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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Yeah looks a treat. One question: how do the enemy know that you have captured the tank before it actually fires on them? Is it immediate - because the floating icon is different, or is there a delay while they 'think' it is one of their own?
  2. **Ahem** just because you can fly across the landscape doesn't mean that you can see the enemy, or every detail of the landscape (eg trench, fortification, sandbag...)
  3. Hi Moon, I like the idea of pre-ordering getting free delivery later on, I presume that this is just for US orders? How much extra would you charge overseas customers (eg in Japan)?
  4. This is almost certainly ahistorical, but it would be nice if some brilliant person got inspired to do a camo version of this wonderful TD. Couldn't find one on mod database. Reason for request? I'm getting revved up for the second round of CoTII tournament, and it'd be nice to see my fav tankski looking, well, looking pretty. This one is pretty, but I guess its more appropriate for winter camouflage: Here are some crappy references: Hmm, camo, or just faded unevenly? It would be nice if something cool like this could be done: So, any takers for this challenge? Anybody else want to see a set of camoed SU? [ February 06, 2007, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  5. Hi Vern, I would avoid CMBO because improvements to CMBB and CMAK make BO frustrating. For CMAK you can replay almost any engagement in Europe from 1939, it only lacks a few of the rarer items that were present in NE but not Italy, and that has not prevented enthusiasts making hundreds of scenarios recreating the western front. In addition you can download mods that completely makeover CM so that the units and camoflage used in the west are recreated. Some examples of modpacks include the 'whatifs' of Operation Sea Lion and 'Sie Kommen' (recreating an allied landing at Pas D'Calais), and CMETO is the best known complete makeover. Links: Vast array of CM mods Sie Kommen Battlepack CMAK makeover to CMETO Scenario Depot - where enthusiasts post the scenarios they make Although you say the eastern front doesn't interest you, keep an open mind and you'll come to agree that it was the ultimate front in terms of strategy, tactics and equipment. There really is so much more to this front than the western front, once you get into it there is no escape! So yeah, I would get the CMAK/CMBB bundle pack, and not get CMBO. You can pick up CMAK or CMBB without paper rule book in shops for less than $10 . Despite the woefully out of date graphics these games are masterpieces in gameplay and realism that hasn't been matched since. I haven't tired of these games since I got into them about 4 years ago. have fun [ February 05, 2007, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  6. This is great news! I'm pathetically grateful for snippits like these. Really really grateful.
  7. 13. Mortars in the form of the caused support are added. Yeah!
  8. Two guys trying to out-irony each other to death on the internet. That'll work.
  9. Given the time frame of a scenario I would guess that it is not possible to get your babies to dig trenches during the game. I don't think this has anything to do with them not being able to enter buildings. As I understand it the problem with buildings is the demands on the computer and the difficulty of realistically conceiving the space inside a house. The other problem is the sheer amount of training necessary to keep your infants focused on the arduous task of digging, as well as the pitiful size of the spades they are capable of weilding. And they cry easily.
  10. Well, landwarrior, I'm more impressed with you posting only 12 times since 2002. Anybody who can hold back that long can surely hold on for a couple more months for TOW!
  11. You tease, Kalibri, threatening to stop like that. Don't stop! Love the posts and pics, keeps reminding me why I should keep checking this forum. In fact its the only reason why I keep the cat alive. Stop posting and I shoot the cat. You couldn't have that on your conscience, could you?
  12. Yeah, really lovely. That shot with the runover AT gun is v impressive. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Hey, really, thanks for the headsup. I appreciate hearing about games I might not otherwise hear about while we wait for this one.
  14. Wouldn't they just download the instructions onto their PDAs?
  15. Did you see the tracks turning as it was dragged up the hill? I'd have thought they would be jammed solid.
  16. Hi John, Thanks for the heads-up. Is this the same program "Battlefield North Africa"? Cheers David
  17. Luuuuuurrrverr-ly. These kitties purrrrrr. edited for plural and extra rrr's
  18. very cynical! How about this: 2008 antigravity device invented which is cheap and the fuel comes from beer bottle tops. 2009 drink beer for fuel campaign wildly successful 2010 all problems in the world solved 2011 everybody lives happily ever after
  19. [sic] Probably sooner than we think. This is an excellent link, for those with patience.
  20. The weapons will have their real life ranges, but whether you can use them at that range will depend on the scenario.
  21. Sivodsi


    Nice plug for intel as well. Hope that the ad pays well for them, maybe they can hire an extra programmer to get this thing released earlier. (yeah right)
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