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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Grey_Fox in Tanks are blind in CM   
    It's an example of behaviour in CM happening in real life. Ergo, CM's spotting is realistic.
  2. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Grey_Fox in Tanks are blind in CM   
    I see you're relatively new here. Do a search on the forums for "spotting" and "spotting broken" and see how many hundreds of posts have been made about how spotting in game is broken.
  3. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Tanks are blind in CM   
  4. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to WimO in Operation Coup de Main Campaign progress update   
    @PEB14 The following are included in the scenarios ...
    Halftrack (SPW 304(f))
    Halftrack (SPW 304(f)-3)
    Support Halftrack (SPW 304(f)-10)
    Self-Propelled Gun (75mm PaK 40) auf Gw39H(f))
    Would have like to see an (f) version for 8.sKp.'s SP 20mm AA but had to substitute another option.
    For the unavailable Reihenwerfers I substituted 81mm MTRs with equivalent ammunition and shooting 'barrage' equivalent. 
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Thewood1 in Tanks are blind in CM   
    Wow...this forum has no sense of humor.
  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Thewood1 in Tanks are blind in CM   
    Whose grass mod is that?
  7. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Grey_Fox in Tanks are blind in CM   
    It's the RealLife mod, made by @god_almighty111
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Ithikial_AU in Future of JuJu's UI Mod - Project Unification   
    I have a fix but need to get it to Bootie. Enough bmps to cover the new version of the button and old.
  9. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to WimO in Kohlenklau's 3rd Annual Christmas 2023 Scenario Challenge!   
    I will try to have my campaign ready for Xmas. Try.
    Also ... anyone is welcome to use in whole or in part any of my maps, scenarios or mods. Or to modify them to your taste. They are out there for everyone to enjoy. No need to ask my permission.
  10. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Kohlenklau's 3rd Annual Christmas 2023 Scenario Challenge!   
    LET US DO THIS AGAIN! I give everybody quite a bit of time. Make a scenario for the community.
    The 3rd time is the charm is this year's motto!
    Alright, 105 days until X-mas. (Julian 358-263=105).
    Let us swamp the community with some scenarios. Use or modify an existing map if you need to (and give polite credit in your briefing or designers notes to prevent accusations of being a dreaded parasite!). Make your own simple map! Use the new CM AutoEditor? No Rembrandts are required! Dial it down to 208 x 208, if needed, the teeniest tiniest map you can make. ANY SIZE MAP IS GOOD! That's what she said! Playable from only one side is AOK. Just make sure to say that guidance in the main cover description. Use just a tiny force. Put the AI on defence and the AI plan is EASIER! Use just a small timeframe of 10 minutes!  I (and a butt ton of others) am here to lend a hand to answer questions or go now and read the famous JonS scenario guide pdf in your main install folder. All these different titles can use some new juices. I got a couple coming down.
    Or whatever size map and time you want!
    In 2021 we got between 16 and 20 new scenarios.
    In 2022 we got 14 new scenarios.
    I am not a CMCW, CMSF2, CMBS modern war bubba but please use this as a reason to make a scenario for those games. This is not just for WW2 games. 
    Best wishes and who wants to post a pledge to make a scenario?
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to WimO in Operation Coup de Main Campaign progress update   
    Here is a list of scenarios completed to date but not yet integrated into campaign. I have not yet determined if and how any branching results will be included . The current scenarios are different from the ones already uploaded due to new and more complete information. They will be released as free-standing scenarios at the same time as the campaign is released because the free standing scenarios will differ slightly from 'unpacked' campaign scenarios. The first scenario will have a choice between an 'easy' historical option in which the Germans were caught completely by surprise or a 'more challenging 'What If?' variant where the Germans have been alerted that the invasion was imminent and are standing to. Players will choose which path to follow.
    Coup de Main v2 (historical): The coup de main assault on the bridges by the British Airlanding troops.
    Coup de Main (What If? variant): As above but the Germans at the bridge are on Alert Level II.
    Tracked Vehicles Approaching: The first German response to regain the bridges.
    7th Para Moves Up: 7th Para moves through the Oxf and Bucks to expand the perimeter at the canal bridge.
    First Contact in Benouville: As "A" Coy moves into position they encounter scattered Germans
    A Brief Encounter (Le Port): A column of German vehicles wants to pass through Le Port.
    9 Platoon Patrol: 9 Ptn B Coy is sent west to patrol the end of the wooded spur.
    Panzers vs Paras (work in progress today, revising large scenario): Benouville heats up - seriously.
    An Argument Over T (completed but will be revised): The enemy has penetrated through to the T junction above the bridge.
    Not yet started ....
    Crisis in Benouville: "A" Coy is surrounded, the Germans are in the school house and the Mairie and still control the northern half of Le Port. All the troopers of "A" company are either dead or wounded. "B' Coy has been bled badly and "C' is scattered. It's DO or DIE.
    Pipers and Snipers: If you survived the crisis .... time for some mopping up in Le Port
    Well Done Lads!: Finally relief in the form of elements of British 3rd Infantry up from Sword Beach.
  12. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to WimO in Operation Coup de Main Campaign progress update   
    NIne out of possible twelve scenarios almost completed. Two might be dropped due to lack of interesting subject matter. Had to modify a few scenarios based on newly acquired information. Spending last few days writing and rewriting a complex AI script for a large and long German attack on a complex map. The thought came to me today that scripting a large AI plan is like creating the coreography for a theatrical production. Every new impulse demands another play test to check the timing and effect.
  13. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to ViperAssassin26 in Infantry Pack 2   
    Alright everyone here it is!!! as always feedback is appreciated!!!
  14. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to MOS:96B2P in Operation Deadstick designer's dilemma.   
    I'm sure Kortenhaus offers some valuable first hand memories and a German perspective on these events (I should probably get this book).  It might be useful to consider how he came across all the information he used to write two entire volumes on the 21st Panzer Division.  He probably could not have personally experienced all two volumes worth of information. As an 18 year old in a combat zone I would suspect his personal experience was confined to a small sliver of the big picture.  Probably he was mostly consumed and focused on surviving the combat his platoon was involved in. So, unless he was an 18 year old that worked in the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) of the 21st Panzer and was privy to the conversations and decisions of the senior command staff I wouldn't think he would have much personal knowledge on the events outside his platoon/company.
    Then later (probably about 10 years later) after the war he wrote the books. He must have relied on other sources to fill in all the information outside his platoon and company experience. It would be useful to know the reliability of the sources he used that contradicts multiple other sources. Maybe the other sources he used are right or partially right but I would not automatically assume they are.
    There are several other forum members that know about German units.  Off the top of my head @George MC and @RockinHarry come to mind. They might have some insight into your dilemma. 
    You do good work. Your final product will be a great contribution to the CM community.       
  15. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Barbarossa Scenarios Released   
    Hi Von Vinny. I will PM you the link, ok?
    I get very busy and distracted. I think I now need 3 secretaries for mod distribution.

  16. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to WimO in Gruppe Boehm to Le Rocher - scenario update   
    Some more thoughts about Green & Conscript troops for realism.
    Accepting the observation that assigning G&C Experience ratings to our pixeltruppen, then as a scenario designer I also need to substantially increase the length of scenarios. The historical events that I have recreated in my various scenarios all took place over MUCH long periods of time than the scenarios. So if we make the troops in our scenarios behave more realistically then more time will be required to effect the result.
    I believe that most gamers want to play a game that yields results in a reasonable amount of time. What is reasonable will vary from one person to another but it is usually not four or five or eight hours. Looking at it that way, I would like to offer up the idea the Battlefront got it right. By making Regular and higher rated troops 'supermen' (on both sides mind you) it allows scenarios to complete in a shorter amount of time.
    Summary: For realism make troops G&C AND increase scenario time by two to five times. If you want a reasonable length of 'game', use Battlefront's ratings. Choose your flavour.
  17. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    So, back @home and returning with CM-Work 😎
    Sometimes, a little break from creating/testing AI-plans is very helpful to get new motivation and to avoid the „Combat-Mission Designer‘s Burnout“ - a serious mental disease, well known to everyone who ever has created a Campaign 😉
  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI CMAK2 AFRIKA MODS EXPLOSION   
    @Andrew6850 recently shared to me a great map for Afrika. Alam El Halfa. She's a nice, big girl of a map. Thank you Andrew.
    Starting this weekend I will play a Medium ME QB using it versus a buddy out in Scotland. He wanted the ME and he picked British mixed. I rolled a die and got Italians (also mixed). I will not do an intense DAR but will plop a few screenshots and comments here. It uses Pitbull's Italian uniforms and the sunhelmet mod I did back a ways.
    Since it is a Meeting Engagement, I took license to add a center area oasis/well/mosque as the fictional objective...

  19. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Thewood1 in ALERT Windows 7 Users!   
    There are security issues that Win7 just isn't prepared for.  Especially CPU level.  And consumers are the absolute biggest problem in cybersecurity.  Most big malware and ransomware attacks are done from consumer PCs that the owner doesn't even know are compromised.  Win7 absolutely cannot begin to know how to protect itself from those chip-level attacks.  That has to be done  at the chip level in conjunction with the OS.  No third-party AV software or self-help site will fix that.  Cyber-criminals drool over unprotected thermostats and Win7 PCs still connected to the internet.
    Thats not even talking about GPU driver support completely going away and the lack of Win7 support for DX11 and DX12.
  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Brille in Home of Wargames Event   
    So what is slitherine obviously trying? Because I don't get it. 😅 
    Artwork is for advertising or representation of ideas where the journey is or could be going. 
    Misleading are those cheap little mobile games that sell you prerendered videos for actual gameplay. But as soon as you download it you see that it has nothing to do with it entirely. 
    Back in the CD/DVD era every games cover had an eye catching artwork or at least very altered or cineastic screenshot on it. That games that didn't usually got sold less. Humans are pretty much visually triggered, so nothing new to that. 
    But once you turn the cover there should be pics of actual gameplay. And that's what the Steampage is now. 
    So if one got mislead to buy a game by some simple artworks well then you are either too young, new to the game industry or... very naive/dumb. (no offense) 
  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from PEB14 in Gruppe Boehm to Le Rocher - scenario update   
    For what it's worth, I've always found that motivation is at least as important as experience level.
    Any units above normal will become superpixeltruppen and wade into fire they really shouldn't.
    Normal, low, and poor troops suppress and break more realistically, imho.
  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Grey_Fox in Home of Wargames Event   
    It's just artwork - most advertising has it.
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to AtlasActual in Canadian Armed Forces Rework   
    Updated to 1.2
    -Made C7 and C8 furniture more green after receiving feedback.
    -Added dusty grenade launcher for C8

  24. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Grey_Fox in ALERT Windows 7 Users!   
    Windows 11 is a brand spanking new OS, so hasn't had the bugs ironed out yet. Given another year or so to mature and I'm sure it'll be fine.
    That's different to relying on a 14 year old OS which has been abandoned by the people that created it. Windows 10 on the other hand is actively supported.
    Also, that guy wanted to play the game today, and not to wait an indefinite period of time for a bugfix to be released.
  25. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Thewood1 in ALERT Windows 7 Users!   
    One of my clients is a large manufacturer.  A number of its factory systems are legacy Win7-based.  Win7 makes up 8% of its total PC inventory.  But Win7 makes up 40% of its security incidents.  They had a recent ransomeware attack that started on a Win7 system that couldn't get a security update that all Win11 machines got.  They are now finally replacing all of those systems.  Corporations react to risk and cost.  Its driving the final death of corporate Win7.
    As more games move to DX11 and DX 12, Win7 will get left further and further behind.  CM and older games might be the last games to support DX9.  Even Steel Beasts is planning on updating to DX11+.
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