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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Most of the intrinsic, not all, will be included in the next patch (some very minor changes are not included as the engine changes have been significant enough that backwards compatibility was not an option) but specifically the 1939 campaign has also been improved as well as I've tried to take advantage of some of the newer scripting techniques that make AoC/AoD play so well now. I hope this helps, Hubert
  2. Thanks Sapare, I'll be making some adjustments.
  3. Thanks Amadeus, this was not previously reported and i'll fix this on my end.
  4. This is just a message letting you know that the game engine has found a weaker unit to replace the unit currently holding a position for the AI side.
  5. Hi Amadeus, It sounds like AoC is not finding your Global Conflict base game installation properly. I can't say for sure as we can't see the error message image you've linked to in the original post, but if you have more than one installation of Global then this is a possibility. Either way can you try uninstalling Global and then reinstall it as that should resolve the issue for you. Hubert
  6. Ah I see and depending on the campaign some are set to have less units for purchase by design. For example even if there are 10 new units in total, Germany might not be set to purchase Cavalry while the USSR can. I'm actually away from my home computer for the next few days so i can't show you a screenshot of the Editor with the full list of new unit types or what some of the differences are between countries and perhaps Al can when he has the chance. But rest assured there are 10 new distinct types and hopefully it helps to convince you to take the plunge as AoC is really a great package and even the AI improvements will be noticeable
  7. Definitely fair enough Rosseau and just to clarify the 10 new units are indeed brand new units each having an individual unit slot. In other words each unit on the list is purchasable and can all be on the map at the same time. If I understood your concern correctly there is no "changed" around, I hope this helps! Hubert
  8. heyhellowhatsnew, To be honest I'm not sure as we've never done something like that before but if there is some demand for this, as we'd have to commit some resources, then I guess anything is possible. Hubert
  9. Hi Kreckel1, I guess the simplest answer would be that the nature of this expansion is the new East Front campaigns and in order to make the campaigns play and feel appropriately we added in some new unit types and other additions. Naturally along the way things on the more basic level improve as well, such as the AI and other interface features that are now also included in this expansion. But that being said, the next expansion, Assault on Democracy which includes many "what if" campaigns centered around the Western Allies will also include a new Global campaign with the larger map, and all the same new features that AoC includes, and hopefully that will help those more interested in the Global campaigns. Hubert
  10. Here it is, the official thread to challenge/find opponents for the brand new Assault on Communism expansion... good luck!
  11. Thanks SeaMonkey, very much appreciated but I think we now have a very good team over here and I can't do it without them
  12. Hi Sapare, A replay feature of some kind is under consideration for SC3, we are just not sure exactly what it will be just yet Hubert
  13. Thanks for all the feedback gentlemen and we will work to ensure that the new Global campaign for AoD will be as close to balanced as possible and we'll continue to tweak it as necessary after release as well Some great ideas here and I think we'll be looking at SC3 before some of them become a reality but I just wanted to let everyone know that we are listening and we'll continue to do our best to address concerns like these. Hubert
  14. Hi David12345, We are making some adjustments for the v1.04 GOLD patch that I think will address many of the concerns. One significant adjustment will be just how much experience units will gain from combat. This is being reduced, and we will be reducing the overall max experience a unit can have to match more closely what we did with the Storm Over Europe campaign released in the WWI package. One thing that often happens during testing is that a campaign can be found to be relatively balanced but after wide release and once strategies are fine tuned, a winning strategy is often found for one side or the other and this of course requires us to make some refinements to the campaign in order to address this. Since the prevailing strategy is China/USSR for the Axis we've also made some adjustments to make China a bit harder to subdue and we've added some elements to hopefully help slow the German advance ever so slightly as well. We'll be testing the changes on our end and if all goes well a new patch will be ready soon enough Hubert
  15. The latest patch for GOLD is v1.03 and the latest patch for Global Conflict (the base game) is v1.07. Both patches can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317
  16. Unfortunately no, the new features are only available in the new AoC expansion. You can import older campaigns into AoC using the 'Import' function in the Editor but not all campaign data from the previous Global Conflict and GOLD releases are compatible as much has changed. But the main map layers should import without a hitch, you'll likely only need to redo the unit layer and unit data and a few other small items that are not compatible. I hope this helps, Hubert
  17. The new AoC expansion only includes the East Front campaigns and does not include any previous Global Conflict or GOLD campaigns. I hope this helps, Hubert
  18. Hi David12345, We are looking into adjusting some of the experience gains as that will certainly help but at the same time I'd be interested in more feedback on balance before I make any further changes. I only suggest this as testing on our end indicated that the game was and continues to be relatively balanced with some exceptions here and there depending on players, playing style and so on. As Strategiclayabout mentions sometimes it is just a matter of thinking outside of the box or playing more aggressively as the Allies to secure victory and perhaps that is something to consider if you think it may apply? From memory the v1.03 patch should not have changed balance in any way but that being said I am interested to hear more from other players as we'll want to include any necessary changes in v1.04 as needed. So now is your chance to speak up Hubert
  19. Hi Rocko1, Thanks for your interest in seeing something like this as it's something that is on the table... we just can't say yet when it might happen as it requires quite a bit of re-coding and testing etc. Hubert
  20. Hi MadMarlin2, With WaW, I believe the AI *knew* about unoccupied cities all too well as you've discovered and this is now corrected in the newer versions of SC. Essentially now the AI will sometimes take a chance that a city is undefended and may get lucky or encounter hidden enemy units and subsequently pay the price of the hidden encounter.
  21. Hi Panzer1962, Storm over Europe was a later in one of the first patches, I'd suggest downloading the latest patch available and that should resolve all the issues for you. Hope this helps, Hubert
  22. The only conditions that I can think of that the Engineer will need in order to Fortify is: - Available Action Points - supply must be >= 5 - cannot be on a resource tile - cannot be on a Land + Water tile Does this help?
  23. The way I currently have things setup, code wise, it unfortunately won't be a simple task... does the Esc key work on your end? I run Windows 7 but in Windowed mode, if I press the Esc key, the window immediately minimizes. Hubert
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