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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Apparently one should also remove the saved games folder b4 upgrading etc.
  2. "After all SF is set 6 years or so in the past now..." And WW2 is set 65 years in the past now... so...?
  3. It's not that we're not interested. But, I thought you'd already done the most common ones we'd want.
  4. koh... yes, I think more wear would be good. wicky: Ok, it's a tourist thingy...
  5. Ironically, becoming fairly good at CMSF has made CMBN and the other WW2 titles quite hard. It's hard to get out of the modern war mindset and I hate suffering casualties.
  6. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112028&page=6 From Administrator Normal Dude: "...we plan at some point in the future to get Shock Force up to date with the latest engine. It's going to be a major undertaking though. A lot of changed in the CMx2 engine in all these years!" Folks, we need to start chanting etc...
  7. Really glad that I heard that comment by Steve correctly. I am sure it will be a lot of work. It will be most appreciated by us CMSF fans. I'm sure we'll be willing to pay a decent price for it. With all the engine improvements etc, it would be essentially a new game, but hopefully much easier to develop than something brand new that hasn't been done b4.
  8. If you are a beginner, you have already done a superb job. Look at how Aris has now redone all his first version mods for CMBN because he could do them much better than a couple of years ago...! That's a lot of work.
  9. Ah... I had the impression from his post that Steve was talking about upgrading the existing CMSF even though we may have to buy it as a new game. I am aware of Black Sea CMSF2.
  10. Wow... you have a lot of initiative. From what Steve said in CMBN forums it seems we may get a CMSF update/whole new game up to CMBN tech standards. Anyone who loves CMSF should keep an eye on this ball.
  11. I think we CMSF fans would "happily" pay the price for a new game. The interesting question is whether there would be any bleed over/compatibility with the proposed new CMSF2 games. (I understand they will be set in an earlier era.)
  12. The point I was trying to make is that we regularly get these sorts of posts/threads by ignoramuses. By now we should be able to simply ignore em and not get our knickers in a twist and create a whole thread about it. It happens regularly, and it will happen again. Must we always react the same way like Pavlov's dogs...?
  13. Looks better and better. Your persistence is paying off. Question re the sighs: Would some of the lettering be obscured/rubbed off after weeks/months of standing in the rain and snow? Right now they still look brand new but with a covering of dirt.
  14. I thought that the rust on the windshield area made perfect sense since that where water will hit and run down during movement. Also, I would expect the front louvered armor covering the engine to be the most dirty/rusty again from dirt hitting it during forward movement. (Ditto to the front of the wheel fenders.) Generally, any hinges or moving part will tend to get rusty as that is where paint gets rubbed off. (Am thinking of ships I have been on as well...) Also, horizontal surfaces will be a bit lighter than vertical surfaces as that is where sun and elements will bleach out color. I love what you have done to the sides and rear. Looks very good. Gets better and better.
  15. May experience is that packing any building can end up losing you a lot of men if the enemy can get one good hit on it.
  16. Come on guys... We've always tried to make a distinction between the nation and it's political/geographic ambitions and the poor brave bastids who actually have to carry out orders and often die. Vietnam anyone? (And my mother is a WW2 Estonian refugee/displaced person, so I know all about that part.)
  17. I am excited to read that CMSF may be upgraded. That would definitely be worth some bucks for many of us.
  18. Not to excuse the original poster's immature, silly post. But, we need to appreciate that the vast majority of gamers are used to the real time action games in which one can do almost everything instantly. Most actions in those games do not require one to wait a realistic amount of time for an action to be complete. AFAIK the BF series of games is the only current game system in which (generally) one gives orders to a squad or team and they (the tactical AI) decides how to implement your orders. Our tiny hardcore niche group within the tiny wargame niche market enjoys the "realism" of what BF has developed. However, this sort of rude post is only to be expected as BF attempts to attract a larger market comprised of players who have not "grown/matured" along with the CM series over the last 13-14 years. New (nearly all younger) players who are used to games from big budget developers who sell hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of game units aimed at the lowest common denominator audience (who primarily enjoy fantasy) come to BF games with expectations of a similar experience. They do not forgive BF for what they perceive as amateur work because they expect something like Call of Duty or whatever... So, while we here are aghast at that sort of reaction to the CM2 series, we should stay calm and understand why this unfortunate/rude reaction happens... and will continue to happen as yer "average" gamer from time to time discovers the CM series.
  19. thanks for the explanation. I have only played campaigns and scenarios...
  20. I think at present they look better set on the helmet. Worn on the eyes, they look like expensive fashionable shades. I think they should have a bulkier frame(?).
  21. I assumed you were using a mod by Aris. If you are, it is easy to go into the mod folder and rename the option you don't want so that the system ignores it and it is not chosen at all. You can also get into the base game graphics somehow. But, someone else can advise better than I can.
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