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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. I'm confused as those two bmps are in my original folder pre patch, and not in my patch bmp folder. I swear Andrew's mod worked before. Andrew did you ever do anything with the French uniforms? There are new pics today at AHF Reinactors thread
  2. I mean that the website is still up. I deleted my bookmark when you announced that the website was being removed.
  3. I almost missed this news. Rob, you should post something in CMAK too.
  4. I've only made one dynamic flag scen. Exit battle with four flags to give four choices of exit location. I gave that info in the overall briefing. I see your point.
  5. Ed Kinney aka tanks a lot aka TAL buildings for CMBB are very good. CMHQ is the only place I can think of to get them until cmmods come back online. Tom's TCMHQ may have some also. Juju's explosions work for CMBB.
  6. " I would have played the scenario quite differently." I'm not being smart, but curious. How so?
  7. I have Clubfoot's Normandy sound mod. Even the surf and seagulls got to me eventually.
  8. I got tired of removing them to listen to the stories of the day. You cannot pretend to be paying attention with headphones on. After a while the sounds annoy me too. The game I mean.
  9. I play with sound off. Adds to the FOW. Stops the wife from complaining.
  10. This website has the mods for CMBO if you don't have them. DavidI is working on a NWE mod but it will be a little different. BO buildings are numbered differently and BO did not have damaged numbers. Trees are a lttle different too.
  11. Email sent. Most common mistake with PMC is the mouse pointer has to be over the map before minimizing.
  12. If you are playing a scenario not a QB, the designer may have given you extra points to even out an unbalanced game. If you play to the end you may win.
  13. Ignore the patch posts. They are from before the 1.03 patch was done. Bump para nuevo amigos.
  14. Ignore the patch posts. They are from before the 1.03 patch was done. Bump para nuevo amigos.
  15. Ignore the patch posts. They are from before the 1.03 patch was done. Bump para nuevo amigos.
  16. Punta de Lanza On the home page is a button "Links" "En esta sección de Links y web amigas, encontraras todos las direcciones de páginas Web que me han sido de utilidad para poder aprender a jugar al Combat Mission. "
  17. Korea was supposed to lead to nuclear war. Vietnam was supposed to lead to nuclear war. And a few other conflicts. I think a border conflict between minor powers backed by the major powers would make a playable game.
  18. The switch sides trick only effects some people. I only switch sides to set the view for each side before saving. I do not have to switch sides to place units for either country. It is the \ key the / switches to look behind you.
  19. Another caveat, a unit that can't occupy a space will stay behind. ie, a line of tanks, if the last one would be in marsh, the rest will move but not that one.
  20. As Jason says if you mean moving on the map units, click and drag to surround but "place" command with the "p". Move requires rotate after and won't work in bulk. When playing the game you will notice a group move with troops and tanks won't always have the tanks do what the troops are commanded to do.
  21. Got the tracks for now. Thanks again to both of you. The desert tracks go well with Gurra's arid ground, BFC sand, Juju's cobblestone.
  22. Review posted. From the above link you have to login. I closed the window and went to my bookmark, found the battle and posted. Cuz I'm always logged in.
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