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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes. There have been 2 or 3 such mods. I think Mord did one as well, and maybe someone else as well. I renumbered em and copied em all to one FACES folder that I use. It has a nice collection of weary, dirty, scarred and bandaged faces. (Do any have bandaged hands??) But, they are all from years ago. Maybe the state of the art has improved??
  2. Please send circa 1983 French guttersnipe cursing as I actually do need that...
  3. Now, if we could have trams running down that street, that would be something!
  4. There are algorithms that determine when a tank crew abandons their tank, when an AT team running FAST stops under AI control to fire at a tank, when an inf unit breaks and runs, etc. etc... One can criticize all of the AI decisions. But, on the whole, they work. Gun crews often seem to wander off on their own accord which bothers me far more than what parameters it would take for them to take cover under a barrage. What is the fundemental difference? If it "feels right" the vast majority of players are happy.
  5. It certainly makes spotting things more difficult so you'd have to be more careful in WEGO to check everything. It would probably make RT play very hard.
  6. Sounds like it needs to be part of an optional city road mod.
  7. Since gun crews are often seen wandering off quite long way from the gun, could that feature not be enhanced so that they are able to take nearby cover when under barrage.
  8. Do you also arrange package holidays to these beautiful places, Aris? I wanna go...
  9. Agreeing with Michael.... Unless you plan on spending time "on the streets" in certain neighborhoods, no point learning it.
  10. Yes, I just checked and agusto has found the "eliminate the red cross" mod. I wish I could tell you where the skull mod is as I rather like it. It doesn't stand out, but gets the point across.
  11. +1 for longer scenarios that allow for proper recon and careful use of valuable troops and assets. -1 to the short time-deprived scenarios that attempt to create excitement thru forcing one to do hairaisingly suicidal moves cos the scenario itself is (usually) boring. If I want that I'll play an RTS game.
  12. I feel constantly ashamed that my command of other languages is so poor compared to our non-US and non-Brit brethren here who can write English so well. Natch, one cannot include any of our special needs Commonwealth types. I can't understand what on earth they are saying most of the time lol.
  13. I think the mod above is the MikeyD "bloody spot" mod. Am sure there is a mod to replace the red cross as I get skulls now instead of red crosses. (Not near my game computer at present so can't check.) I also recall a mod that does away with the red crosses and doesn't replace em with anything. "Eliminate the Red Cross" I think it's called.
  14. This may be a feature of the advanced AI deciding that it has a better sense of what is going on than you do and overriding your commands.
  15. Looking forward to these. They should help a lot.
  16. Actually, maybe this could be a whole new family for CM2 - CM: PARADE GROUND where you get to name and drill your soldiers as you train them up from recruits/draftees. Then, the game could allow you to promote those worthies, and assign commands to them. And then you could import them into the existing combat version of CM2... And then... Ooh, getting wet...
  17. Of course it is... All you need is someone with an eidetic memory so then memorize hundreds of thousands of lines of code, put him (or her - must be egalitarian) through MIT so they become a crack programmer, and they could solve the issues with a few lines of code in minutes... When you think about it... "simples..."
  18. Hmmm, I see your point, W. What we need is a QUEUE order so that the teams/squads line up in a realistic disciplined military formation manner.
  19. A agree... CMSF became an outstanding game after it was fully patched, and many of us still enjoy playing it. What BFC learned is to never release anything until it is "ready for prime time" regardless of all the pleading. You only get one chance to make a good impression of a product, or as a company. So, I am confidently looking forward to their future releases because I know that delays mean that they are "getting it right".
  20. If that were the norm, there wouldn't be the concerns that are continuously listed here. For every good experience s above, there are too many bad/inaccurate ones. It's like the claims that wearing a seatbelt is dangerous 'cos of a few people trapped in burning cars etc.
  21. Yes, it is a bit of a weakness of the game that our tanks can spot seemingly with ease - even when in battle, with smoke, in trees at night etc.
  22. I was always intrigued that Patton "personally selected the Sherman" for Europe. So, what were the other choices?
  23. I hope we eventually are able to acquire from adjacent units without having to embark/disembark. Yes, there should be a time penalty. But, it would reduce the need for so many orders and a queue when several teams are trying to board the same vehicle for ammo resupply. Also, it feels like units can carry way more extra heavy ammo and AT weapons with too little fatigue penalty. Maybe I don't run em as much or as far in one WEGO turn as other players, but even with max load-outs I rarely see any fatigue during movement.
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