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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Numdydar, I've usually found that there are enough units to man all Partisan positions if you use all your available unit types, but of course the tradeoff is that you then at times need to use some stronger units that then weaken your offensives in China. If so this is partly by design as it requires you to make some of the tougher choices in China (much like in the USSR with the Germans), i.e. man all Partisan positions or use all available units to assault Chinese positions. Is this not the case? Hubert
  2. Difficult to say for sure, can you send me the campaign and the subfolder without any custom Bitmaps, Interface items and so on and I can try running it on my end to see what the problem might be. Often it is an incompatible Bitmap or Interface item and I would double check to make sure that any custom ones you are using match the pixel width and height of the ones used in AoD and that might resolve the issue for you. Send to support@furysoftware.com
  3. This came up in testing and in fact is pretty much the two sides of the concerns regarding Japan, i.e. too strong early on but at the same time not enough units overall (especially Garrison units) for the entire war. The problem is of course that if you provide Japan with an too many Garrison units then early on they are even more powerful and can really throw the war in China out of balance, i.e. as they can use all of their stronger units for combat as opposed to having to use them for any Garrison or Anti-Partisan duty, but on the other hand once the war in the Pacific heats up Japan can really use additional units to hold islands and so on. With the game mechanics in mind, there is no easy solution and so for the most part we erred on the side of caution so that Japan is not too strong early on but we did add more units to arrive later in the P/Q as well as a DECISION event to help provide Japan with additional Garrison units if they choose Yes to the decision. We can look to add more for later on in the war but it is not always an easy fix as simply adding in Garrison units without warning, i.e. like having them appear after the fall of Singapore is not always a good solution unless we convey this to the player as a message/popup in game so that they do not prepare for this on their own only to find out that they get a free unit anyways. Somethings to think about for sure and thanks for the feedback and we'll see what we can do Hubert
  4. Hi Federico, It looks like the error is simply reporting a feature that is not supported on your system. Is this an emulator that runs Windows 8 on your Mac Book Pro? Either way I would suggest downloading and installing all the latest Windows 8 related drivers for your video card and sound card as well as any latest versions of the emulator to see if that helps. Hubert
  5. Thanks everyone for their feedback and as I think everything that needed to be said has been said I'll just lock this up. Hubert
  6. Hi Mike, I've read through your assessments on how the LOOP function works and I'd say all your assessments are correct. However I checked the code on the TRIGGER and it seems to be set the same way as it is for other events so I'm not sure why it was not working in your case. For example, did you set it at let's say something like 25% and it was still firing every time? Hubert
  7. Hi Gustophus, 1. If it is just the simple text in game then any instance in the localization.txt file that has 'Allies' should be changed to French Union and that should do the trick. If it is the interface bitmaps then those will of course have to be manually edited in a graphics editing program. 2. I think you might be talking about the unit sprites BMP file? If so then these are the units that are used in game and each row, the first 8 rows of units, corresponds to the first 8 majors that are listed in your campaign in the 'Country Data' dialog. The 9th and 10th rows represent the Allied minors and the Axis minors respectively. Then after that the next 10 rows are duplicates of the first 10 rows but represent the winterized units, the 10 rows after that are the desert versions. The columns of units follow the unit order found in the 'Unit Build' data dialog in the Editor. For some there are multiple sprites, i.e. tanks have 6 different versions depending upon what research level they are on and so on. 3. The warning pop up page simply tells you that Japan's current alliance setting affects several minor countries that are dependent on Japan's setting as Japan is their parent. So if you change Japan to neutral then those minor countries that are aligned with Japan will be reset as well. There is no way around this and you'll have to reset those minors if applicable or you can simply leave them to be reset if they will no longer depend on Japan. For example, in the 1939 World At War campaign, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are all set to have Germany as their Axis parent country. If you were to edit that campaign and set Germany to Neutral then Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria would be reset to Neutral as well as they no longer have a valid Axis parent. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. Hi Stormbringer2, The AI enhancements have mostly to do with the way the AI handles combat and identifies its targets and works to destroy them. For example, swap movements and attacks have been greatly improved for the AI as well as how the AI picks its weakest targets and then focuses other available units to attempt to destroy it in a much more meaningful manner. All of these described improvements were also implemented for AoD and AoC but for AoD/AoC we also made some AI script adjustments that provided some extra flexibility when scripting the AI that improves the AI in a few other general areas. But the most important area would be combat and essentially that is what is now a part of the latest v1.03 Breakthrough patch. Hubert
  9. Good to know Axisgeneral72 and something we can keep in mind on our end as well as an option.
  10. Hi AxisGeneral72, Glad to hear you are enjoying the game Video Acceleration is now a default setting in game so there is no longer an option to toggle this as it is always on. What you can try and do is to disable the map text if you are finding that scrolling and other mouse actions are sluggish. To do this, please go to OPTIONS->ADVANCED in game and toggle off the 'Show Text' option. Let me know if this helps, Hubert
  11. Hi Helias, We've sent over the applicable files late last week and hopefully they'll have it ready for you soon enough. Hubert
  12. Yes I think in game it might show that up to 5 as a possibility but for the campaign itself it is indeed capped at 3. So once it reaches 3 in game it will stop there even if it appears to show that 2 more experience medals are possible.
  13. Hi Strategicalyabout, I'd be curious to see how the campaign unfolds by 1942 and beyond as in testing we found that China is still a bit of work to crack even if cities like Chagsha and Chengchow fall earlier than expected. Additionally once Japan is fighting in the Pacific with the US things can become even more challenging. If we find there are still some changes that need to be made we will certainly implement them but as this is a new version of the Global map things might not always unfold as you expect them to based on the smaller versions. Hubert
  14. Hi David, I've just taken a quick look to double check the main 1939 World At War campaign and it looks like we've got the same settings for that campaign as we do for the v1.04 GOLD patch... hope fhis helps Hubert
  15. Hi Edge37 and Eisenhammer, I can confirm that there will be a demo. We are just finalizing the tests for it and should have it released in the next little while. Hubert
  16. Correct that it should be but for game play reasons we took it out as it does make Sealion too easy and it also narrowed the channel a bit more than we would have liked. Having it there created one less tile to maneuver and since it also spots under FoW we found it narrowed it down even more as you needed to avoid the adjacent tiles as well.
  17. Thanks for this as well and we'll make some adjustments for the first patch.
  18. Thanks Numdydar, this should now be fixed for the first patch
  19. Hi Sanderz, 1) There is no license to free up, it is simply used as you get 4 install licenses, i.e. each time you enter the license code it has used an install. However you can uninstall and reinstall on the same machine as often as you like and it won't ask you for the license key again unless your machine has changed to the point that the original installation information is no longer available. For additional licenses, from the knowledge base: In addition to the above 4 activations, you can add one extra activation to your key every 365 days. In order to do this, please point your browser to http://www.battlefront.com/activate. You will be asked to login and enter your license key. 2) Just copying over the base game won't be enough for the AoC/AoD expansions to work, you'll have to "install" the base game for the expansions to work properly. Hope this helps, Hubert
  20. Great post MonsterClaude and much appreciated
  21. Hi Bob, For uninstalling I am referring to using the 'Uninstall' option found in the game installation folder or via the Program Group links for the game. This would then properly uninstall the game and any 'machine' info for the game left on your system. A proper re-installing would then have to be done via the original installer... do you still have that handy by any chance? Hubert
  22. Hi Huhr, Global Conflict is the original base game and GOLD is simply the first expansion we created for the original base game. AoC and AoD are just the latest expansions for the base game and do not require GOLD as that is just another expansion. I hope this helps, Hubert
  23. Here it is, the official thread to challenge/find opponents for the brand new Assault on Democracy expansion... good luck! Hubert
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