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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks for your interest gentlemen and while I can't give you an exact date just yet... we are wrapping it up, so hopefully soon enough once all our ducks are in a row etc.
  2. The new v1.04 patch has been released, let us know if you find the balance has improved http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317#Strategic%20Command%20WWII%20Global%20Conflict%20GOLD
  3. Hi Jollyguy, I don't think anything has changed on my end to prevent you from installing and copying over the game to other folders. Perhaps it is an Operating System permission error at play and I would suggest the following: - Uninstall SCG and delete all other copied folders (backup your saved games if applicable) - Reboot - Re-install SCG - Copy the SCG folder and make it into the new folder you desire, i.e. v2, or v3, v4 etc. - Make sure you are not running any versions of the SCG game or Editor, to be on the safe side, and then install the applicable patches to the applicable version folders. It should work as expected as I have several versions on my end as well. Hope this helps, Hubert
  4. Hi MJY, It sounds like an operating system write permission error. Perhaps a reboot will resolve it and/or I would suggest to try and run the game as an Administrator to see if that helps. You can do this by right clicking on the game EXE or desktop icon and selecting Run as Administrator. Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Hi Sapare, Thanks for the feedback and I'll see what I can do as often it is tricky to get the AI to cooperate without it then getting into a predictable pattern, i.e. like baiting the AI with specific units, HQs in your example, knowing it will always put a priority on that unit first. I have to go way back to I believe SC1 where the AI would specifically go out of its way to target Rocket units and this led to some issues during game play. It could all work out and be the best thing for the AI to always do, i.e. put a priority on HQs, but there are some instances of unintended consequences that I just have to keep in mind or be careful of. For the air units, ideally the AI should only make attacks that are in its best interest combat result wise but you are likely right that I might be treating Medium Bombers too much like Tactical Bombers and so I'll take a look if a simple adjustment can be made on my end. Hubert
  6. Hi Meteor2! Welcome to the AoC Forum and hopefully you find a strategy that works for you soon enough Hubert
  7. For Citadel the problem we found was that the USSR didn't have any Industrial Centers deep behind the front lines like they do in Barbarossa. For example, once Moscow is captured then the Soviets no longer had a location to place new units and this is now fixed for the next build. For Barbarossa they have the correct Industrial Centers on the map and perhaps you simply captured them before it was able to place any units it had already purchased and then it may have also made subsequent purchases, again without the ability to place them, until it finally surrendered. Hard for me to say without seeing the final few turns prior to surrender but if you might have them please feel free to send it over at support@furysofware.com and I'd be happy to take a look Hubert
  8. Hi Mike, I think we are pretty close on our end and hopefully not much longer to wait so you'll definitely get the chance to see it all first hand. I can say that we tried to match the initial MPP incomes and costs from the previous Global GOLD map, as it made things easier to design instead of having to go completely from the ground up, but naturally because the map is bigger we did add more unit builds and at start units as would be needed but it wasn't always a simple case of just double the units. I think you'll get a better idea once you see the map and can play the turns yourself and even the Official AAR should help paint a better picture. What we were shooting for was a natural growth in units and incomes as the game progresses as the larger map allows for eventually higher MPPs due to the extra resources and it seemed to have worked out quite well Hubert
  9. Just reviewing my tests and it does indeed just look like a case of the AI having more than enough HQs so that in some areas there are more than one. It seems however that despite this the AI has spread out its HQs so that each plan has at least one HQ with those extra HQs simply being assigned to an existing plan. My suspicion is that it might just look off as this is probably the first campaign where so many HQs are in play all at once.
  10. Hi Ulf! Thanks for the feedback and we've found the issue and it will be corrected for the first patch Hubert
  11. Are you playing on Windows 8? If so then this is a known issue and the workaround is exactly as you described.
  12. Hi Helias, I believe the v1.07 patch will resolve the issue and as far as I remember we submitted it to Gamersgate but they have yet to publish it. I would reiterate what Schrullenhaft suggested and attempt to contact Gamersgate support to see if they will publish the latest patch... every little bit will hopefully help. Hubert
  13. Hi Wlape3, Unfortunately there is no easy way to edit the DAT files that I'm aware of. As you've guessed it is just a file format I use to export the in game data structures and perhaps with a hex editor but I can't imagine the nightmare it would be to get it to cooperate. The big problem is that the data has changed quite a bit, and the internal structures for additional arrays, lists and so on have been considerably modified to hold the new unit types and their associated data, i.e. not just expanded but shifted and so on, that it is just not a straightforward import and that is why it is disabled. What you could try is to make use of the defaults and simply change what needs to be changed if it is a simpler conversion, otherwise if it has been heavily customized then entering it all again is pretty much the only option . Hubert
  14. This is probably fixed with v1.02, i.e. the latest patch release but if you still see the issue with it there don't hesitate to let me know and I'll be happy to make further adjustments.
  15. Glad to hear you are enjoying the AI HardRock and I'll run some tests today to see why the HQs are possibly bunching up... this usually only happens when the AI is down to a few OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE or GARRISON plans and as a result they don't spread out as much as they should. Adding in a few extra plans should do the trick.
  16. This is likely now fixed with the newer releases as Global pre-dates even the WWI release but if you have a surefire way of re-creating the error just let me know and I'd be happy to take a look and fix it.
  17. The AI will still handle it as it will still navigate to the final destination locations as they are still part of their plan even if the loops are disabled... the only catch is that it will likely take longer for them, much like a human player without the loops, to get there. Hubert
  18. Hi Drunkenluftwaffe, We have released a Hotfix patch late last week via the Battlefront Repository, in the AoC section, and it includes the following quick fixes: v1.00.01 Hotfix GAME ENGINE CHANGES - fixed a controlled movement error that would cause a CTD in some rare cases - fixed a swap unit error - fixed a base game not found error for retail versions of Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=53 I hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Hi Matthiasbw, Also if you could tell us which game is this for, WWI or Breakthrough and the version number that will help me narrow it down and/or know if this is already adjusted for a newer version if you are possibly still playing an older version etc. Thanks, Hubert
  20. Can't say really just yet as there are a few things we are working on at our end but as soon as it is ready we'll definitely have it available. Hubert
  21. Actually it can affect the chance of a breakthrough after 30%. To re-clarify, the system works with A) and as Bill described in an earlier post. Think of the value X as representing a factor in A) and in . For example the value X is calculated as follows: 1 chits at 5% progression will give you a value of 5%. Then if you are at Level-1 and your opponent is at Level-3 then you get a 3-1= 2% bonus applied so now you are at 7%. If you are at Intelligence Level-1 you get another 1% bonus so now you are at 8%. This is the X value 8% that applies in A), so now the progression towards 100% will be 4-12% for that particular turn. However in , once you are above the 30% threshold, you also have an 8% chance per turn of achieving an early breakthrough. Hopefully this makes sense! Hubert
  22. Hi Mttodd37, Try holding the shift key down and then selecting the target recon position if it is within the flight range, otherwise recon is the default behaviour for any enemy position and if an enemy is revealed it will automatically strike that position as well, i.e. there is no just 'recon' option. I hope this helps, Hubert
  23. It would be A) but only negating your own intelligence... the other 'tech difference' is applied separately and would still apply.
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