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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Ok, I know this will seem like a dumb question, but where do he .mdr hotfix files go?
  2. umlaut, I looked thru Repository just now and couldn't locate "Waylaid" in CMBN area. Link?
  3. Thanks for the scenarios. However, I got an "unexpected error" message for every one of the 6 when I tried to copy it from the zip to my scenarios folder.
  4. I think BF also said remove Saved Game files as well(?)
  5. Even if metal, rust wouldn't accumulate on a bogey roller unless it had been stationary for a looong time. The top picture looks darn near perfect. The 2nd may have too much rust (on front wheel etc). I would happily buy the top one. Congrats!
  6. Thanks for the Small Weapons mods you uploaded to CMMODS as well!
  7. Thank you... So, we can delete your "TweakedUI v2.10" and "Desktop General v2.10" (uploaded 10/25/13) packs completely?
  8. I didn't want to sounds overly critical after all the work you've done. But, yes the roller could do with some dirt/rust attention. It could be my NVidia settings, but the rust everywhere could be a bit darker/dirtier.
  9. I am puzzled at your screenshot as I thought many of us have noted that the UI and text can't be increased in size when using a very high resolution monitor at its max capacity. If you are setting your display size.txt file to max resolution, are you sure you are not reducing it by changing the in-game setting? I checked the game at my max 2560 1600 60 and I agree it looks a LOT better (regardless whether I have shaders on or off). Edge shimmering is gone and the image/graphics are MUCH better. But, all the briefings and UI are smaller and harder to read. Barely ok while I am using my 30" monitor. So, I will leave it at max resolution from now on. But, almost impossible with a smaller screen. So, I don't understand how you have kept a large UI. How is the briefing text size on your system?
  10. I play CM1 vs humans in tournaments. But, I still enjoy and find CM2 challenging vs the AI. For CM1 games try here: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/
  11. It's usually best to start any vehicle out of any possible enemy LOS. Plan A: Use the inf to scout the ATG locations and kill em with arty. Only then bring out vehicles. If the armor starts off in enemy LOS, then the only thing I can think of is pop smoke and move em fast to a covered "safe" location and then revert to Plan A. (Or, if this is a small scenario and there is only one gun, you need to rush the tanks fast (preferably to hull-down positions) and kill the ATG(s) with direct fire.)
  12. Re: "My desktop is 1920 x 1080. This is the maximum my monitor supports. The GPU is rendering the scene at 2880x1620, set in the display size.txt by using the values 2880 1620 60 The GPU then downscales this to 1920x1080, which results in crisper textures and improved anti aliasing." My NVidia tells me my monitor is capable of 2560x1600. But, if I set the display size.txt to that the UI becomes so small it's almost impossible to read. So, I use 1920x1200. Is it possible to make this downsizing trick work on my system and still end up with a readable 1920x1200?
  13. I can't believe this is your first effort, koh. Looks brilliant. The rust lines streaming from hinges look very realistic. The only thought I have is should there be some whitewash/snowy dirt on the wheels?
  14. Yes, it's helpful to be able to change orders instantly for every unit on the map heh. But, I still like you, Luke. So, no worries...
  15. Man that video was strange. What did we learn? Mass your guys and run em all everywhere till tired in one big group straight into the enemy positions like a mass of tribal warriors. And another good example of why RT play is so unrealistic.
  16. "I've often used half track or Recce vehicle crews as foot Recce and think that having them immediately throw in the towel at the first sight of the enemy would spoil that option." In RL it would make sense that any vehicle could dismount safely and scout ahead on foot (and fight if necessary). I thought that (in the game) the act of bailing out of a vehicle due to crew panic or its being KO'd usually resulted in the crew being pinned/panicked and much less likely to be able to immediately fight on foot. Maybe this probability needs to be tweaked?
  17. The better designers put a bit of mud or somesuch at those real gaps to make them much easier to see. Hope that becomes SOP.
  18. "Where did I leave my Polish sausage?" or "Rolf seems really upset that his wife wrote that I slept with her. Wonder if I should move his MG34 away from my groin?" What makes the picture even more interesting is the soldier aiming his rifle in the window to the rear. It screams for more funny captions (I hope).
  19. Nonetheless many have commented on how hard it is now to execute an ambush. Doing something sensible like hiding behind a wall while an oblivous enemy is on the other side and is a sitting duck for an ambush doesn't seem to work well. Currently, units ordered to Hide are a bit too unaware. And if they are not hiding they seem to be rather too easy to spot. Having said that, the current workaround having tanks have a long delay before they can fire at infantry units close by was a good idea to make urban locations much more dangerous for armor.
  20. Supposedly, the current CM2 default stance with Covered Arc is akin to the old CM1 "Hide with Covered Arc" while the CM2 "Hide with Covered Arc" is literally everyone buries their faces in the dirt and they have virtually no situational awareness, esp behind a wall. I think this is too extreme.
  21. Thank you for the offer, Joe. However, I will be traveling without game computer till mid-December. Am sure you can find an oppo at WeBoB. And there are links there to more clubs with players.
  22. "assumption that being hidden and having a covered arc worked the same as in the CM1 games" Wish it did, but it doesn't... Now you can have a hiding unit with a covered arc, and an enemy can literally walk right over your unit and shoot your guys as they lie there hiding. The other issue is that a hiding AT unit in "ambush" (say) behind a wall will not know there is a noisy tank on the other side to ambush.
  23. I thought the issue is that one can test a LOS before setting a unit down, but once set down one finds that LOS doesn't exist. It's coupled with the other (and one of the last few remaining) irritating CM2 issues - that while the 3rd ammo carrier may have LOS to a target, one cannot move the MG or gun a few inches so that it can shoot at the target.
  24. It's frustrating that we still have LOS problems when "What You See Is What You Get" has always been the watchword for CM2.
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