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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Those picture windows suck. They're worse than anything other than balconies, or so it seems to me. Normal windows offer far more protection. If I see a building with them oriented towards the enemy, I try not to enter that building. Thought I'd mention that tidbit, now that you've learned the lesson writ in the blood of your men. And, yes, they thanked you for letting them teach you that. I like the screenies and how it shows your thoughts and tactics. Keep 'em coming!
  2. Ahhh, yes. I'm glad to see that my command techniques have been adopted by others. Your UNCONs will thank you for the opportunity to seek more glory for you by giving up their pitiful lives. I treasure the little red crosses my men gift to me.
  3. Well, can't say, can I? But it'd be a sad day if the test team weren't testing and the coding guys weren't coding, wouldn't it? (And, yes, I agree with the BMP-2 comment. The entire CMSF2 appearance is heads and shoulders improved over CMSF.)
  4. I don't usually quote an entire post, especially one as large as this, but an exception is certainly warranted. @Bil Hardenberger, you have surpassed your usual high high standards with this one! Embedded gifs (or whatever magickry you used) highlighting the action? Outstanding. Great overview, perspectives, command analysis, etc. Now, I have to give Baneman some credit: expending his uncons to make you expend your ammo is a BRILLIANT tactic. Do your Uncons have grenades? Knives? Nearby rocks? In a serious vein, if your Uncon defensive position is running low on ammo, what is your plan for them?
  5. There's a two vote per day limit, if I remember correctly.
  6. ...and I admit to an actual LOL with the names! "Apprehension Height" and "Worry Ridge"? Well done, sir. Well done. And, as others have said, your screenshots are doing a great job of showing what's what. Nice.
  7. Outstanding start!!! Now, go attack something.
  8. A TOW against a (possible) Scimitar??? I like the way you think... That's not a hammer versus an egg: that's a baby grand piano being tossed off a roof onto an egg. Love the format, the pix, and description. Waiting for moar! ;)
  9. The blood god squats atop his throne and awaits with glee... This is a highly anticipated thread!
  10. @sonar, Not to rain on your parade, but the tide seems to be turning against you. It’s good to have an ebb and flow of new ideas, but it looks like water can only exist at one height...
  11. Niiiiiice. I'd describe this as "swimmingly well done", but someone would berate me for being wet behind the ears and paddle me for my insouciance. So as to not make waves, I'll stop writing any more and keep my powder dry for a future rant. ;)
  12. FWIW, I have a Freesync setup which is working very, very nicely for CM on a 2560x1440 screen. (Freesync monitors are significantly less expensive than Gsync. Similar tech, but AMD does not charge a license fee to use it. ) (Edited to add: if you're unaware of these technologies, a Freesync monitor needs an AMD video card. Gsync needs an Nvidia card. The two are not interchangeable.)
  13. ^^^ This. Early War >> Afrika Korps (Not that Afrika Korps would be bad; 1940 France, etc., would be better.)
  14. Ahh, I'd forgotten about that. I think I was winning when it ended? I had about 7 battalions of US mechanized infantry and tanks. There were a lot of switchback roads going through some passes. Talk about a pathing nightmare. I think that, and the LOS interaction, was what ballooned the file sizes. (My rig was sporting 64GB of ram, and it still crashed due, I think, to the size of the computations exceeding the limits of either the game or the OS (Win 7/10, 64 bit). That's a lot of numbers. )
  15. I've run into this and tested it. AFAIR, every time the teams eventually combined. I tried every combination I could think of regarding terrain, morale status (linked, due to quantum physics and spooky interactions), pinning/non-pinned, command status, etc. Some cases took longer than others. But, I never found a case where the teams did not finally merge. Again, it's just a matter of time. (Apologies to sub-atomic physicists, everywhere. But, then, they already knew that apology occurred, didn't they.)
  16. You say this as if it's a bad thing. Bring me more kindling!!!
  17. Great looking map! I'm surprised you did not find any history of a battle at Golnyki. I seem to recall a furious pitched battle. The Fuhrer train was on the tracks, immobilized due to a just-blown rail by the local partisans. The Soviets had a nearby Guards Tank regiment (I forget the unit) which poured in to capture the high ranking Nazis assumed to be on the train. Meanwhile, the local SS kampfgruppe raced to rescue them. The 2nd rate Wehrmacht unit garrisoning Golnyki had to fend off the Soviet armored juggernaut and buy time for the Panthers and Tiger II's to arrive, while simultaneously sending a few kubelwagens out to the stalled train to extricate the VIPs. The peat bog and the attached FlaK unit were all that could help. The Partisans? Yep, after blowing the track, they'd infiltrated the town. Just sayin'...
  18. Hmmm. Gotcha. (I've gotta check to see if that behavior is still present. Not sure, since I (obviously) don't recall ever having seen it.)
  19. Woot. A point of clarification, however. You stated that you did not want to deploy your two HMG teams in Casa d'Antonio because you wanted them to have freedom of maneuver within their respective buildings. Well, you -did- mention the 2.3 minute DEPLOY time. That's an estimate of how long it takes to setup in the buildings. So, yeah, it could take longer. To Deploy. Underneath that Deploy time listing is something labeled "Pack Up". That's showing 14 seconds. So, you could have depl oyed the machineguns (and gotten all the ROF/LOS benefits, if any), and the packup time of 14 seconds would've been the only delay incurred to move them from one floor to another (or to the other side of that floor). They would've then been in the "semi-deployed" status. I would highly recommend always using deploying when initially setting up in a building. FWIW. (I just want to make sure the different time penalties for deploying and packing up are correctly noted.) Also, as evident by the chain-reaction spotting/firing which unzippered your defense, setting covered arcs is always a good idea. Delete 'em later if you want. The units will still spot, they just won't fire. That may've preserved some of your firepower. Or not. Waiting for the next installment.
  20. Great stuff! Keep it coming. We're waiting on the tale of Casa D'Antonio!
  21. I've not looked at it yet. My guess is that there is going to be something up with the min/max range. More likely the min. For some low-trajectory indirect fire weapons there can be an intervening obstacle which greatly increases the printed min range. A mortar, although less susceptible to such LOF obstacles, may still have a blind zone or two. Shrug. That's a guess. I've got the file, so I'll poke, and let you know what I see...
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