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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. Todd has redone the site. Looks good. To upload a mod you have to click the opposite title. CMAK upload is under CMBO.
  2. If you have a PC: Get the CMMOS mod. Extract the bmps into a folder. Set View as thumbnail for the folder. Look at the pics and see the options you want. Write down those file names, ie 12860_GM_A_NoSkirt.bmp Load new mod into McMMM. As McMMM asks you "OK" or "Skip" for each option, click skip for the ones that you don't want. As a warning, there are 19 bmps for the 19 turret ring options and so on. It can be done but you are better off with CMMOS.
  3. Wow Fernando's is gorgeous but looks factory new. This is a nice change.
  4. Ok, the basic A version does work with McMMM. I didn't test the others. The problem for McMMM users is there are soooo many options bmps that the screen is very long. CMMOS would be the best choice. BTW I setup a stock Sturmtiger and Jagdtiger next to this mod just to get see the difference. Beautiful. Glad I don't have to face these in CMAK.
  5. I think what I mean is that some modders put options in their zips, but don't follow the CMMOS format or don't give the files paths so that McMMM can deal with them. I don't remember having a problem with proper CMMOS zips and McMMM. Other than too many options to choose from, lol.
  6. Back to ETO My fall trees mod is one of the things you will want to swap in and out with the season. Here is a list of my ETO mods: EDS_CMBO_GRASS.ZIP EDS_PLOWED_FIELD.ZIP ETO_EDS_BO_TREES_SUMMER.ZIP ETO_FALL_TREES_TERRAIN.ZIP ETO_TREES_NOTOPS.ZIP
  7. Who's grass mod is that? Look, round wheels. It is interesting. Sometimes we are better off not knowing how things work.
  8. Thanks again. They look great. Andrew did a nice 250 mod but his tan is darker than the sand color used on most everything else. If you get bored, you could do more, lol
  9. When your headache goes away, I realise the thread title "CMAK..." doesn't help us find it.
  10. Thanks I've got DavidI syndrome, I'm at work!!!! Guess I'll be going home for lunch today.
  11. MeatEtr it should work with McMMM. Properly written CMMOS mods do. McMMM will create a new zip and should display the options on the McMMM window.
  12. They were saved as bitmaps but I don't think 24bit. I dumped the first set into a folder. I opened each bmp in MS Paint. I selected save as.. and chose 24bit bitmap. They work fine and look good. I like Philippe's the most though.
  13. Back on subject, Mark, it's good to see you around. I always point newbies to your site and the good tutorials and mods.
  14. With the October update text is the "new" rules for file names. Maybe a lot of people don't pay attention to that. I can name the file anything I want, then put it in a zip. The zip names I use have no upper case letters and only underscores. No apostrophies or commas. This may be the cause of some of the problems we are seeing lately.
  15. Stop thinking about those things and make some more UI maps
  16. Get the demos for CMBB and CMAK and see the improvments over BO. Then you can order the bundle pack, tehehe. BTW Dey and some others converted the better graphics armour from CMAK to CMBO. Check them out at cmmods.
  17. Fog is not a bmp. If you have an ATI video card you will not see fog. Period. Go to cmmods and get the CMMOS 4.05 under designer MikeT and all the mods under designer CMMOS. (Your old style cmmos mods will not work with 4.05. You can of couse still use the older CMMOS and it's mods.)
  18. Hola amigo I love this one. Do some more just like it. (No dark lines around the edges, ok? Just my preference.)
  19. I ran a test. PZVIs with HC in Dec 41, saved, changed date to June 41, HC disappears. If I picked a date with tungsten, set ammo to 10, then changed to May 45, tungsten stays at 10. Another test, JPZIVearly Jan 45, no tungsten, change to Sept 44 tungsten slot opens in editor BUT previous ammo load does not redistribute. I started a PBEM where the briefing stated Sept 44 battle, but the parameters were set to Jan 45. I opened the battle in the editor and changed the date, saved with a new name. When I read Mark's post I thought, holy crap, maybe I gave my German opponent some good stuff. I hope not, lol. [ May 25, 2005, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  20. I think it is nice to have something different from the total whiteout we normally see. Thanks Pat
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