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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Mike! Thanks for the feedback and some of this was under consideration such as having more than one level for Light Tanks but the current representation was the end result to keep things simple. Some very good ideas and I think having Fighter Bomber units and CVEs as options for SC3 as described could certainly work but at the same time it is very unlikely we'll be making any more changes for AoD along these lines. Unfortunately it is a big job do make these types of changes after the fact as it affects quite a bit of unit data tables as well as the unit sprites and it is always easier to do that at the start of development. Probably not the answers you were hoping for but I hope it answers the questions nonetheless. Hubert
  2. Hi Sanderz and welcome to the forums 1. Correct 2. Also Correct 3, 4. This is just a way to fine tune your carrier actions, i.e. do you want it to intercept but not escort, or escort but not intercept? Do you want it do do whatever is required of it by selecting 'Auto' or do you want to make sure any of these automatic actions are negated by ensuring the air portion of the carrier is Grounded, i.e. no intercepts or escorts. 5. I would suggest Naval/Tactical mode for this 6. I would probably suggest Fighter mode as that will inflict the maximum damage on attacking Carrier aircraft on your opponents turn. This does also apply to AoD Hubert
  3. Hi Col Gen Guderian, Video acceleration is now the default setting for all newer SC games including GOLD. I wonder if perhaps it is disabled on your end in the SC2.ini file? If you navigate to your installation folder for the demo, can you open the SC2.ini file and double check to see that the following entry is there as shown below: #VIDEO_ACCELERATION= 1 If it is set to 1 then it is on and should act the same way it did for WaW, if not can you change it to this? Can you also tell me what Operating system you are running and if selecting full screen or windowed mode makes any difference in terms of playability on your end? Hubert
  4. Hi K Man, I can confirm that to the best of our knowledge the patch left our computers virus free, I just re-scanned to double check, so I'm not sure why the Gamershell or Atomicgamer links would report viruses. Does the file/installer once downloaded report possible viruses or is it right as you attempt to download? I only ask as I wonder if it is something they may have added to the links or download process that is raising flags with your AV software. How about downloading from the Patches Scrolls or WorthPlaying? Same result? If so, is there any indication of what the AV software is flagging within the installer file or is it just the installer file itself? My guess in all of this is a false positive but these answers will help me to narrow it down. Hubert
  5. Good catch and that was just some artistic liberty on my part to have the outside images of the splash face towards the center.
  6. This is a feature we've had for some time now essentially attempting to model a morale boost amongst your forces for good news on the combat front via significant victories, but I can certainly understand that perhaps not everyone might enjoy such a feature. We can look into adding a disabling option or further modifications for SC3 if this is something players are really looking for.
  7. Hi Numdydar, That is a very odd one, could you tell me if the USSR had entered the war against Germany? Also, did you perhaps weaken that unit to below 5 during combat? I can't say I've ever seen the AI retreat from that position so I'm just trying to narrow down some of the possibilities and then make any necessary adjustments. Hubert
  8. Hi Crispy, I think this would be a great idea for SC3 and I would be very happy to welcome these suggestions. Once we get closer to where we need to be for SC3 I suspect we'll do the same thing that we did for Global Conflict as every little bit helps in making a great game even better Hubert
  9. Thanks Gorgin and please don't hesitate to spread the word
  10. Hi MonsterClaude, Sorry to hear about the trouble and this seems to be a rare issue that if you re-install the Global base game it should resolve the issue for you. I hope this helps, Hubert
  11. Please do so and it would apply for Global Conflict GOLD, Breakthrough, Assault on Communism as well as Assault on Democracy.
  12. Hi Panzer General, Sorry to hear this and I can only find this thread where the question was asked if there would be any packages for AoC that included GOLD: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109101 The only other thread I can find is if there would be an AoD bundle with the Global base game and the answer in that thread was that there were no plans for that either: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109099&highlight=package&page=2 However I can see how that answer might have been misinterpreted as that there would be no bundles of the AoC/AoD expansions together, but it really was intended to mean that there would be no base game + AoC or AoD bundles planned... honest. I can say that as this was something we discussed on our end, i.e. whether or not this would be a possibility, as only this question had come up, and the idea to bundle the two new expansions together was only an idea that was discussed (on our end) just this past Thursday. If there is another thread I've missed please do direct it towards me because I really don't remember the discussion of the two expansions being bundled together and if so then you have my apologies. Hubert
  13. Oops, surprised no-one caught this and we'll fix this as well.
  14. Thanks th1207, sorry about this and we'll have these corrected as soon as possible.
  15. It's out! http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=31&Itemid=26 Hubert
  16. Thanks xwormwood and I believe I've fixed the outstanding errors and spelling mistakes I can also confirm that this "preview" was based on an earlier Beta of AoD and two of the notable issues have since been corrected for the official release. We had a bug introduced during development due to some changes to the naval combat that was over exposing Carriers and this led to them being easily destroyed as they were sailing on their own. This is now of course corrected and further refinements have improved the US naval Pacific Fleet actions so expect the full scale challenge with the official and non Beta release
  17. Here you go http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110275
  18. Many thanks to xwormwood for his English translation of the AoD review Assault on Democracy: The Essentials The main novelty of Assault on Democracy is the huge world map in the central scenario "1939". It now has 484x200 fields, which is five times as much as in the main program. Overall the proportions are much better now, but of course you still can't really speak of a true to scale implementation of the earth. While the the greater detail level is already noticeable in Europe, the differences are much more pronounced in Asia: China, the Philippines and many other regions are displayed much larger and more accurate., many islands have entered the map for the first time, or in a much better detailed appearance. In sum you receive more tactical options, and you get more combat units (even though there is still no stacking). When you play the Americans or Japanese you will notice the new light carriers. Even though these CVLs might look feeble, they have at least one big advantage: they can replace their planes much cheaper than the main carriers. The struggle for China is now more exciting than before and no longer a simple battle of attrition. Even better: you will have to move your infantry skillfully if you want to have success with the conquest of Southeast Asia. Speaking of skillful: let us take a look on the AIs ability to handle the new large world map. Like we already mentioned above we can confirm that the AI will now try to kill your units much more efficient than before. But on the other hand the AI tends to play fast and loose with its fleets. While the Royal Navy should have had no problems at all to handle the German (North Sea, Atlantic) and Italian (Med Sea) navies, the AI tends to waste it instead. In our game we could bomb not only one but two British Carriers to the ground of the English Channel, and when we started our Operation Sea Lion (Invasion of England) the AI had obviously nothing left to oppose our invasion fleet. Even Japan faced less American resistance than it has been the case in history (except from some rather annoying sub attacks). We reviewed the beta version of the game, so we're not sure if these weaknesses will be in the official release version of the game, or not. We imagine that the (heavily scripted) AI should be able to do better than this, at least with the some help from income and experience bonuses. So if you want to make the most of your Strategic Command game, you should play against an equally strong human opponent, with no bonuses for either side, and this like always via Internet or by e-mail. There is even a new option to pause the replay of your opponents turn! Assault on Democracy: The Scenarios Apart from the actual world war on the entire giant map AoD contains seven smaller scenarios with their own maps. We really liked the scenario "1945 invasion of America," which provides a detailed view of the United States and Mexico. Japan and Germany attack by land and sea from the west, south and south-east and have to conquer several target cities. This scenario offers fun on either side (attacking and defending), even if the AI ?handles the defense (obviously without any help of scripts) better than the attacks. The Axis powers debark in several places on the map and have to fight their way through Mexico, toward the USA, while the U.S. player must consider where and how strongly he wants to put up a defense line, when and where to retreat to, where to build up the next defence line (preferably behind a river or in mountain tiles). Diplomacy naturally plays no role, however, the research is worthwhile in the long run. Also fictitious, but smaller are the scenarios "1941 Hercules" (invasion of Malta in 12 rounds), "Hermes 1941" (Rommel's reach out for Iraq), "1941 Wake Island" (can the U.S. win this time?), "1943 Brilliance " (Allies conquer Gibraltar back) and" 1943 Flatiron " (Reconquer and free the UK). The only historical scenario (next to the main 1939 campaign) is "1942 Solomons", which recreates the Battle of the Solomon Islands, north of Australia, between Japan and the United States. Jörg Langer I advise every Strategic Command Fan to buy this add-on, mainly because to the "1939 World at War" campaign. The much larger and more detailed map (supported by many smaller improvements and some more unit types ) evaluates the entire and well-known gameplay even more. The combination of long-term planning (research, recruitment and diplomacy) on the one hand and the strategic to operational warfare on the other works in AoD better than ever before in the SC series. And the new supply rules add so well into the game. Despite all the changes since the original release of 2010, this Global Strategy game still remains 1st in terms of "handle-ability" (individual units instead of columns of figures à la Hearts of Iron) and its controllability. Nevertheless you should still take into account that it will take twelve hours or more if you play the main campaign. The scenario of "Invasion of America" offers another weekend of good fun, no matter which side you play. What can i say about the remaining scenarios: well, i took a short look into them, but I never really played them. And that won't change (with the possible exception of "Solomons") in the future: the smaller the scale of a scenarios, the less well will the combat system (which had been designed for the large-scale battles) adapt. In short, the $25 are very well laid out for fans of the series! Those of you who never played the game before I would like to say that I myself would be very surprised if there wouldn't be a some kind of 50 $ bundle (consisting of AoD and the main program) following pretty soon. * * * The original review can be found here: http://www.gamersglobal.de/news/70891/gg-kurztest-strategic-command-assault-on-democracy Hubert
  19. No problem at all CSS, and it is well understood now on my end
  20. Hi Numdydar, I would take the first AAR with a grain of salt as even Happycat admits he didn't play it as well as he could have. There have also been a few changes to the campaign since that AAR started and I think the second AAR that Abukede and Happycat have just started will likely paint a bit of a different picture Hubert
  21. Hi Bob, You won't need a physical copy, just the installation file for the full game... do you have the digital installation file for the full game that you downloaded 2 years ago? It's hard for me to guess what might be going on at your end without seeing it and what I've described above should resolve the issue for you... not sure why it is not finding that particular file either as it is in the installation folder on my end. For the installation version that is working on your end, does that particular file exist in that folder? If so can you copy it over to the installation folder where SCG is not working and see if that resolves it for you? Hubert
  22. Hi CSS, Thanks again for your feedback and to be honest while I do remember this request I can't remember saying that it would encourage cheating. Perhaps I did but at the moment I don't see why adding in such an option, let's say for SC3, would be a problem if both players are aware of it in game through some sort of display mechanism etc. What I can say is thank you for your loyalty and that we'll definitely look to add something like this for SC3 as I really don't see why it should be an issue... hope that helps Hubert
  23. Hi Aikei, If you get the chance to try the 1914 Ostaufmarsch campaign I think you'll find the overall balance improved there as Germany decidedly splits its forces in favour of the Russian front for this campaign. That being said, we have improved the balance for the AI in the 1914 Call To Arms campaign as well as improved the AI for the RCW campaign for the next v1.03 patch which we are in the process of finalizing as we speak. There are also a considerable number of general AI combat improvements that I think you'll notice a much more efficient AI when on the attack and defence, but especially on the attack as it incorporates many of the refinements we've implemented for the new Assault on Communism and Assault on Democracy expansions. I hope this helps and happy gaming Hubert
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