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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Lots of things here that can help you. Don't know if there's anything specifically on arty but I know there is scenario design stuff. Tutorials on the right... https://www.youtube.com/user/Proambulator/playlists BTW...anybody know who Proambulator is on the boards? Mord.
  2. Incredible! Really looks amazing. The atmosphere is going to go through the roof. Every time I think you can't top yourself you do it. I think that RT ruins mod really honed your skills. I think it was your breakthrough and you just keep improving. It's really cool watching your talent evolve. Great ****** job my man. Mord.
  3. A few percent on something this large is a lot of time. The labor part goes much more smoothly when you don't have to stop constantly to find things. So, your foot work was and is highly appreciated...my headaches were less because of it. Thanks, brother. We've both come a long way since that CMBO marsh mod, huh? That was like 14 years ago! Well, I hope everybody likes it when I am done. Replace "brave" with "mental" and talented with "passable" and you hit the nail on the head. Though I will say that I think this one will be my best portrait mod ever. I am really happy with the look so far. I do want to make sure everyone realizes that this will be a mod for the base game only. Bad news is I won't be releasing anything outside of the June to August time frame. Which means right now only Heer portraits and the Russians. That being said, the GREAT news is, barring any brand new portrait types that BFC adds (such as Gebirs), as soon as the next module comes out I'll be able to release the update in a teenie-tiny fraction of the time. Like within a few days. Here's a little shot of the slight change in head size along with some of the actual portraits. Mord.
  4. And I thought it would be hard...LOL. THAT was way above my pay grade. Mord.
  5. So, could this tool actually fix the texture stretching issues some of the models have? Without screwing up the game? Mord.
  6. George is the master of the epic themed armor scenario. He's not a bad voice actor either... Mord.
  7. That's basically what kevin is saying, without the title change. I'd rather see this whole engine evolve into a new engine (if that is even possible) than have to start from scratch and wait 7 years to get back to this point. But yeah, eventually CMX2 will come to a close. I'll be on board for whatever they make as long as they don't cut WEGO or dumb it down. I doubt they'll ever drop the name though. Besides it being a known "brand" it's a damned cool name, there are only a few out there that don't sound stupid, Close Combat & Fire Fight being some of the better ones. The CM name covers land warfare nicely, without being too specific nor too vague. Mord.
  8. Then why play CMX2? According to you things are better when they are frozen in time. So, CMX1 should be the end all be all. You obviously must've found short comings (or things lacking) in CMX1 to attempt CMX2. And yet here you are wishing BFC would do the very same thing that made CMBO/BB/AK outdated and stale. LOL. Logic...awesome stuff. And if you don't like having your opinions challenged maybe you shouldn't post them in public. Write them in your diary and you can agree with yourself all day long without all those outside "opinions" getting in your way. Mord.
  9. Yeah, I have stuff on when I am giving orders and need to get my bearings, but once I view the turn I want all the "game" assists off to keep the immersion factor high. Here, Rambler made this at my request a few years back. It's really cool when guys get hit. I use it in all my CM games. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1248 It's nice watching a diehard CMX1er jump in with optimism and an open mind. You wouldn't believe some of the pessimism and nastiness that when on here back when the new engine was announced. AND you are right, it sure does. Mord.
  10. When it comes to all things Combat Mission, Norton plays hell with me. So I have to exclude the main BF folder in ProgramsX86, and then the main folder in My Documents and then I go after the individual desktop exes. My big problem was Norton would not only quarantine stuff but make it so I could never recover it. And it was never consistent with what it went after. So, after dealing with that crap 10 or 15 times over the last 7 years I don't give that %6&@%& &*@!^& any rope! LOL. Mord
  11. Yep. You've just had an epiphany. That was the advice we gave a lot of guys coming to CMBN (in 2011) and X2 after they skipped 4 years of CMSF, it applies even more so now. There are similarities between CMX1 and BN but it's best to forget what you knew and approach this version like you've never seen Combat Mission before. It takes some getting used to because your natural inclination is to draw from your past experiences. I think the biggest thing you'll have to wrap your head around is that where CMBB was basically on a macro level, CMX2 is at a micro level...much, much more fidelity in almost all areas therefore there will be big changes to lots of game mechanics. Eventually, all of this will be second nature. But hey, learning all the cool new features and mechanics is half the fun. Mord.
  12. Yep. Once you and your opponent do all the setup stuff and the battle gets going, every turn you receive includes view and orders—much more economical when playing. As far as the graphics go, you really gotta just tinker with them. It's different for everyone. I do better on smaller maps with less trees, but I have all my stuff set to max. Mord.
  13. Not really, Staggler is being disingenuous in the least. A good portion of us that were involved in that argument are on Steam and own games bought from Steam, we even stated that many a time. Acting like we are anti-technology is nothing more than trying to provoke a reaction. Now, I have no problem with Staggler, but lets call a spade a spade. Luke had it right...Stag cast a line and set the motor on troll. Mord.
  14. After 11 broken ribs? Yeah...I am sure you are—and Ted Bundy was a feminist. Mord.
  15. You just keep plugging along. Looks really nice, man. Mord.
  16. That's like asking if water is wet. At this point it's almost a right of passage. I don't know what AV program you are using but what I do is turn it off, install the game, then go into the AV program and exclude all my CM folders and desktop CMBN exe from ALL types of scans, then turn the AV back on. Do that and you should be ok. Oh good choice grabbing the whole shebang...lots of cool new stuff since the CW module. Mord.
  17. CMBO, BB and CMAK are all "set for the ages". How come you aren't playing them? Mord.
  18. Glad to hear you are alive and kicking you old cur. I shall steel myself for payback and wrath. Nice to have you back. Mord.
  19. They are finally up. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3579 Dropbox is now disengaged. Mord.
  20. There is one major difference in PBEM now than CMX1, you don't have to send that one extra file that did nothing. Each turn now is view and orders, once the setups are complete. Mord.
  21. Add sound to that and I have probably experienced everyone of those privately. Yeah, I was feeling pretty stupid after that one. But in defense of said stupidity it was back in the early days of CMSF, wasn't quite used to all the new fangled doohickies and thingamabobs. Mord.
  22. LOL. Hey, there's a HUGE difference between plopping some flag objectives on a map to what goes on in CMX2. So, it's gonna take time. You want idiocy? One time I lost my floating icons and started a thread trying to figure out what happened to them...I'd turned them off and forgot. Mord.
  23. When I play DC we usually play at around 6000 pts or so, so one of our main rules is no off board arty 'cause it just seems like it throws the game out of whack—too easy to annihilate a guy in a couple turns when you don't have that much equipment. Then we usually try to be kinda historical in our picks. But sometimes we mix it up, no tanks, or whatever. We played one once where we couldn't use any vehicles bigger than a Stuart/Lynx. But in the couple CMBS games we have had it was no-holds barred because of all the new features. Our last game he kicked my *** so hard I still can't sit down. It was horrible. He's not allowed to b**** for the next two games because he wailed me so bad. I tried an experiment and bought ALL green troops, that will never happen again. Mord.
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