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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Thanks for the clarification, Aris.
  2. You'll have a better chance for oppos over at WeBoB and some of the other older clubs: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/
  3. I am close to getting a new computer but I think I'll ask for Win 7. I don't see the advantage of Win 8 at thins time, and there seems to be some problems running older games.
  4. Thanks for the definitive clarification, umlaut! Next question: I renumbered all the old Mord's faces to be sequential with the new ones from Aris. Will the old ones not show up cos of incompatibility with MG?
  5. Uh oh... you mean the existing faces won't show up in MG? Have been renumbering like crazy to get Mord's and Aris's new faces to all show up.
  6. The stats are interesting. Don't forget we have to deduct casualties that are sick, MIA, transferred, deserted etc... and only keep the ones actually WIA/KIA.
  7. Your modding skills have come a long way in a short time, koh...
  8. Thanks mjk and umlaut. That really cleared that up lol...
  9. Thanks Aris! I also will be renumbering so that I can get all of them as well as Mord's earlier ones show up in the game. Question: When one has multiple files, do they have to be numbered sequentially with no number gaps, or does it not matter? I ask cos it's often easier to simply put one extra number in front of an existing number like turning a 21 into a 121 rather than having to change every single number to make them sequential with no gaps. Hope you understand what I am saying.
  10. Don't forget to dirty/rust up anything in the front... especially that roller which would have taken a beating. The wheels and bogies also. Looking really good.
  11. Whaaa.... I like it... If you have (say) 20 faces and this is only one, then you may only see it 5% of the time on average. (if only he could be gripping a cigar/stogie between those determined teeth, you'd have the Clint Eastwood look.)
  12. Any chance of some "Sergeant Rock-like" contemptuous snarls?
  13. Is that why playing at any height level other then one or two is "gamey"?
  14. Yeah, so long as the spotter dude is still alive, you can call arty regardless of radio status.
  15. Over at WeBoB we see many "retire" from CM, and many then return after a break. Hope we'll see you again.
  16. Also, the difference in distances when light and heavy got tired is too similar, too subtle. Hope all these get addressed in the "upgraded CMSF" that Steve mentioned.
  17. In the newer WW2 CM2 games supposedly there is a penalty. I thought the same was true for CMSF. But, imo it's too high/too subtle.
  18. And Aris' face mods are good in either CMBN or CMFI. Mord also has done a set of "war-ravaged/wounded" face mods for US/Allied and Axis. Not sure what the observable difference is.
  19. "Most of us here (including me) probably went through a "phase" of worship, or at least strong admiration, for Germany's fighting forces of WW2. There are MANY reasons for this..." Wonder how much credit should go to Hugo Boss for those cool fashionable outfits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Boss
  20. +1 to that...... impressive. You going to upload to CMMODS?
  21. CM1 has an assault command which if targeted on an enemy vehicle would result in the inf unit following the vehicle (in an attempt to attack it). Quite useful.
  22. If you use suppressive fire a lot then yes it's not hard to run out of the basic load. I always load extra. However, I do wonder if one is allowed to add too much ammo as maxing out the extra ammo doesn't seem to add that much additional fatigue. Maybe I just don't run my guys that much...
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