC brought Atomic back from the dead with CC:FTF. US Army has their game. Maybe the Canadians will commission CMx2 Cold War. BFC has connections don't they?
  9. What about the ones that are in zip files? I started putting my scenarios in zips because of email problems for other people on the receiving end.
  10. Thanks for the info. Is this something you have written down or do you guess as you go along? Do you send your friends a proposed point setup first? Pud has some nice big maps that would be good for ops.
  11. Mikey that's why I mentioned my modest computer. If I reviewed an op, there is a good chance it will play on your computer. I'm impatient. If it takes more than a minute to calculate a turn, I think about not continuing. 5 minutes and I quit for sure.
  12. How does that "branch off" work? This sounds like something I might like to try.
  13. Do a search in CMBB for campaign On page 2 is Rob O's Quick Campaign
  14. I found out I have one historical review of one of my favorite ops. HSG First Town Liberated. Three in one. Attack, hold, defend.
  15. Just a bump and Zimorodok has updated the site.
  16. I read it. Ops are hard to make and then have them come out the way you intend them to. I have played some ops where I did so well in the first few battles that it was no contest in the last. But I still enjoyed playing them. I've even had fun played backwards of the designer's intended side vs AI. Some were so tough that I had to restart several times. When you finally learn what works and start doing well it is a great gaming experience IMHO.
  17. If you are bored at work, go to the CM archives and search for "cold war" People have been asking since BO.
  18. Mikey, if interested, do a search at TSD for CMAK operations by reviewer name junk2drive. Select current under reviews just below. EDIT***** I have a modest computer and can't play anything monsterous. [ May 16, 2005, 09:31 AM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  19. In the beginning I played a lot of ops. Now there are no new ones that interest me. There are some very good ones for CMAK. I have tried making ops and always get disappointed in the results. A steep learning curve.
  20. If you know CMBO, you won't use the guide for very long. Hope you enjoy CMAK.
  21. Hi rich, nice to see you in here. As I read it, you get a license to use the download on one computer. There is no disc. (Edit, I meant with the download) The PDF manual is all we get with the packaged product. I find it easier to find than my CMBB paper book. [ May 15, 2005, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  22. I recommend you get: The file lists at CMHQ. If you use CMMOS, DD's terrain or McMMM will convert it to non cmmos. eichenbaum's OSF mod on a separate install.
  23. From the CMMOS file lists: open ground 1570-1589 brush 716-721 scat treebases 691-696 woods treebases653-658 doodads lg 2150 2051 Mistype? 2150 2151 ? doodads sm 2250 2251
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