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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Agreed. I would think doing tests with troops "Exhausted" in red (with a +2?) would show some poor spotting and accuracy. Gonna be tough to figure a test regime for that.
  2. That's why it's important to use bazookas. See, they're long. When the front of the bazooka hits something, and it goes "clang", then you know it's touched a tank. Pull the trigger! That's how you win.
  3. I understand what you're saying, but I can counter-argue that facing should not necessarily follow the Target Arc command. There is Face for that (but then you lose the Target Arc ability to limit what the vehicle engages.) I get it. A work-around, and keeping the Target Arc, would be to add a very short movement path so the vehicle ends up facing the direction you want on the way to the final waypoint.
  4. Sleep deprivation and driving are far different than sleep deprivation and combat. Driving...One is in monitor and react mode. Humans are notoriously poor at long-term monitoring tasks. Snooze-fest, right? Combat...adrenaline does a wonderful job of jolting one out of complacency. So, yes, sentries may be surprised. That's a performance degradation. But when the bullets are flying, not many are nodding off in boredom. I would contend that CM is more concerned with modelling the "bullets are flying" portion rather than the "sentries are pacing" portion. (Dream world: the game would simulate, at the individual pixeltroop level, events which would cause an adrenaline burst...and then the crash aftereffects from it about 5 or 10 minutes later. "Combat Mission: Endocrine Unleashed". )
  5. My favorite? The one I just played. For example, I'm doing some top, top, tippy-top secret Beta stuff. Mum's the word and all that. Examining [redacted], I found my eye kept wandering back to the brass ejecting out of the weapon, and near-perfect dispersion of the explosive rounds as they went downrange. Magic, that was.
  6. Hmmm. I think it would be best to have someone, with a Mac, try to run your savegames. If you don't have a savegame just before the crash(es), that would be the single best help. Unless someone pops in soon, I'd open a ticket with the Help Desk. This is unusual.
  7. @sandman2575 I'll save myself some typing and just link you to this:
  8. @Bozowans I have received your file and run it. Sigh. As soon as I got it processed (yes, it took a long time), your men looked up, in wonder...and joy. I heard a pair of landsers talking. It was heartwarming...for those who have hearts for their men. "Ist c3k der Kommandeur?" "Ja! Ja!" I could see the word spread through the C2 net. As each unit heard that you were no longer at the helm, the news invigorated their tired limbs, they rose to their feet, and with a hoarse "Urrah!" they charged forth and smote the enemy. Much like an orange must be crushed and pulped to gain its sweet juice, so too must your men be led with a firm hand, squeezing the most out of them. They know their lives are destined to end as nothing but pulpy remains. It is not to them to survive, but rather for their lives to be squeezed so that I may sip the sweet taste of victory. That is what they seek. They will continue to sabotage your efforts so long as you lead them with a loose grip. Okay, enough fun at your expense. Yes it ran. Yes, I have the replay. Send me a PM, and we'll set up a dropbox. The replay file is double in size from the one you sent me. It is 98KB. I was surprised it worked. The blue bar was very slow. Your rig has very good stats. I am curious if the ram size makes the difference. There is a LOT of data manipulation in this game. Ken
  9. Nice specs. It was about 2 years ago that I ran into this. I ran some diagnostics while it happened and saw a definite cap. I think it's the size of the turn. When it hits a certain limit, then it's done. No, I don't remember it. But I could reliably get it to occur. Movements (and the pathing for that movement) requires a LOT of data manipulation. We're hitting some sort of software limitation. I've got the file. Thanks for sharing. I'll let you know what happens. (I'll run this on an i6700k @ some GHz, 64GB of RAM. Gobs o'ram to see if that makes a difference. It won't. ) Ken
  10. At first, I thought you were discussing "Team America".
  11. Trees and ATGMs are NOT a good combination...for the missile. A very effective counter-missile technique is to use the woods. Javelins tend to lose lock if the tank is covered by a canopy of foliage, due to the nature of their pop-up profile and seeker. Flat trajectory missiles tend to detonate on the trees if there are any in between the firer and the target. It's very cool that the game simulates the effects of trees on modern missiles. It's very sad when that simulation affects your missile. It's very good that the simulation includes the effect of the missile detonation upon the tree. "Poof", it's gone. All you need is to have more missiles than the enemy has trees.
  12. I've seen this happen, but only on a scenario with several (4-5?) battalions of Mech infantry, on each side, in hilly country. I think I exceeded my machine's memory limits. Do you have a savegame? What are your computer specs?
  13. You have had a direct response from Elvis, who runs the Help Desk, that he can assist you if you OPEN A TICKET. That has been suggested to you earlier in this thread. A suggestion: when you find your license keys (or get new ones) write them down. I keep a document in my Battlefront folder which contains every key I have for these games. It takes a few minutes to set up and enter the key. But then it's easily accessible anytime I need it. Just a thought.
  14. Just picked a copy of "Pershing", published by Feist. "Like new" condition was an understatement. Off to hunt a good copy of "Sherman". Thanks for the pointers.
  15. Am about to purchase a copy of Hunnicutt’s book on the Pershing. Having a deucedly difficult time trying to determine the “best” publisher and edition.
  16. Bah. The spirit of the offense can overcome that HE. Willpower, my good man, willpower.
  17. I'm not gonna say something out of school, but you all do know that the Bren/BAR single-shot "issue" has been logged and is known? Arguing about it here is not going to accomplish much...unless you like high-blood pressure. Umm, you know, just sayin'. (In any case, any commander who relies on long-range firepower obviously doesn't have the trust and confidence in his men that -I- have: "10m cover arcs, fix bayonets, lads, and CHARGE!!! I'd like to accompany you and have the same chance to cover myself in glory, but unfortunately this paperwork won't take care of itself. I'll be forced to stay at HQ. Carry on.")
  18. CptMiller,

    Do you have a savegame or (preferably) bts file for your artillery test v3 vs v4?


    1. IICptMillerII


      No, but it is easy enough to set up again. Just unpack the Tutorial campaign from CMRT, add some artillery of your choosing to the Soviets, and dump it on the Germans. The Germans come in fixed fortifications on a hill, so its a perfect test template. You can very quickly see the issue in v4 if you drop arty on the Germans in their trenches on the hill. Caliber/training/leadership/morale has no effect. The infantry will always bail from the trenches as soon as a single round lands near them. If you want a link to the video I made I can provide that. 

    2. IICptMillerII


      Actually, I spoke too soon. It turns out I do still have the scenario file. I've attached it here for you. This is the final version of the scenario I ran, and features the Germans as Elite Fanatics with +2 leadership. In other words, their stats are maxed out. The result is the same, once off map artillery begins landing around them, they flee. Note, the artillery for the Soviets in the scenario are 82mm mortars. Its not even heavy artillery. 

      Training Campaign Elite Fanatics.btt

    3. c3k



      (I have no idea why my message started as a 'status' message. Shrug.)

      I'm a bit familiar with v3 and v4 issues. ;)

      I'll use this test for an apples-to-apples test.

      Thanks again.

  19. Hmm. Have you tried putting two or more together to get them to face where you want, then removing all but one?
  20. Thanks for stating it that way. I will say, as a beta-tester, coming to grips with this behavior has been difficult. The NDA prevents a lot of what I'd like say (and is a nice way to dodge ) but realize that the HE fleeing behavior was not seen as a deal-breaker before v4.0 was released...or it would not have been released. Think about the myriad of situations your pixeltroops have been in. Think about how often they do the right thing...and you don't even notice it. Think about when they do something wrong...and the situation which it took to get that behavior. Without giving too much (anything?) away, I follow two basic courses of investigation: there are areas I dig into to find stuff; and there are times when I get a whiff of something not quite right. In the first case, I start with a set of presumed behaviors and try to stress them to their outlying limits. In the other case, I happen to notice something in passing...and then the Eye of Sauron focuses upon it. There are fewer and fewer of each. And the gameplay effect of most are very minor. I can field multiple battalions and have total mayhem reign for four hours...and notice only a few odd cases of behavior. Most (all?) can be explained by men panicking under fire or other reasonable explanations. Think about the magnitude of that achievement: several hundreds of "men" acting realistically over multiple square kilometers whilst killing and being killed and trying to achieve a terrain objective. The HE behavior slipped through. Now, what if the fix is worse? Maybe men will stick in their locations, but then tanks reverse towards threats. But only if unbuttoned and the threat is known but out of LOS. And only on odd numbered turns. Occam's Razor: if the fix were simple, wouldn't you have it already?
  21. As far as the M60 updates are concerned, if/when I'm in the market for one, I'll certainly get the newer version.
  22. This is a lie. They are your words. I quoted your post. Keep it tight. Don't you dare ascribe that statement to me. Your smilie face does NOT equate to you taking credit for your own statement.
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