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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi AshesFall, I've been double checking this on my end in the code and your assessment here is correct Hubert
  2. Hi Zgxzz, Sorry to hear about the trouble, can you send me an email at support@furysoftware.com and I should be able to help you resolve this. Hubert
  3. All this means is that instead of the text quickly re-appearing after you scroll through the map it fades in a bit more slowly. It's a subtle effect that we had implemented during testing of the 'Hide Text' test and I just kept it in, in case anyone preferred the option. Hubert
  4. It looks like you might have mistranslated, in English these items are 'Hide Text During Map Scroll' and 'Fade In Text After Scroll' respectively. Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Hi Rafael, There is one thing I noticed which is that the AI dialog does pop up during the AI turn if you press that key (which it shouldn't) and I wonder if that might be the time it doesn't close for you? I've sent you a reply email back and we can figure it out there offline and hopefully this can be fixed for your system as I can't repeat the error as reported on my end. Hubert
  6. As far as we can tell this error only occurs during controlled movements, i.e. when you use the CTRL key to plot a specific unit path and has been fixed on our end for the first patch. Hope this helps and sorry about the trouble, Hubert
  7. Actually you don't even have to use the Editor, the loops can easily be disabled in game when you start a campaign by going to OPTIONS->ADVANCED->SCRIPTS and then selecting Loop events. Simply deselect the loops you don't want in game and they are disabled for the life of the campaign even if they still appear on the map. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. For now the max AP range is still set to 25... while we realize that ships should travel farther one real problem is we have to balance this out with maximizing AI speed and the longer the ranges we put in the more it potentially slows down the AI on the naval movement turns. This is also one of the reasons we use loops. While I can certainly accept the criticisms, and that it is not always an ideal solution throughout, it does help and sometimes we have to balance out game play with other playability factors.
  9. DrunkenLuftwaffe, Nobody is actually privy to the release date just yet as we are still finalizing... but hopefully soon enough if all goes well in our final test rounds over the next week or so. Keep in mind the new Global campaign has been accurately described as a monster and so getting it right takes some time. Also, Abukede is volunteering his time to do the AARs/Walkthroughs and we appreciate his efforts, as well as all of our Beta testers because quite honestly the game just would not be the same without them Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. Hi rjh1971, Thanks for the report and I think this might already be fixed on my end but please do send me a saved game file where I can reproduce the error and I'll be happy to confirm. Hubert
  11. Perhaps the permissions on the saved game folder have been set to be protected or read only etc. This is typically an OS issue and not sure why it would have happened but usually a reboot resolves the issue.
  12. Can you send me a turn where the enemy air units are attacking more than desired, a turn where I can hit 'End Turn' and then watch the AI perform its moves with this happening is ideal. Thanks, Hubert
  13. Hi Sapare, Can you send me a saved turn where the HQ units are bunching up? Sometimes this happens where there are not enough specific plans for the AI and it just assigns all HQs to the few plans it has which can usually be corrected with some new scripts for such a situation or it could be something else. Either way a saved turn will help us narrow it down, send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  14. Thanks everyone for the feedback and we'll make a note of it and see what we can do for the future
  15. Hi Sapare, There could be a naval movement bug that didn't come up in testing. If you are able to figure out a way to repeat the error consistently please let me know and I'll be happy to take a closer look. For the Alt-Tab issues, I'm not sure why this would be happening as nothing has changed on my end (from previous releases) that I can think of that would produce the problems you are reporting but if you can provide some PC info including your operating system as well as if you are playing in Full Screen or Windowed mode that will help. Hubert
  16. Here is a set of sprites for Germany including all the new unit types: http://www.furysoftware.com/images/AoC_units.jpg Here is the unit build list dialog for reference on the new types: http://www.furysoftware.com/images/unit_builds.jpg
  17. Hi CSS, I would suggest contacting the help desk as they should be able to get you up and running as needed as quickly as possible. http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk Hubert
  18. Hi ssn767, Can you try running the game in Windowed mode and not Full Screen as this should resolve the issue for you. This can be set in game via the SETTINGS dialog accessible through the MAIN MENU screen of the game. I hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Hi CSS, If you still have the setup file you can simply use this file to install it on your Windows 8 computer. I hope this helps, Hubert
  20. Hi Templer, At the moment there is nothing planned beyond the listed campaigns that will be included for AoD. Hubert
  21. Hi SeaMonkey, This AAR was started with an earlier beta and much has changed especially in China and we'll have a new English AAR in a week or so that will display some significant improvements... stay tuned Hubert
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