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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. argh... I forgot to remove my Z folder b4 installing MG. Now I have some Allied troops with some modern CMSF type weapons (and even no helmets). Do I have to remove my Z folder and reinstall MG, or...?
  2. Hmmm... the key didn't work, but suddenly if did work... hope all is now well...
  3. AHRO was an excellent map and scenario. Looking forward to this! ETA? Altho' I suspect MG will occupy most of us for a while now...
  4. I still hope we get MOVE TO CONTACT back for infantry as HUNT is way too tiring for landsers.
  5. +1 to poesel's idea. it's hard to see anything in dense urban settings as one (the camera POV) seems to be always behind a wall. have to do a lot of scrolling and moving back and forth to see the action.
  6. This was posted on WeBoB forums and I thought it posed interesting questions. Anyone here have definitive answers? ************* "I have some questions related to HQ bonuses (Command, Morale, Combat and Stealth). I checked the tactics discussion but could only find a few nuggets, mainly a nice chart showing how a strong Command rating shortens unit reactions and has a wider command radius. Also one valuable comment that German tank optics only work when a tank has a veteran rating. Morale and Stealth seem pretty explanatory. What does Combat do in helping an HQ and its associated units? Finally, I did a buy of a British infantry battalion to see if leadership bonuses increased with higher experience. There seems to be a pattern to this, i.e., the higher the experience rating the more leadership bonuses you get. This would seem to be logical, but it's not always a perfect fit between experience and leadership bonuses, as the chart below indicates. Since I only examined one battalion under each experience rating, I'm not sure what the variance might be from this chart. HQ Experience* Command Morale Combat Stealth Total Conscript 7 14 22 13 56 Green 18 14 19 13 64 Regular 13 18 14 12 57 Veteran 12 23 16 15 66 Crack 18 18 26 21 83 *Includes bonus ratings, e.g. Command +2 added in. Anyway, I see threads theorizing that the more experienced the unit the more concentrated and accurate the firepower of a squad, etc. I was wondering if command control, i.e. combat? also affects firepower, or only the unit's experience rating. Thoughts? Thanks, Duane"
  7. I hope we'll eventually be able to acquire ammo from adjacent units and vehicles without having to embark and disembark which can take an unrealistically long time when playing WEGO and several teams or squads needing ammo at the same time. There should take a reasonable amount of time (eg: 10-20 seconds) rather than being instantaneous. Also, the amount of ammo a unit can carry could be reduced a bit. Right now it seems we can load up small teams with thousands of rounds of ammo and they can still run rather further that I would expect before tiring. I reckon with enuff ammo, the team would be staggering and shouldn't be able to run at all.
  8. I hope to see animation of the Brit tankers stopping to brew tea in the middle of battle. ():
  9. I agree... the CM1-like pop up info screens should return. Nobody forces one to use em if you don't want. And they were never 100% accurate, merely a useful guide as to what was probably going to happen with a certain gun vs a certain armor protection.
  10. Looks really good. What however always puzzles me is how the camo jobs on vehicles seem to make them stand out more than blend in.
  11. I don't miss the data that much but only cos I had ten years of playing CM1 (and still play CM1) to learn/memorize it. As someone pointed out, in RL one would be trained to know a lot of this stuff. However, this is an entertainment GAME. So in this game it would be an invaluable assist for the average player without an encyclopedic knowledge of WW2 equipment be able to understand what is going on and play better. I don't understand the arguments against having any game aids such as the info pop up screen as in CM1. No one is forcing anyone to use game aids if they don't need it.
  12. Maybe useful to generate situations, campaigns and scenarios? http://www.gmtgames.com/living_rules/ADP-RULES-FINAL.pdf
  13. I noticed one has to be careful with the order in which one issues commands. When careless, I find inf units will make for where the vehicle used to be before moving to where it is now (to embark), and conversely, units debarking may head for where the vehicle came from first, b4 moving to where they are supposed to end up.
  14. The advantage came from the fact that one of your teams would receive no fire at all from the target unit and so could maneuver to flank the target unit. This would make it easier to pin the enemy, and close in for the kill.
  15. I frequently imagine CM coupled with a WW2 train simulator game.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. Quite often, mod makers who release updated mods that seem similar don't clearly say whether the mod completely replaces an old mod which should be deleted, or if the new mod is merely an addition to the mod series and the old mod should be kept (even though it can't be used at the same time as the newer mod). So, all you hard-working modders... Please be clear which mods should be deleted permanently, and which should be saved when you release a new mod in a series.
  17. What I meant to ask is if the older mod is obsolete and should be permanently deleted, or if it is still a useful option variant that is different from this brand new one and therefore should be saved somewhere.
  18. This like TOTAL RECALL's "virtual vacations"...
  19. Just wondering... are there any scenarios for these wonderful mods?
  20. I recall from the manual that CM1 teams took a morale hit and functioned at one level lower than rated and never recovered that hit if recombined. There was also a small firepower penalty for two teams vs the unsplit squad. However, the benefits of having two units firing at an enemy more than compensated for that since in CM1, a unit could only fire at one target at a time. I read the CM2 manual carefully when it first came out and IIRC there was no similar morale hit or other penalty for CM2 split squads. So, unless something has changed in the upgrades and patches... IMO to play CM2 well, you have to split squads so they can function a bit more realistically and effectively.
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