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Everything posted by c3k

  1. I think what she actually said to you was something more along the line of, "I haven't the strength to keep you from soiling my sheer things." Or something.
  2. Oh, lol. I'll bet he doesn't do that a second time! I love the crawl afterwards. Who, amongst us, hasn't had to crawl due to something like that? Across time and borders, yeah, brother, I feel it, too.
  3. Yeah. That diagram is repeated a lot. The sabot petals are the big danger issue. However, I am curious about the actual blast from the muzzle. I couldn’t find any definitive information.
  4. I refuse to participate in this discussion until someone brings up soil shear strengths.
  5. I can feel the sun and hear the insects in those shots! Of course, I'd rather see tracers, explosions, and men vying for GLOOOORRRRRY. Keep 'em coming!
  6. Remember, your men's lives are pathetic. They know this; you know this. Their one hope? That you can give their poor existence some sort of meaning. They desire glory. They know their time is short. A glorious death is the best they could have. They only hope that they can somehow add to your reputation. They will be grateful if you allow them to die so that you can enhance your reputation. I'd have you ask my men, but, well, there aren't too many left at the moment. Or, you can do what the guys above me have suggested.
  7. Ahh...models. Ships, planes, tanks: I had them all. I -also- had a BB gun. Oh, there were battles. Big, destructive battles. I also had a lighter. Burning wrecks, pieces flying off, GLORY! Now, I don't have any more models left.
  8. Throat mikes: they distort the voice, but not too badly. Their best feature is that they transmit speech, but not the ambient noises. As microphones have gotten better, they have gotten smaller and lighter, and better able to discriminate the "noise" from the "signal". These advances would also apply to throat mikes. I would submit, that for you to understand the rapid shift away from throat mikes, that you tighten a belt about your throat and then engage in dynamic activity. As soon as a reliable solution away from throat mikes could be found, it would be used.
  9. Sure, but as long as his rep is negative, he is in hock to BFC (read the Eula). Once he goes positive, he will be emancipated. Do you really want to set him loose?
  10. Good grief! How did you find this? And congrats on your deficit to BFC being reduced to just negative 81.
  11. Those were well disciplined troops, hiding like that! A proud commander...indeed. Their deaths enhanced your aura. Bravo for you! There are many different command combinations. They, mixed with different troop qualities, produce a myriad of possibilities. I suggest that the OP experiment. If your men die so that you can gain knowledge and experience, they will die proud in that knowledge.
  12. Hide, used with a Target Arc, is how you spring the PERFECT ambush. The men hide. One or more will prairie dog and keep SA. When they sense an enemy unit inside the Target Arc, WHAMO! They target.
  13. ...and, the better the troops (experience level), the tighter they will hold onto that target arc.
  14. That message was from me. For the rest of the folks who were not part of messaging, I looked into this and found references to an anti-armor round for the M25 being available. It (and other references) stated that the round could penetrate "up to" 50mm of armor. Sounds to me like a HEAT-effect round. In modern US parlance, that would make sense that it would be an HEDP round. There were also references to a flechette round. As I told Erwin, I consider this 25mm HEDP round to be consistent with the hypothetical nature of CMBS. Since the XM25/M25 was removed from combat evals in 2013, and the system has been cancelled or otherwise put into limbo, this makes all in-game use of the M25 CDTE weapon a bit of a guess. Therefore, any ammo loadout for a hypothetical weapon in a hypothetical conflict would be acceptable...if that ammo exists. Which it does. An argument to remove the 25mm HEDP ammo would have to be pretty airtight...especially since BFC was dealing with projecting future capabilities into a hypothetical conflict. An argument to change (meaning "add more" since there currently is none) 25mm HEDP ammo to the Stryker's on-board ammo supply would have to be equally airtight. I am firmly (now, after having researched this for several days) in the camp that 25mm HEDP as part of the basic load is fine and that there is no need to add more 25mm HEDP to the Strykers. Squads carried in Strykers have the following anti-armor capability available: AT4, AT136, Javelin, 40mm HEDP, .50 cal. AP-I. The 4 rounds of 25mm HEDP carried by the M25 gunner would seem sufficient for ancillary anti-armor purposes. With the plethora of other anti-armor munitions available to the Stryker squad, I cannot see giving up more 25mm air-burst munitions in exchange for 25mm anti-armor munitions. That's my .02.
  15. 1. French DLC gets my vote. For whatever it's worth. 2. UNFUK also gets my vote. Because somewhere, someone will do it.
  16. Include these only if we also include US Army use of lasers for anti-mortar/artillery and anti-drone use.
  17. Yeah. ^^^ @IMHO did take a first step. How 'bout it? Break it out into another thread? (My pet bugaboo is follow-on shot modelling, which relies upon gun platform stability, and whether or not the game does it justice.)
  18. Yeah, that's why I said "fragment". The AP shell exploded, based on the visual, and a guy got hit. As to the earlier issue with APHE being too powerful, well, as were others, I was a big part of the solution to that. Totally "read in" on it. This? This looks legit, to me. An energetic piece of metal hits an immovable object, there's gonna be chunks flying around.
  19. LOL...Poor Hans. 1. I think it's pretty awesome that this type of frag damage is simulated. 2. Now you know why NO ONE hangs out near tanks.
  20. Weapon stability affects lethality/accuracy as well as ROF. Ammo count affects ROF. The 2A42 whips around quite a lot. The BMP sights are...not able to compensate. The M242 is far more stable, as is the sighting system. The ammo count available to each is very different: US philosophy is to provide enough ammo for multiple engagements. (Look at reloads for ships, tanks, IFVs, arty, etc. Abrams routinely carries 12,000 rounds of machinegun ammo.) Soviet/Russian philosophy seems to be enough ammo for one engagement. Just some random thoughts...
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