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Everything posted by c3k

  1. BMP2 for recon...would be to use their dismounts, not try to spot from the vehicle. An option to keep the turret properly manned would be to split the squads and then cross load them back on the BMPs. This way they won’t automatically recombine. Then you just unload the rump team and leave the hq team on board.
  2. Bah. You left a point on the table! That will come back and haunt you, mark my words. Looks a well-balanced force. Popcorn’s a poppin’.
  3. Bah! Have 'em wheel in a whiteboard, tape some markers to some sticks, and diagram what you want done. Have the sitrep printed out and brought to you every hour. A good yelling will let them know who's in charge. I mean, they're there for YOU, right?
  4. Hmmm. NHS? Well, that implies some dire medical situation. Hope that's all sorted. Of course, hospitals have beds. Beds have tray tables. Laptops fit on tray tables. Nurses are there to help. See where I'm going with this? Yeah, that's still no excuse for suspending the game! Best for a full, and speedy, recovery.
  5. I'd suggest buying all the units you're going to use on the map. Don't worry about specifics. If you think it'll be 2 battalions (or so), against 3+ battalions, just buy something like what you foresee ending up with. E.g., generic battalions, without worrying about experience levels and attachments. Then, just mash 'em together. Big sweeping moves with multiple waypoints for everything. Don't worry about what ends up where or legal/illegal terrain. The goal? To see if the movements and LOS calculations will cause a CTD. Just because a map can load in 3D does not mean that a game will load. It's the additional load of having units moving, LOS'ing, and shooting which will overload your computer.
  6. Ach. I really enjoyed (as usual and as expected) watching your approach and reading your AAR. Thanks for doing this.
  7. Thanks. I was typing off quick answers in a hurry and didn't have time to dig in. Appreciate the detailed info. Back on topic: How many men/teams are left to post in Baneman's thread???
  8. Bigger Marine squads. More resiliency. Three teams per Marine squad. More flexibility. Marine squads on the attack perform better than Army squads. 13 men fight better than 7 or 9. (Apologies... I did not mean to spam this thread.)
  9. Huge difference in how they perform in game... Marine squads are still attack effective after multiple casualties.
  10. I just re-read my old CMBN "Better Beta Beater Reader" AAR against Bil. (Photobucket is back to allowing links, so that prompted me to check.) Anyhow, there was one turn or two where I lost all but one of my tanks. I think this was similar. Anyway, get posting! (And stiff upper lip and all that.)
  11. Just posting because photobucket has restored their links, so I wanted to check my screenshots. They are here. One thing I only touched on, was what a great sport Bil was to play. In every case, he was solicitous, courteous, and willing to adjust to any of my preferences. If I did not emphasize it enough, "Thank you" to Bil. It was truly a pleasure.
  12. Personally, I think it is likely that he smashed his keyboard after that last turn you posted and has been unable to post anything since. (Not just because of the broken keyboard, but because of the keys embedded in the fleshy parts of his hands.)
  13. ...and he looked upon his works and was satisfied. Or somesuch. LLF, looking good. I'll dive into this after CMSF2 is released. (Like others stated, you may want to take advantage of the newer CMSF2 engine for scenario development.)
  14. Ah, yes, a bit of a prescient (Flare-scient?) post from the past. We need flares...
  15. THAT is an understatement!!! The Blood Board should have a time function. E.g., "Tanks lost per minute".
  16. I've found the T-90 to be devastatingly effective against dismounts...who don't have Javelins. That 125mm HE packs a wallop. It'll be interesting to see what comes of your infantry lift towards the objective. How much time is left?
  17. Not sure about movies, but this thread did get me to buy another book or two by Antony Beevor. ;)
  18. Bah! The loss of that LAV-TOW was minor. It did, after all, kill a Fennek! THAT is a bit of a win, much like giving up a knight to rid the board of a pesky pawn. Errr, maybe not? ;) In the long run, the misses from your ATGM and your T-90s may lull Baneman into a false sense of security...
  19. As I’ve posted elsewhere, I am a huge fan of Jason Mark and his Leaping Horseman books. I received an email that there is a sale with 25% off, on six titles. EOFY18US is the code. The books are;, panzerkrieg I, iron cross brig, Croat legion, into oblivion, an arty in Stalingrad, an inf in Stalingrad. fingertyping on the move. Forgive the typos and contracted titles.
  20. I created a document for the purpose of keeping track of keys. Now, when I reinstall, I just go to my document, find the game and copy and paste the key.
  21. Well, you've done some outstanding work describing what's going on! I'd hate to ask a question which would be a spoiler. Like, "Have you thought about what you'd do if Bil had some units enter behind yours?" You're doing a smashup job of letting us know what you see and how and why you're making your decisions.
  22. Those picture windows suck. They're worse than anything other than balconies, or so it seems to me. Normal windows offer far more protection. If I see a building with them oriented towards the enemy, I try not to enter that building. Thought I'd mention that tidbit, now that you've learned the lesson writ in the blood of your men. And, yes, they thanked you for letting them teach you that. I like the screenies and how it shows your thoughts and tactics. Keep 'em coming!
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