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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. I just played a couple of mini-campaigns. Go to Greenasjade's website and log-in. Then search using the word "campaign" and you'll get a whole list of campaigns. I downloaded: - Crossroads (3 battles) - From Dawn to Setting Sun (3 battles) and - Husam Al Din campaign (3-battle campaigns, one from RED side, and one from BLUE side). - Task Force Narvik I opened Crossroads and it's the same map (more or less) as Red Pepper. Since I couldn't EVER beat Red Pepper, I didn't play that one. Dawn to Setting Sun is FUN. Mini Campaign, single Marine platoon behind enemy lines, trying to link up with friendly forces. Husam Al Din is fun, but suffers from imbalance (in my opinion). Task Force Narvik, just started. Great fun so far. (Lots of Bradley's going Budda Budda BOM BOM BOM!) Cheers, Gpig
  2. I've had this same problem recently. I think it may have to do with the battle was CREATED by someone with the latest patch, but we don't have access to the latest patch yet. Once you get the latest patch, the scenario may show up . . . *guesses* Gpig
  3. Got the file. But for some reason it will NOT show up in my scenario list. It shows up as a .btt file. But my game still doesn't recognize the scenario. Strange, yes? Cheers, Gpig
  4. What modules are req'd to play this puppy? Gpig
  5. Once those dudes on the "kinfe edge" take a kneeling position, they'll have LOS/LOF. But, it'd be nice to be able to remain prone and have a go . . . Gpig
  6. Thanks for posting these, they are great to watch. The Airfield assault was like watching a real engagement. The sounds, the sights, the tension. Great stuff. Cheers, Gpig
  7. Those wrecks at the side of the road feel VERY Afghanistan. Nice map! Gpig
  8. Thanks for doing these. They are a bit difficult to watch because the audio is not in sync with the video. Still nice to see, however. Cheers, Gpig
  9. Don't forget the Marines campaign "Rolling Lords of War" (although I couldn't finish that one). Gpig
  10. put sun-glasses on. ba-doom dum! Nyuk nyuk. *cough* p.s. sorry, Ali-Baba. I'm just jealous because I don't have NATO. *sniff*
  11. Well . . . I was reading about civilians in Arnhem helping locate enemy positions for the Brit Para's. Perhaps there might be a use for spies in certain instances . . . Gpig
  12. The german infantry uniforms in game have these strange life-preserver type collar thingy's on under their chins. They appear to be normal collars in the real-life pic above, but our of scale on the game models. Can those be tweaked in game through mods? Cheers Gpig
  13. Thanks Pandur, that is so cool! Great explanation. I am going to play with that in the future and see how that changes my red v red games etc. Cheers, Gpig
  14. I downlaoded your mod manager and it looks great. But it says: "Execution of this application has stopped due to a run-time error." This, every time I try to list my mods (step 2). Any ideas? Cheers, Gpig
  15. @ Pandur: Thanks! Good stuff, all of it. And I would agree with your assessment. It seems that sometimes, however, the damn ATGM are just plain broke! I was playing Road to Dinas the other day and had a Veteran ATGM team (Spigot, I believe) on a forested hilltop, take 5 shots at STATIC T-55's more than 1600m away. Missed ALL 5. The ATGM team was never detected. There was no shooting going on. They were unsuppressed. Some of the misses missed by half a klick! The first one turned left and nose-dived into the base of the hill. Just seems, well . . . broke. Sometimes, they work just fine.
  16. Thanks for the great AAR! I played this battle as the Syrians, and they can't shoot their ATGMs fer Sheeeet! If they didn't hit a tree, they wildly flew in all and any direction. Sometimes landing 500m away from the intended target. And not just in THIS battle. Red force ATGMs are a real roll-of-the-dice, if'n youz ask me. Anybody else frustrated with the ability of the Syrian ATGM gunners. (Some platforms are better than others, I know.) Gpig
  17. I've seen that as well. I believe it's been reported on a ways back, but I can't remember the outcome. I *thought* it was fixed with a patch, but I had the same thing happen in a PBEM game last month (and I'm all patched up). Gpig
  18. Yeah, but then we'll need an animation for U.S. Airborne troops scavenging Lugers off dead German Officers, in the middle of battle no less.
  19. Sounds awesome, Webwing. Please accept my thanks for all your hard work and pass on these kudo's to all the testers, creators and artists! Cheers. Gpig
  20. I agree, Stoex. That third mission is awesome at first. Excellent recce and exploration of the enemy objective that quickly turned into a wipe-out, first time I played it. I'm left wondering how on earth I can succeed a second time through. Cheating would be the only way, in my opinion. (By cheating, I mean having advance knowledge of enemy forces and pre-planning with that in mind.) The resulting casualties may still be too horrific to allow advancement. Do let us know how you fare on the 2nd run-through. Good luck! Gpig
  21. Thanks guys. That made it feel MUCH better. I was able to secure a tactical victory and it still felt tough enough. Got on to the second mission and THAT one was excellent. Really tough without losing. Nice balance. And I'm glad I get to see the next few maps. Cheers, Gpig
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