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    c3k reacted to RockinHarry in REAL WORLD TACTICS THAT WORK IN CM   
    here´s a sample of various period books dealing with german tactical methods in WW2, limited to just infantry, but also bits of tank warfare added. I´ve quite a lot more, incl. official field manuals/regulations, other branches, but the shown sample was privately published by military people for german market in the 1930/40ies. Took me 15 years to scrape together from various sources like ebay, local markets, other collectors and such. Prices were almost all far from hurting fortunately. The books shown are the most useful to me when it comes to low scale WW2 german tactics (regimental and below) and contain tons of graphical examples as well. Some of these are also registered as prime sources in contemporary military books.
    Beside german stuff I also gathered similar US, UK and even few russian ones, though they´re all electronic format.

    Shown in the sample:
    from left to right
    Row 1: Greiner & Degeners Tactics Series (one book yet missing)
    1. Taktik im Rahmen des verstärkten Infanterie Bataillons, 1941
       (Tactics within framework of reinforced infantry battalion)
    2. Gefechte der besonderen Art, 1937
       (Battles of particular kind)
    3. Krisen im Gefecht, 1936
       (Crises in battle)
    4. Kampftechnik, 1941
       (Combat techniques)
    5. Gefechtsführung und Kampftechnik, 1937
       (Combat conducting and techniques)
    6. Taktische Aufgaben im Regimentsverband, 1938
       (tactical tasks within framework of a regiment)
    7. Aufgabenstellung und Übungsleitung, 1938
       (statement of tasks and conducting exercises), sort of wargaming bible for map exercises, outdoor unit rehearsals and such.
    Row 2: Fritz Kühlwein´s series of books
    1. Felddienst ABC für den Schützen, 1935
       (field duty ABC for single infantryman)
    2. Die Gruppe im Gefecht, 1940
       (german squad in combat)
    3. Schützenzug und Kompanie im Gefecht, 1934
       (rifle platoon and company in combat)
    4. Unterführer Merkbuch, 1939
       (NCO notebook)
    5. Gefechtstaktik des verstärkten Bataillons, 1936
       (combat tactics of the reinforced battailon)
    Row 3: Parts of the latest issues of "Fibel" (handbook) series written by Zimmermann, v. Cochenhausen and v. Witzleben
    1. Infanteriedienst, 1940
       (infantryman´s service)
    2. Die Gruppe der Schützenkompanie zu 12 Gruppen, 1941
       (the squad of the infantry company as of 12 squads)
    3. Lehrbeispiele für das Gefecht, 1940
       (object lessons for the battle)
    4. Kurzer Abriss der Taktik, 1941
       (short survey of tactics)
    5. Kriegsspiel in kleinerem Rahmen, late 30ies
       (small scale wargaming)
    Row 4: various authors
    1. Das Nachtgefecht, Boltze, 1940
       (the night battle)
    2. Das Bataillonsgefecht, Braun, 1934
       (the battalion´s battle)
    3. Taktisches Handbuch für den Truppenführer und seine Gehilfen, v. Cochenhausen, 1936
       (tactical handbook for the troop leader and his assistants. Troop leader refers to higher level leaders of Bn and above)
    4. kleine Lagen und ihre Durchführung, Bones, 1942
       (small situations and their conduction)
    5. Das verstärkte Bataillon - Führungsgrundlagen und Befehlsbeispiele, Falley, 1942
       (the reinforced battailon - leading fundamentals and order examples)
    6. Befehlstechnik, Volkmannn, 1936.
       (order/command technique)
    7. Die Planübung, Mahlmann, 1942
       (the map and sandbox exercise)
    Row 5: various.
    1. Aufgaben für Zug und Kompanie, Rommel, 1944
       (tasks for platoon and company. Rehearsals with maps and written up situation examples)
    2. Taktik im Russlandfeldzug, Middeldorf, 1957
       (tactics in the russian campaign)
    3. Gefechtsausbildung der Panzergrenadiere, v. Wehren, 1944
       (combat training of the Panzergrenadiers)
    4. Das Panzerjägerbuch, Edler von Peter, 1939
       (tank hunter handbook. Hints and combat training for AT gun units)
    5. Panzerkampfwagenbuch, Kauffmann, 1941
       (combat training and conduction for AFV crews and units upto Plt level) 
    6. Panzer-Marsch, Guderian/Munzel, 1957
    Frame 6:
    1. Der Feuerkampf der Schützenkompanie, ?, 1940
       (the firefight of the rifle infantry company)
    2. H.Dv. 300/1 Truppenführung
       (unit command)
    3. Taschenbuch für den Winterkrieg, ?, 1942
       (pocketbook for winter warfare)
    4. Der Feuerkampf des s.M.G, Froböse, 1940
       (the firefight of the heavy machine gun)
  2. Upvote
    c3k reacted to slysniper in A Plea to Developers   
    I met one fellow way back when I was in college. he was in Vietnam (infantry) and had been caught in a ambush and they did just that. Turned into it and assaulted.
    Of course, his memory of it was very limited. They were on a roadway when they were hit. he managed to take a few steps before a explosion blew him back and dropped him on the ground, when he managed to get his wits about him again, he crawled away from the enemy to the far side of the road and found the only cover available, a tree trunk, so he positioned himself behind that and hide. The problem was, it was not really any cover. So he next was shot in his butt. That was all he had to the story.
    His unit did manage to assault enough that the ambush ceased and withdrew. He said the unit lost a lot of men that day, some were his friends and he felt terrible about his own actions. but that was about the only combat experience he had while there.
    the few other events he was in, all he knew was where the fire was coming from, never really could see anyone, just muzzle flashes, and him firing back into the location. And no one moving , just firing til the units disengaged from each other.
  3. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Bulletpoint in A Plea to Developers   
    They already do. You can order a team to target a spot on the other side of a tall wall, and they will throw across grenades even though there's no LOS. However, they only throw about 1-2 grenades every turn, which is usually not enough.
  4. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Ultradave in A Plea to Developers   
    Doesn't need to be present day with all the cool toys either. I was an artillery officer, before the days of GPS and digital anything, so my experience is actually much closer to WW2 and Korean War techniques than present day. We would call fire on grid coordinates that were not observable. You can calculate firing data to anywhere. Look at the map, hear some vehicle noises and conclude they MUST be coming down that road that's behind the treeline. Of course, both in CM and real life, you could be way off, but it takes no longer to compute firing data to an unobserved point than to an observed target. Either way, the FO is passing grid coordinates. The difference is that unobserved, you FFE immediately. No adjustments possible. Another example would be looking at the map and making an educated guess as to where their mortars are set up, like at the edge of a far treeline. Linear FFE on the treeline.
    Now normally on offense or defense you would have recalculated TRPs, and then could call shift missions off of those, and you can do that in game. Not too many scenarios give you TRPs, but in QB they are certainly available to purchase.
    So there's my FA perspective, from someone who was a FIST Chief, Battery Fire Direction Officer, Brigade Fire Support Officer, FA Battalion Asst S-3 (S-3 is operations), and Battalion Fire Direction Officer. I've called for, planned, calculated a whole lot of explosions  (this pedigree is for the guy in the other thread who seems to be under the impression that BF had never talked to a military or former military person 🙂  )
  5. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Warts 'n' all in Crossing Arnhem Bridge Is Very Buggy   
    Don't worry, the German vehicles trying to cross the bridge in September '44 had the same problems.
  6. Upvote
    c3k reacted to luigim in What would be your priority wish? More Families, or more content for existing Families?   
    Combat Mission Fulda Gap with M1A1, M60A3, T64s and of course T80s
    But my preference is a faster and prettier engine, with 64bit and true multicore support
  7. Upvote
    c3k reacted to George MC in Daraya Tank Raid SF2   
    About The Scenario
    This is one for the modern ‘Tread heads’ amongst you! 
    This is a revised version updating the orginal to CMSF2, so you will need the base game CMSF2 to play this. Revised AI Plan using triggers; tweaked map using new CMSF terrain features and updated OOB for both Syrian Army and Rebels. This is SF2 version 2 which has a slightly reduced mission time based on player feedback.
    The actual scenario is very loosely based on events in Daraya, a suburb of Damascus where rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have attempted to create a stronghold near Damascus centre. In August 2012, the Syrian Army defeated the rebel forces and took control of the town. After the failed rebel offensive in late July 2012 ,the Syrian army started a campaign against rebels in the Damascus suburb. 
    This, the 2nd Battle of Darayya, is the ongoing battle between the Syrian Army and the rebels in the Damascus suburbs of Darayya. In mid-December when the Army intensified their attacks with heavy shelling and Tanks raids into the city.
    This scenario depicts an armoured raid, typical of the tactics used by the Syrian Army to seize control of Daraya. You can view the video which shows these raids using footage (often filmed whilst under fire) shot by the rebels Syria - Men versus Tanks in Daraya - The Powerful T-72 Raids
    So your scenario looks like the scenes in the above film I’d suggest modding your game using the following excellent mods links are to CMODS: 
    Longleft Flank’s Shot up Building;  Pete Wenman’s ‘Squalor’ mod;  Pete Wenman’s BlackSea favour objects for CMSF2 Map and Scenario Size
    This is a fairly small map although it’s very built up.
    Map Size: 720m x 512m
    Forces: Syrian Republican Guard armour Vs Syrian rebels (combatants and fighters)
    Best Played As
    Can be played RT or WEGO. This is best played Blue Vs Red AI or H2H only. 
    There are two RED AI Plans.
    If playing H2H it is recommended the more experienced player takes the RED side.
    The scenario is NOT playable as Red VS Blue AI. 
    You can grab it from TSDIII at the following link:
    Many thanks to Buzz, Erwin and Snake Eye at the BFC forum who played through the early Blue Vs Red versions and provided a lot of feedback. Thanks to Lethaface and Sublime who played this H2H and provided excellent feedback in this regard. Thanks also to Slysniper who took the SF2 version for a spin and provided some useful feedback. Cheers Guys! 
    Any comments etc you can email me at georgemc@blowtorchscenarios.com

  8. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Schrullenhaft in FPS Really?   
    Yep, the fact still remains...
    Optimizing is not simple little changes to the code to somehow make it faster. Graphic engines do NOT work that way. To get very significant improvements in performance (especially to the level that many users here complain about) would basically require rewriting the graphics engine. There are some tweaks that can be done (and they HAVE been done, going back to Engine v. 2.0), but the improvements are limited in their effect when they're still part of the same graphics engine.
    The graphics engine was written with the OpenGL 2.0 API starting in 2004, primarily because it was supported by both Mac and Windows. Now Apple is in the process of deprecating OpenGL and moving to their own API, 'Metal'. In Windows DirectX has moved from 9.x (what was available at the time of CMSF1's development - DirectX 10 just coming out as CMSF1 was released) to now DirectX 12 with Windows 10, though each new DirectX iteration doesn't necessarily improve performance, but rather provides more graphic options to developers. Moving to DirectX 11/12 (on the PC...) would provide a bit of a boost in performance due to the optimized nature of DirectX video drivers (more development time and optimization is performed on them since most games on the PC utilize DirectX), but it isn't a simple matter to rewrite the graphics engine in another API (still a laborious, time consuming process).
    Writing a 3D graphics engine, even using such environments as Unity or Unreal, takes a long time, especially for a single programmer. This is what would be necessary to make the sort of drastic improvements in graphics performance most users are clamoring for. However such long periods of development are a significant risk for small developers. Take too long and you go out of business (assuming your making just enough to survive while developing said 'new engine'). Don't do it soon enough and you'll get complaints about the 'dated graphics/performance', etc. Which is where Battlefront finds itself right now. And of course there's always calls for new content ('Barbarossa', 'Stalingrad/Op Blue', 'Cold War NATO', 'Vietnam', etc.). So it is a somewhat safer bet to bring out new content, but with the old engine (you'll be getting a paycheck every so often...). Developing a new engine slows down (or even stops) that output and reduces your income for a significant period of time.
  9. Upvote
    c3k reacted to vadosrespekt in Scammer sells 3d models from the game Combat Mission: Black Sea   
    I wrote here, but received no answer https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
    In general, inform the developers that their models are sold on the assetstore https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/39044
  10. Upvote
    c3k reacted to tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
  11. Upvote
    c3k reacted to tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
  12. Upvote
    c3k reacted to tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
  13. Like
    c3k reacted to tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
    I´m collecting all experiments videos into this thread. You´re welcome to discuss the weapon performances and observations here but do it in a respecting and adult way.
  14. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MikeyD in Stoltz von Bayern blue tactics   
    I thought I had touched all of the scenarios during the Beta but I had somehow managed to entirely miss this one. You can't really call this one a serious tactical simulation. Its more "Lets have some fun for fifteen minutes before supper's on the table" kind'a scenario.
  15. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Anson Pelmet in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    "The prevalent culture here is that the customer is little more an an irritant and liable to be ignored for months on end - except when it comes to promoting new product and 'upgrades'. It is hardly surprising that these games are such a niche market when even the small current customer base is treated with such continued disdain"...
    I think that's bit (lots) over the top. Battlefront is by all accounts a small company with limited resources, and its games and upgrades don't cost a lot (as far as I can tell from the position of somebody who only buys Battlefront games). They seem passionate about quality, and often warn fans that projects can drag out, and they'll only issue them when they're right.
    There's still no game that comes close to the realism and playability of Combat Mission (largely thanks to the WEGO system), and I play only CM WW2 titles. Sure, it's annoying when troops jump out of their trenches into mortar barrages, or don't react quickly enough to enemies right in front of them, but I just put that down to the craziness of stressed-out troops on the battlefield, which I imagine often wrecked the carefully laid plans of real life battalion commanders...
  16. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Reverend Crass in Stoltz von Bayern blue tactics   
    Load up the panzerfaust warheads. Then, utilize the "gamey flag rush" tactic. Unload, await the repercussions, and the have your survivors slog it out.
    You did keep a reserve? Use that to maneuver the enemy out of position.
    If none of that helps, open the editor and add a Leopard. Or two.
  17. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Freyberg in A plea for a French Army DLC   
    1. French DLC gets my vote. For whatever it's worth.
    2. UNFUK also gets my vote. Because somewhere, someone will do it.
  18. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Mord in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    Ok I spent a significant amount of time messing with reshade last night and decided to make a (took forever!) quick little  primer for people who haven't tried it yet, or for people who (like me) tried it and just had too many problems getting it to work. I solved that!
    First off you'll want to head over to Reshade.me and dl the new 4.0.2 Reshade.
    Now, go to where you dled it.


    You can uninstall Reshade by redoing the exact same procedure. This time when you click your CM exe
    it will remove Reshade. No muss no fuss.

    Ok. Now comes the part a lot of us have had problems with. If you follow my instructions you'll be able to use Reshade with very little hassle. My pain is your gain. READ THROUGH THIS ONCE OR TWICE FIRST.
    1b.) Start the CM game you installed reshade on. You'll see this (pic below). DO NOTHING.

    2b.) Go to the editor (easiest to just do this in the editor).
    3b.) Open a map and preview it. (You can open a scenario or QB or just a flat map. Not really important for this first part).
    Now this is the tricky part. Just pay attention to your old buddy Mord and I am gonna get this working for you!
    While you ARE IN THE EDITOR (AND EDITOR ONLY) hit the "Home" key. It will bring up a menu. Now, when you do this, for a lot of us the screen will rotate. If it does just pay attention to the menu box you see in the picture below. It will stay still. If it gets too much you can click "Home" again and it'll take you back to normal and you can get your bearings.
    I suggest skipping through the tutorial you see in the pic for now.

    4b.) Ok see the set of tabs? Click the Settings tab. EDITED: Go to Settings: Input Processing. Set it to "Pass on all input". No more spinning! BIG THANKS to Captain Reyes! Now choose "Effect Toggle Key". Now choose a key on your keyboard that you would like to toggle the Reshade effects. Make sure it isn't something CM uses. I use Shift+F2. Ok press whatever key you are gonna use. That will be used to toggle your effects on and off, obviously,

    5b.) Now I am gonna give you some effects to get you started. These will be a good base for you to experiment with without a lot of guess work right off the bat. Ok, click the first tab that says "Home" next to "Settings" in the menu (NOT the keyboard "Home").
    Now find the following and check them.
    Tint [sepia]
    In this pic I chose all of the above and dragged them all to the top of the list so I always know where they are and I can experiment more easily. I highly suggest you do this to make it easy on you later.

    Ok, do you have them all? Now, click the "Home" key on your keyboard.
    Now, if you want to switch back and forth between Vanilla graphics and Reshade graphics you just hit the key you chose in part 4b.)
    HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: Before you leave the editor make sure you toggle back to vanilla graphics. NEVER toggle Reshade graphics on outside of the editor, or outside of a battle.
    NEVER toggle the Reshade menu ("Home" key) outside of the editor or a battle.
    NOTE: If you screw up and do one of the above you'll have to find a way out of it. It won't damage your game or anything but it can take some trickery to get it back to normal. I've done it a bucnh of times now and am used to it. Don't panic if it happens! SEE CAPTAIN REYES'S POST BELOW.
    Sounds like a lot but it's really quite easy. Once you do it for one game it won't take you long to have them all running using Reshade. And trust me it REALLY is worth it. I didn't think it was but now that I figured out not to open the menu or toggle the effects outside of the editor/battle it's a whole new world.
    The screens speak for themselves!


    Anybody that has any problems just ask and I'll do my best to help. I want you guys to experience this!
  19. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Combatintman in Challenger HE loadout too low?   
    The loadout for the Challenger II and every single British A vehicle in the game is as stated in British Army doctrinal publications of the time, so no it is not skewed.
  20. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Mord in The Civil War is back on the menu, boys!   
    Ok, did some very basic preliminary tests. Mostly seeing what can be done without hex editing. Did some texture swapping and used some masks to get the results I was looking for. These aren't perfect just proof of concept/dipping my toes. This won't be as good as my old civil war and mixed combatant mods but it'll do. With the Syrian Reserves being 98% free of shared textures a very decent Civil War mod and scenarios can be produced. Best results as I see it would be Syrian Reserves (Infantry and Mech), Combatants and Fighters against Syrian Mech, Guards, Airborne and Spec Ops. The Reserves have a pretty decent selection of tanks (and access to most AFV/IFVs) so it would be a decent match up.
    Here's some alpha pics to get your imagination pumping.


    NOTE: Combatants are not mixed in with Syrian Reserves.



  21. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MOS:96B2P in Semper Fi Campaign glitch   
    Very cool what the game can do.  
    A spy does buddy aid.  During buddy aid he obtained an assault rifle, binoculars and hand grenades.
    Later he takes out an XO team with the assault rifle and hand grenades. 

    And here he is with the binoculars looking for his next victims..........

    COOL, COOL game.   
  22. Like
    c3k reacted to MOS:96B2P in Semper Fi Campaign glitch   
    Yep, spies can buddy aid weapons (I've only seen them take assault rifles not sure if they can take an RPG or MMG).  If the spy does take a weapon and you don't want the spy to give himself away, by using it, he will need a small 360o Target Arc.  With civilian density set to very heavy spies can Move very close to a checkpoint before being noticed .  However only the human player controlled spy has the Move command.  All AI assigned movement commands are at the double time which is considered suspicious and negates the civilian density setting some (not clear on how much yet).  The AI will also crawl when very tired however this is also considered suspicious activity.  A human controlled spy can be given the Move command and calmly walk very close to a checkpoint or group of OpFor troops.  And if the spy has an assault rifle..........     
  23. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Armorgunner in Is there not a difference in armored protection, between different tanks?   
    "and I think you, as an armor gunner, will appreciate the subtleties in armor protection" 
    I know. This is a quote, of a quote. But anyway!
    To to be clear. I Was doing my military service as a gunner, of an IFV (  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pansarbandvagn_302 ) When I stayed in the rapidly decreasing size of the army in the first half of the 90´s. As a NCO later on I was the commander, In the PBV 302. And Strv 104 ( Modified centurion with (in the case of war) Swedish made ERA. Developed with the first US made "Blazer ERA" in mind. So only effective  against HEAT munitions. After education to 2nd lieutenant. I came right in to the beginning of the trials for new Swedish tank. Which ended up with the Leopard 2S "Strv 122". And the last years in service, as a second lieutenant, I was a commander of a platoon of Strv 121 (Leo 2A4) Which Sweden bought 160 of, in the deal whith Germany, together with the 120 Strv 122 (Enhanced Leo 2S A5) 
    All tanks in the very comprehensive testing, were equipped with Heavy Swedish "Åkers krutbruk" made addon armour. So all tests was made with that armour applied to the modules, being fired uppon. 
    But since the Army Went down from 850.000 in the late ´80s. To 400.000 in the second half of the 90´s. To todays army of just 40.000 total.. So today, and for a long time. I am not in service.
    (Edit: All numbers are the total Armed forces. Not just the army, sorry for that)
  24. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Pete Wenman in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    The sh/t mod is something I've put together, along with ground rubbish, amended rubble and a re-textured wooden bridge from RT

    I'll get them on CMMods later today
  25. Upvote
    c3k reacted to DMS in Infantry and Armour Tactics Info?   
    W. Schneider's "Panzer Tactics" is great book. Company formations, attack by bounds, armored infantry tatctics. Probably the best I read.
    And... Read manuals!  British one: http://wartimecanada.ca/sites/default/files/documents/Infantry Training Part I- The Infantry Battalion- 1944.pdf
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