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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. It may be my memory, but during the setup phase (when you can get arty immediately) I never noticed b4 that the arty window also told the player how long TOT will be after the game starts. That's really useful as it helps one decide whether to commit to a set-up barrage or simply call arty in the middle of the game. I have always wanted that info so am flabbergasted that I never noticed that info in all the years I bin playing CM2. I assumed it was a new feature.
  2. I have been struggling with the first scenario in the campaign and will probably replay it. It's a good scenario since there are several strategic possibilities so it looks very replayable.
  3. That's a great idea. I'll send you PM. Thanks...
  4. Just starting the Axis campaign and enjoying it. I appreciate the arty TOT in setup turn also shows how long it will take to arrive when called during the game. I can't recall if that was present before, but I never noticed that. If it's new, a welcome UI addition.
  5. I recall that there was large discussion on the pros and cons of going hulldown with tanks like PzIV's that have weaker turret mantle armor back in CM1 days. The obvious thing is to always go hulldown. But some stats expert tried to show that statistically, one was more likely to be killed hulldown since a turret hit (even though less probable) was almost always fatal vs a hull hit (even though that had a higher probability). It all depends on the algorithms that BF is using.
  6. You might try having anything that sticks out have a bit more white on it to simulate either paint gathering on it, or snow. That way you would also emphasize the rivets and other details that protrude.
  7. Thanks... I tried that... Regrettably, I couldn't to get 1.32 to install properly or even an earlier version to run. I think over the years my install of CMSF has gotten buggered. So probably need to do complete reinstall. The instructions would help...
  8. Ok thanks. Found em. Surprised they don't have the prefix. That would help in general.
  9. I don't see any MG prefixed Campaigns like there are for the MG scenarios. Wondering if the campaigns didn't install properly on my machine.
  10. "My tanks are stationery and waiting, so I spot m10's that moved upto a hd positons.The elite pziv's never spot them, never get any shots off, the m10's spot them and kill them immediately on 1 shot almost like their hd status was a disadvantage or did not exist..." Some folks here insist this is an aberration. But, in my experience, moving tanks seem to be able to spot stationary tanks that are waiting in ambush way too much. Now that MG has addressed the problem with tanks spotting nearby infantry way too easily let's hope BF take a look at the issue you outlined.
  11. Yeah, that happened to me b4 and I was able to restore from the AVG vault. But, this time it's empty. \ AVG seems to have a real hard-on for CMSF as it keeps locating every version and back-up of CMSF.exe and telling me it's infected. And this time AVG removed em all. It flags CMA but hasn't removed anything. It doesn't seem to mind the other CM2 games thank goodness.
  12. Aris, do you know if all your mods work with the new version? (Or do you know which do not?)
  13. Ok thank you... My AVG used to ask me b4 it did anything. I just checked settings and it still should... plus the CMSF programs are "exceptions" so should not be affected. What's puzzling is that because this has happened b4, I had backup's of my v1.32 exec programs on my C:/ drive as well as a BU D:/ drive and they disappeared as well. However, the older 1.31 was still there. Please can you remind me where the instructions for how to reinstall are. I recall it was fairly complex re the order of doing things.
  14. In some cases I hear a fanfare where reinforcements arrive. Other times one hears nothing (maybe only the static which I never even noticed before). What conditions make for the fanfare?
  15. Love using Lli Marlene for CMAK AK games. Hope we get CM2 Africa. But, we'll need bigger maps for the longer range and mobile aspects of that theatre.
  16. "I think the comunnity needs more modders." With the greater complexity of CM2 vs CM1 it's a concern that the few people with the skills and time to put into modding and scenario design will decline. Esp since it seems that with every module/patch, many mods no longer work and have to be redone. It's hard enough to figure out which mods work and which should be permanently deleted. I cannot imagine the work required to actually produce the new mods.
  17. Haven't played CMSF for a couple of months, and just now noticed that the v1.32 .exe file has vanished. I had a 1.31 back up which I copied to the game folder and applied the 1.32 patch. But, it launches the base version with no modules active and it doesn't tell me which version is running(!). I do have all three module execs in the module folder. ((Altho' I had to copy the Brits and NATO over from a BU folder as they were also missing.) Am hoping this can be fixed without the complex reinstallation process. Any ideas?
  18. Any way to easily figure out what mods will and won't work with new modules/updates/patches? I must have hundreds, maybe over a thousand mods and have no idea which should be permanently deleted. It would take weeks or months full-time to load one into Z, start the game, check a scenario, exit, try another one etc.
  19. That's terrific. Thanks BF for all the improvements (and keep em coming)! Much appreciated.
  20. You may find these posts interesting (maybe amusing even): Dinosaurs, tanks and line of sight algorithms (http://dinosaur-island.com/2013/07/14/dinosaurs-tanks-and-line-of-sight-algorithms/) How a dinosaur is not like a tank. (http://dinosaur-island.com/2013/07/23/how-a-dinosaur-is-not-like-a-tank/ ) New AI enables T. rex to anticipate prey’s future location. (http://dinosaur-island.com/2013/10/05/new-ai-enables-t-rex-anticipate-preys-future-position/). D. Ezra Sidran, Ph.D.
  21. Elsewhere?? Does that mean mods that are not in the CMBN Z folder (eg in CMSF Z folder) can somehow "contaminate" CMBN? BTW: After removing the Z folder the US weapons appear correct. However, I still see helmetless US airborne in the distant view. When I move closer, they suddenly acquire helmets.
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