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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Usually, the Brits have heavy arty to even things out. It takes a lot more patience playing Brits as the ground and enemy has to be "prepped" properly b4 your send your chaps "over the top". That can mean spending half to 3/4 of the game doing little but recon to spot enemy ATGM's etc. and arty bombardment to kill em.
  2. Wow. This is one productive Aris day! Gorgeous work.
  3. In CMSF/CMA, passenger troops were able to fire out of vehicular slits. Is that modeled in the CMBN family?
  4. I shower in WEGO, I like the challenge of planning what I have to do in the shower for a full minute...
  5. Are you saying that 2007 loadout is wrong? In CMSF's day (b4 CMBN etc) the discussions here were about how accurate the Brit's weaknesses are. But, that makes playing them so interesting since you can't just blow up everything like the yanks.
  6. **********SPOILER ALERT********** Playing as the Germans after 20 minutes I still find the left flank impossible to breach. Lost a Stug and the KT damaged. Lots of inf casualties. the 81 morts were ineffective vs the Brits in buildings. And with their deadly close range weapons, one has to shoot at them at 150m plus and it's hard to get that range. The RHS flank is more amenable and I shifted one platoon from the left to the right to help out. The reinforcement company was a surprise as there is NO MENTION OF IT IN THE BRIEFING. Knowing I had reinforcements would have changed things.
  7. How can one copy that Rocketman splash screen as a bmp?
  8. umlaut has a good point. I had to send some time renumbering sets. And there are now several sets available that all have similar numbers, so it's a PITA.
  9. "In reality, the PDs moved to the invasion zone with some delay and disruption certainly, but without serious loss to Allied air." I understand the argument. I am not historian, but IIRC didn't some at least of the PD's suffer massive armor losses in trying to get into action due to having to travel distances under Allied air attack. Coupled with naval artillery up to 25 miles from the coast, it sounds like no effective defense strategy was possible.
  10. Just curious... weren't interiors of AFV's painted a light color - to help with seeing stuff?
  11. Very useful as it's often easy to miss the radio static that can be drowned out by BG combat sounds. Thanks...
  12. Thank you, Steve.... Even though we should all know by now, it's often hard to remember in all the excitement of a new module or upgrade/patch that we need to remove our Z folders and also now our savegame files. It would be helpful if a warning that that effect appeared as part of the install process so it's impossible to miss.
  13. I am sure that I am not the only person here constantly amazed at your productivity, Aris. CM2 requires a much higher skill/talent set than CM1 for mods and scenarios etc.
  14. mjk: thanks, the skull and crossbones do show up. I had to put some zzz's in front. but, the other's do not show up.
  15. "...but with a little planning will work in most." Wat eez dis "planning" u speke of...? I no find in manuel.
  16. Just in case there is a chance the modders can upgrade em... LT SMASH WW2 ICONS GOAWAY CASUALTY.BMP SCIPIO COMPASS Also Vein's Load Progress bar works in CMMG, but not in CMFI. Is there a CMFI version?
  17. Since you're asking.. Have all the guns been modded?
  18. "How is default of a non zero pause going to help me? I do not set pauses at way points in the majority of cases so this would actually slow me down if I had to clear them all a I set my way points." This was in response to a comment about the problems of inf pausing at every waypoint. If there was a zero pause they would run right thru a waypoint like a vehicle does.
  19. Well, I have definitely experienced it a couple of time. Fortunately, onmap guns are not that frequent in scenarios.
  20. Yes, I didn't mean that it isn't irritating and a bug. Just that it's not a new thing...
  21. Interesting points. However, I thought that Normandy was an example of not defending at the beaches as Rommel wanted. Wasn't he bummed that so many forces were kept away from the beaches and had to take days getting there after the invasion?
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