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Everything posted by Mord

  1. I just thought of another thing you might find interesting and it can have a major impact in a fire fight. In CMX1 your 12 man squad could only target one enemy unit at a time no matter what the situation. You could split a squad but that would still only allow fire on a second position. What if you had three units approaching your position? Or four? Well in CMBN technically a 12 man squad could target 12 different enemy units! You can't manually make them do it but say you don't issue any target orders for a turn and within that 60 seconds a half track approaches on the right, a partial squad is sneaking up the middle, and a machine gun crew jumps into LOS on your left. Well, if the dudes in your squad have eyes on all of them and are able to target them most of the time they will. One riflemen could potentially pin down that MG crew while three take care of the middle, and your tube guy (zook) knocks off a round at the HT. Meanwhile the other seven might not be able to see the enemy or have a line of fire to them, or maybe two guys are cowering because there is incoming. Pretty cool, huh? Here's an example; http://www.battlefront.com/images/stories/CMBN/Gall2/cm-normandy-debug-27.jpg Mord. P.S. Check this out you can really see how far we've come;
  2. Modding can become a mental illness...both creating them and screwing around loading stuff other people make. I call it the game within the game, though with CM there are many games within the game, just depends on what flavor you prefer. I can remember spending all day switching out mods trying to get everything looking juuuust right, promising myself I'll start a scenario after one more look...and then four hours later it's time to sleep and I still hadn't fired up a battle. LOL. Did that probably a hundred times with CMBO. Mord.
  3. Yep. And those guys will change if any of them are heavily wounded or killed—blows the way CMX1 handled it out of the water. Mord.
  4. Oh definitely, some of those BA moments can end up being stand out vignettes in a battle. I have seen a lot of cool stuff centered around BA in AARs and the like, whether it be because of altruism or because dudes were trying to scrounge a zook or 'shrek. And good point on the evac equation. It's an incentive to inject a little humanity into the situation and help counteract that blood thirsty indifference once the lead gets hot and heavy. Two even...plus a bucket load. There's quite a few hidden gems that people might not realize right off the bat. An example would be that the ground conditions can go from dry to muddy, weather permitting. I tested it and it happened. During a game you click the menu tab and then the conditions tab, the ground status will change once it has been raining long enough. And something cool that was changed—that always irked me in CMX1—was that your leaders were always the last to die when a unit was being worn down. In CMBN you can change leaders and names as quickly as the enemy can kill them. And their soft factor abilities change as well. Seems trivial but it's very engaging to see Sgt. Jones take over when Lt. Baker catches one through the eye, compared to every officer/leader being Custer at the Little Big Horn. Mord.
  5. Thanks! You should've seen me the day they announced the upgrade system. I did cartwheels for a week! But as a whole CMX2 was just about everything I wished for when I played CMBO and I get pretty pumped when I am telling new people about it. Coming from CMX1 you understand and are also open to the new engine (a lot of CMX1 players weren't at all) so it gets me excited for you. As far as the KIA to WIA equations...yeah, there have been some pretty huge threads on that issue. I never really paid much attention though. However, one thing occurred to me just now (don't know if it was ever broached before), in CMBN your guys can be wounded (and still move and fight), severely wounded (incapacitated), or dead—all are physically represented by a graphic. Now, the interesting thing (and I doubt this was in CMX1) lightly wounded guys can go from light to severe, and severe guys can be killed by stray rounds and explosions. I watched a dude go from light red (severe wounds) to dark red (dead) during a mortar attack once. It blew me away 'cause I didn't know their states weren't set in stone once they could no longer function. So, that could help push KIAs tallies up because more deaths can be logged during battle as opposed to just an equation like I think CMX1 used at the end of the game. Here's a newer thread on the subject; http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119190-question-on-casualties-inflictedcaused-kiawia/?p=1601351 Older one; http://community.battlefront.com/topic/106540-casualties-wounded-to-dead/?hl=+kias%20+wias There's probably more. Mord.
  6. Wow. Anybody that claims BFC isn't dedicated to accuracy needs to be punched in the face...twice. Mord.
  7. Yeah, the fidelity you can achieve when laying terrain is so far beyond what CMBB could offer. The smaller tiles and the way textures bleed into each other has remarkable payoff visually. You can create a much more natural feel in CMX2 compared to the tile plopping effect that CMX1 had. And the ability to paint topo lines is great, makes it very easy to get smooth transitions into the elevations. Having an 8X8 tiles helps as well, the old tiles were 20x20! Wag man, once you get a couple scenarios behind you you'll have it down. This is the absolute best place to get advice, there are a lot of talented and experienced designers here. The great thing about the editor is how much more control it gives you compared to CMX1. Since they added triggers it's really opened up the possibilities. Yeah, it comes with a steeper learning curve (much steeper compared to CMX1) but the benefits are worth it. So, once you get the hang of scenario creation are we gonna see your efforts posted on the Repos? And I noticed you said you dug playing CMBB, are you planning on delving into the other WWII time frames down the road? LOL. Oh and something else to bear in mind (in case you didn't already know) CMBN isn't locked in a stasis. When you bought CMBB and it had its last patch that was it, anything new that was added to CMAK stayed in CMAK. Not so, here. So, if new scenario design tools come along in a future title, CMBN and the other titles will benefit with an inexpensive upgrade. Mord.
  8. Yep, what Koh said. You always wanna make sure your file is named correctly, say you have 8 uniform files and on number 6 you screw up and put a space in the name where there isn't supposed to be one, the game will stop loading that mod from number 5 onward, basically it's like breaking a chain. Also, note, you can have more files than the stock game. Ex: the stock graphics provide slots for say 5 uniforms, your mod could have 10 uniforms or 15, you just keep naming the extra file sequentially, "uniform 6, 7, 8, etc". However skip a number and it's the same as above. It's actually super easy once you grasp the concept. Oh, and here's something MJ did, you might like these. http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=327&game_type=6 Mord.
  9. NO! We had that in CMX1 and it sucked. Everything was cloned and identical; one helmet, one uniform, no variety whatsoever. Why would you even think having options is a problem? YOU are a madman! Seriously though, if you wanted clones in your game, just take your favorite uniform and helmet and copy their bmps, paste and rename them until you have enough to overwrite the stock bmps. Mord.
  10. No worries, you're welcome. Awesome! You are gonna have a blast! After you play some, pop in and tell us about your experience. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you can't figure something out, we'll do our best to help. There's a ton of info here. BTW...once you get acclimated there is a whole world of killer mods out there. http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?game_type=5&show_all=true http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=41 Mord.
  11. LOL. I've been here going on 15 years and modding CMX2 for 8, that's gotta say something. But yeah, there is a ton of depth and fun. Here's something I wrote recently; "The map making portion of the editor is one of the easiest editors in gaming. Learning to create AI plans and the like is a steeper curve but you could set up a player attack vs AI defense scenario with very little difficulty. Some of the coolest experiences I have had in the game was when I made some stupid little throwaway maps with a few units to test out sound mods I was making. In reality the game provides the tools for near infinite battles." "The amount of enjoyment you can derive from CM is deep and caters to all types (believe me we have guys here that do one, some, or all of these things); playing the scenarios and campaigns, down loading and playing user made scenario/campaigns, HtH play, loading up armor and units in the editor and checking them out, learning about all the armor and units, creating your own mods, loading and testing mods out you've down loaded to get your game looking just right, setting up little situations to test out weapons and vehicles or small tactical situations, designing scenarios/campaigns, designing historically researched scenarios/campaigns, test playing scenarios/campaigns for their authors or screwing around in the editor making maps. The beauty is you can just play or combine a bunch of these, either way you will have great experience with Combat Mission." I'd forgotten to mention writing AARs and making movies as well. One of the features I really dig is the Damage Report tab, when one of your tanks/vehicles gets hit you can click it and see if any of your subsystems were damaged or knocked out. There is so much going on in this game that you'll have a blast just learning about everything. Mord.
  12. ALL of it! There's just so much goodness, the CW Module alone adds TO&E for about five different organizations Brits/Poles/Canadians/Luft Field Div/Waffen SS. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=289&Itemid=490 http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=324&Itemid=559 http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=333&Itemid=582 Add all that to this... http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=274&Itemid=457 Yeah, I say grab it all. There's lots of German stuff spread throughout the modules even if you might not be interested in the CW forces. But I think all the Allies are just as interesting as the US stuff, myself. It's nice having the options. Trust me, you won't regret the purchase. Mord.
  13. NOW THAT is BADASS! Way to dive in with both feet. Great job! Mord.
  14. There's a ton more units if you purchase the CW and MG modules and the Vehicle Pack compared to just BN. And I do mean a MASSIVE amount. read from post #110 and onward; http://community.battlefront.com/topic/93376-cmbo-cmbn-equipment-comparrison-chart/?p=1610592 Mord.
  15. LOL. His was vid was a parody/joke...yours is actually serious. THAT'S what's really scary. @Reiter; Frank Stallone...biggest cheese-fest to come out of the 80's. His music SUCKS in ways that haven't been invented yet. Mord.
  16. Actually, you could throw some French CMBO wavs in there and you'd have your Frenchified Canadians. Mord.
  17. I have never heard anything about this. You have a link? As far as I knew the one VP was it for CMBN. I remember Steve saying something to the effect of there being "no amphibious vehicles in the WWII titles...yet" but nothing else. Mord.
  18. That was so horrible it could've actually been from the 80's. I love the dude's fake tan and the goofy looks into the camera. Mord.
  19. Well in that case, let Kraftwerk teach you how to count... And then you can brush up on your English grammar... A theme within a theme...highjacking a theme. Mord.
  20. Yeah, seems like that smell of mothballs and Bengay has finally dissipated. Coincidence? Mord.
  21. Uh huh...it makes you say things like this; "oh gawd the friggin Buggles". And this is what it feels like... I could smell the Patchouli as you typed. Mord.
  22. @Offshoot...This is from my favorite Kraftwerk album...dual awesomeness 'cause Dr. Demento used to play it on his show all the time. @Blasphemerburke...The Age of Plastic is a great genre album! You're killin' me! Btw you were never at a Yes show, that bad acid lead you to a biker bar in Hoboken where you watched a Uriah Heep cover band for three hours while wondering where the hell Jon Anderson was. Here this'll fix ya... Mord.
  23. You're welcome. LOL the multiple options are fairly limited on this one. You want options? Check out any of the CMBN/CMFI/CMSF portraits...Now those have options! 2400 for the Market Garden portraits! Mord.
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