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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Altaris, Looks like a bit of a typo in the Manual... here are the correct basic formulas. Morale: morale / 10 * .75 + (strength - old morale / 10 * .75) * unit.supply / 10 * morale / 100 Readiness: ((strength + HQ Rating) / 2 + morale / 10 + Parent HQ Experience Value) / 2 Hubert
  2. Hi Zapata, Can you send me an email at info@furysoftware.com? Thanks, Hubert
  3. Hi Zapata, Thanks for the report as this looks like something I fixed and then later re-broke, I'll include this in the upcoming GOLD patch as a fix once again. Hubert
  4. I think what Amadeus proposes could work and yes if we apply the same logic to new units then it should be fine. Renaming shouldn't be a problem if this is a per unit property much like the current strength is and so on. The problem with a saved game tracking tool is that this also has to be stored somewhere and once you figure it out then it can also be hacked... I think the best solution here would just be a saved game server as the file is only located there and that could help to avoid some of these issues as they exist.
  5. It's a good idea, I think a hotkey would do the trick, let me think about this some more.
  6. Hi Altaris, As far as I know AoD and AoC will not be bundled with Global. I hope this helps, Hubert
  7. Hi Numdydar, I'm not 100% sure I understand but if the question is will any of the previous campaigns be officially available as a part of AoD, the answer is no, this is a new package/expansion with new campaigns. But as Bill mentioned, the older campaigns can be imported with some leg work involved as not everything is compatible like the unit layer and other unit information, but the maps themselves should be importable just fine. Hubert
  8. Hi Stormbringer3, Glad to hear you are enjoying the game For upgrades, it depends of course on available MPP and if the units have moved or not... quite often they are in action and this will not enable them to upgrade until there is a period of actual rest and refit for the unit, i.e. once it withdraws from action or if there are no enemy units around for it to attack etc. For the keycodes, I'll have to ask Battlefront to comment as I'm not sure how this is handled to be honest. Hubert
  9. Unfortunately all the new campaigns can only be played in the new expansions as too much has changed. For example the new unit types alone instantly makes the new campaigns not backwards compatible.
  10. Hi Amadeus, That's a nice idea and I think well suited for SC3. Thanks Gorgin, this is already fixed
  11. Hi DrunkenLuftwaffe, The new Global map is only in the Assault on Democracy game, the Assault on Communism game is more of a focus on the Soviet unit only with East Front campaigns and so on. Hubert
  12. Hi Pocus, The Editor really shouldn't slow the game down the way you've described... the only thing I can think of is that perhaps the video memory has been stolen by the Editor that the game is now running slow. I would suggest shutting down the Editor and the game and then trying to run it again after that to see if you notice any improvement. A reboot might also help but that is only a last resort. Hubert
  13. Hi Pacestick, I believe I've tracked down this error and we'll be including it in the next patch... the good thing is that it doesn't happen every time but when it does it can certainly be odd so we'll fix this up ASAP. Hubert
  14. I thought I'd try and clarify this, the problem with the East Front campaign, and remember the scale and number of units is a bit different from previous releases, is that as Al mentioned you often get front lines where they are two units deep on each side. So if the Soviet front line is two units deep and the retreat is only a single tile, the Soviet unit cannot retreat at all and is simply destroyed. By Al setting it to two tiles, it doesn't mean that units retreat two tiles every time, it simply allows for exactly what you mentioned, a "pass through" of at least one friendly unit so that it can retreat to a friendly tile when the lines get very crowded. It works well for this particular campaign and for others where only 1 retreat range is more applicable we've left it at that. Hopefully that clarifies things a bit Hubert
  15. Hmm... very odd and I wonder if it might be Windows 8 related? If you are running Windows 8 can you try not running in FULL SCREEN to see if that helps? Either way, Windows 8 or not, let me know if changing to not FULL SCREEN in the game settings does the trick. Hubert
  16. Hi SeaMonkey, I think Al was comparing the new map to his previous Brute Force campaigns that were available in GOLD. Think of the new map for AoD in terms of the older GOLD version of 1939 World At War but this time around with just a much bigger map (5X larger), improved AI, new unit types and more events
  17. Hi Pocus, This might have been from the Brute Force campaign in GOLD, as Al mentioned the new map for AoD is being built up from the previous 1939 World At War campaign so the above concern won't be applicable Hubert
  18. Fintilgin, The map still does not scroll continuously but this is something we will implement for SC3 when applicable.
  19. Hi AshesFall, Sorry to hear about the trouble and I'm having a hard time repeating this error. Can you tell me if this just suddenly occurred in the middle of a game or did you stop the game and continue at a later date to discover this as an issue. Anything you can provide will help me to better understand the problem, Hubert
  20. Hi DrunkenLuftwaffe, There is a thread here as well as an article in the first post that highlights some of the differences, hopefully this helps http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107263 Hubert
  21. Hi Mike, I believe with the Breakthrough release, counter battery fire is now the norm and since the AoD/AoC packages are built up from the Breakthrough engine this will also be a part of the AoD/AoC release.
  22. Hi DrunkenLuftwaffe, I honestly wish I had more to add but since it is still early there is not much more to say. I can say that things are coming together, slowly but surely, and once they do more concretely I suspect we'll have more to share Hubert
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