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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "How is default of a non zero pause going to help me? I do not set pauses at way points in the majority of cases so this would actually slow me down if I had to clear them all a I set my way points." This was in response to a comment about the problems of inf pausing at every waypoint. If there was a zero pause they would run right thru a waypoint like a vehicle does.
  2. Well, I have definitely experienced it a couple of time. Fortunately, onmap guns are not that frequent in scenarios.
  3. Yes, I didn't mean that it isn't irritating and a bug. Just that it's not a new thing...
  4. Interesting points. However, I thought that Normandy was an example of not defending at the beaches as Rommel wanted. Wasn't he bummed that so many forces were kept away from the beaches and had to take days getting there after the invasion?
  5. Each waypoint could have the current default pause, but it would show up on timer so that if desired one could reset it to zero seconds. (However, personally, it's been rare that the current pause gave me any problems.)
  6. Got it. Congrats on completing all the CW vehicles!
  7. Perhaps BF could rename the "Conscript", "Green" etc categories to the more memorable "Clueless Farm Boys"; "Idiot City Pansies"; to "Original Gangsters" or somesuch thus simulating what their exasperated sergeants would probably be screaming at them.
  8. Yes, this can happen fairly often. The question is under what conditions? We see the same phenomenon even with squads or crews that end up with one guy wandering off somewhere - probably looking for a quiet spot for a pee...
  9. includes "single player save games, or ongoing Campaigns..." Ah, I didn't realize the upgrades could affect vz AI games... But, is Steve saying that from now on the upgrades will not, or...?
  10. For what it's worth koh, your efforts are showing fruit and the model is getting better.
  11. I do like having the data available. Love using a mixture of JUJU's and Marco's graphics.
  12. The biggest challenge in MOUT is being able to keep situational awareness at level one or two. Buildings and walls easily get in the way as the view abruptly changes with very small movements of the "camera". However, I really enjoyed playing on the Ramadi map.
  13. The thought I had was that it's a bit "clean"... the details of the vehicle are a bit lost in the camo. Need to punch em up a bit so we see the rivets and tools etc. Maybe some "dirt" is needed?
  14. Re sewer movement in East Front, IIRC CMBB had that... your unit(s) entered a heavy building and you issued the sewer movement order to another heavy building and there was probabilty they would get there, or someplace else, or never be seen again.
  15. In CMBN I use VEIN's load progress bar. But, when I copy it to CMFI it doesn't seem to work. Is there a CMFI version?
  16. Agreed, they need to be used at a distance. They are not tanks or even AC's. Many CM2 maps are small, but in most cases one can get enough distance to keep the gunners relatively safe while they provide suppressive fire.
  17. Most of the improvements players request are for "convenience". All the "necessary" bits have been done quite well by BF.
  18. Thanks... However, I finally found it in my very large UNUSED MODS folder. Put it in all my CM2 game SOUNDS folders as it's useful. Hope it works everywhere.
  19. Hmm... can't find DoD mod in my Z SOUNDS folder. Is that in Repository or CMMODS?
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