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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. I've been playing some CMBO scenarios. Amazing how far we've come.
  2. The real question is: how did you find your password four years later?
  3. Chris has his own sticky in tips and tricks. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=001663 with a link to his page.
  4. I sat on my hands for a long time. beholders bumped you, not me, lol
  5. Must be midnight somewhere, cmmods is down again.
  6. I have seen some scenarios designed to be fairly balanced for two players with the advice that if you insist on playing vs AI to give a bonus just to make it challenging. I have seen some without bonus vs AI that I can't win. I am an amateur at design but I test and retest my scenarios, with full knowledge of the enemy, until I get around a draw. I figure an average player blind should be able to get a draw or if interested enough will retry with different tactics. Or decide it sucks and move on.
  7. Thanks for the tip beholders I have it all working just fine now.
  8. Time to playtest the Sealion scenarios again?
  9. One time only in CMAK I had a barbed wire blue base with the figure 8 on it. Those mystery bmps are not in the CMAK bmp folder. I think these hide in the same place as flamethrower packs, zooks, and fausts colours.
  10. Flesh did some bi colour green over sand mods for CMBB. I have used some in CMAK just for something different. (AIW)
  11. 2003 thread bumped for someone who asked me. I've been playing CMBO lately and like the slo-mo yellow tracers.
  12. Did the Allies have the info that you do in hindsight? As in, Germans weak in the South? Does MG show that info was wrong or misunderstood? Did the Germans use decoy / deception? Good reads Jason. Welcome back.
  13. I hope you go on with this to the C D E for early war grau. Although with the exsisting BB mods, I don't know if they can be improved upon. I'm no expert. Thanks for the mods Mikey
  14. I have uploaded the battle made with the map to TPG for playtesting. http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/scenario_details_link.html?sku=721 Fictional battle in central England. After the successful invasion and occupation of southern England, German forces move North. Combined force of USA, Brit, Canadian and French try to hold the line. Allies have the new M3 tank. Germans have some captured Matildas. Points Axis 2800 Allies 2100 Map 1120 sq
  15. I've had it on XP since day one and never got a message. Did you try a fresh download and install?
  16. Tigrii, they are his own mines, not the enemy.
  17. Curious, was your tank buttoned? One would think that the TC would see the mines and avoid them.
  18. Moot point now. I got CWBR and it has a hotkey for screenshots. Maybe CMXXL will have it too.
  19. Not gamey to me. If the enemy retreats, I use his foxholes when I can. No different than blowing up buildings to gain LOS. JMHO
  20. I can confirm that this works. 1.97mb download, 2.20mb install. No longer does BO minimize on startup and I can see the splash screen.
  21. Device manager shows PnP monitor. dxdiag shows 9.0c, current display mode 800 x 600 32 bit 75hz, PnP monitor. I didn't try declining 85hz to get a higher number in case the monitor wouldn't support it.
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