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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. I guess I'll have to do a mod like the fall trees mod. At least everything else had snow on it, water was frozen, gloves on my troops, etc.
  2. You get strange things from "All Combined" but I don't remember this from 1.01 Italy
  3. Boats cannot be played by the AI
  4. I thought the G would work but thanks for the nod and the mod David is slaughtering me without Gs this time.
  5. Almost a bug. For all of 1944 1945 in Italy set parameters to snow, frozen, snow in the air and you get snow covered trees even in July and August. Fall 1944 Italy, Sep Oct Nov, set parameters to Snow, Frozen, Snow in the air, GREEN trees?? Not a bug that makes the game unplayable, but I don't think this happened before the last patch. Does anyone even care? (players I mean)
  6. So back to the deli... With BB you gave us the big dills and some baby gerkins. With AK some pepperocinis. I want to put them all on my salami and cheese even if the taste doesn't appeal to you. Make sense????
  7. I hope it's a build a sandwich. You buy the bread and salami. Add cheese, not by more bread and cheese but don't combine them with salami. I'm hungry now.
  8. I posted turret but what I mean is that turretless AFVs have their gun where the hull would be on a turreted tank. You get the warning "hull down MG blocked" , do you get a similar warning for StuGs? Can dug in turretless AFVs rotate to target? If you dig in a turret tank, only the turret rotates to target.
  9. Then you take gautrek's light colour crater mod and paste some of those rocks on it for sangers.
  10. Different. If the wall is made from local rocks, then you need to mod rough, rocky, and some stone buildings to match.
  11. FWIW UncleTgt's CMBB grau Wespe mod works for the CMBO Wespe. Shared bmps with the Marder III do it as well except the gun barrel.
  12. I like what you have done lately with the SPWs and PZIV. You might as well do both versions
  13. IIRC that is determined by the open ground colour. IIRC in CMBO it was a separate bmp.
  14. Check out Andrew's Tiger and colour. Pat, I did not know that. When using SPWs as BTRs in AIW it's nice to have them light colours
  15. BB that is why I have 6 CMAK installs. The problem with all in one mods is #1 where to put them for download and #2 dial up users. I have posted lists of what grau works early and late from BB to AK. I have loaded cmmods with bits and pieces to try to keep the file sizes small for everyone to use. David put a lot of work into this and was of good fortune to find someone to host the huge files. It's not that hard to download and install many little files. Sometimes better mods come out too.
  16. If you are talking about open ground "grass", and a PC, there are several choices. Use McMMM to swap. For summer, Ed's CMBO grass is dark green, DesertFox grass is light green and subdued. For fall winter, DD's CMBB, Sdog's CMBB, Gurra's SDog for AK. You could also copy and paste the original CMAK grasses from your backup or original CMAK install.
  17. The fall treebases look best with, ta-da, fall trees. Thanks WC
  18. Go this one too. What uniform are you using? I'm playing some Fading Hopes early war battles and just renumbered Andrew's CMBB 41 Heer green and CMAK Crete FJ to BO.
  19. You don't like my AIW stuff? Or did you get the idea from my Rafah battle? Just kidding
  20. I just downloaded one of those older mods yesterday. My opponent showed up with a Wirbelwind and I had to do something quick, lol. Gurra's SPWs would be nice
  21. Got it, like it. I use juju's old CMBO mod for ETO. Since you didn't include the town square bmp, juju's is still there. Yours match up with it very well. Thanks
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