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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. If you log in to download the scenario...
  2. I got excited because I am home for lunch. I guess I have to wait until Zim opens his email. Thanks Pat and Zimorodok
  3. There are quite a few Spanish language clubs for the CM series. Let us know if you need links.
  4. A B and C are from personal experience. "$20 for some online game honey, sure go ahead, whatever makes you happy, you're worth it."
  5. I like having the PDF version on my drive. I frequently open it up to see why something is happening or to find the difference between attack, assault, probe when making battles. You do learn more by playing though.
  6. A buy her a computer and network them in the same room. B yell, "honey look at this porn on the internet, or I could play that dumb game" C play with sound off (shift + s)
  7. What! Spend 30 seconds swapping CDs??? Well I guess I could...
  8. The age group poll at Civil War: Bull Run suggest younger gamers are enjoying ancient history too. FWIW
  9. Why not give us all the kit of 1946-2005 and let us make the battles that interest us?
  10. Thanks Pat. I am making a battle with enigma's mog map and it has a rail line the whole length of the map. I use Gyrene's light tracks but the roadbed is so dark for the desert.
  11. Arid 1830-1849 Sand 1850-1869 On a Windows Pc, open your bmp folder, set to thumbnail view, scroll down through the bmps. To view one bmp in window paint, right click and select "open with..."
  12. Patboy, any word on your desert rail tracks?
  13. CMAK grass is number 1550-1569 for Italy summer and 1570-1589 IIRC for all other seasons with grass. DD's BB grass works as does SDogs. The Capt Wacky gridded at CMHQ should work. Use McMMM to install and uninstall as a test first.
  14. Stuart Recce late has two MGs with 40 ammo and holds a team inside armour protected. Or one of the many ACs?
  15. TPG has a research section for all of these links. If someone would care to add them to the database.
  16. Thanks again to the Admiral for responding to the other threads on this date. For those having download problems: Right click the download button, select "save target as..." from the menu.
  17. Got it. About half an hour total. I did not have the new terrain items or the map, ui pic, slash screens etc. Nice attention to detail. Thanks again and again.
  18. I have the rock that is golden, tight clumps, for riverbed. Looks good for Korea too.
  19. By golly, I already have a second install with the mods from cmmods. Will this be any different? And thanks for all the work you and your team put into this.
  20. First I learned an abacus, then a slide rule... Geometry was my fav.
  21. Any MAC map makers want to trade? I will convert BO BB AK with Pyewacket's Map Converter for you. I would like an AK map of Stonne France 1940. Edit: made my own. I still do conversion though. [ May 07, 2005, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  22. Italians are better gardeners. I use Ed's CMBO dark green bumpy grass for spring early summer, Desert Fox's CMBO grass for late summer, SDogs BB grass or DD's BB for fall winter.
  23. Have you tried setting a different resolution for the CM games like 800 x 600? Just a wild thought. Have you tried CMBO with out mods?
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