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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Where can I download these. thanks...
  2. I once asked here what is the % of CAS turning up, but as yet nobody knew. I know one oppo who loves CAS claim that he gets his CAS about 80% of the time for what that's worth...
  3. Your site is the best for finding mods and scenarios. Hope you can keep it going. Let the whiners start their own site! Erwin
  4. As we all know the Russian morale was proportionate to their consumption of borsch from the Ukrainian red cabbage. How does CM2 model the the diminishing morale from consuming the less nutritious Latvian cabbage?
  5. See page 88 of the rulebook - covers this exactly.
  6. Ahem... Replies have been v. interesting, but re original question - Does anyone actually know what % probability there is that the plane(s) turn up, and is it a different probability for Axis and Allies????
  7. Ahem... Replies have been v. interesting, but re original question - Does anyone actually know what % probability there is that the plane(s) turn up, and is it a different probability for Axis and Allies????
  8. I know someone has figured all this out years ago... What is % probability of air arriving for axis and/or allies? How is combat resolved once it arrives.
  9. I know someone has figured all this out years ago... What is % probability of air arriving for axis and/or allies? How is combat resolved once it arrives.
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