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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Great work koklenkau. Or should I call you...Ms. Drew? It's not the same around here without his barely coherent ramblings about the good old days, when fire was a luxury available only to those that could afford sticks and love involved manacles, a club, and an accurate swing. You tell that contemptuous old Philistine I commanded that he get well or else I'll send a weiner dog to his home to chew his dirty man-vittles. Mord.
  2. And like most of these threads the guy that starts them disappears. I sometimes think they do it just to stir up **** more so than to start a discussion but I will admit this thread has actually been very tame and civil compared to other ones we've had. Where am I? 95% of the time you didn't have time to issue anything because every dude that could draw an instant bead on the spotted unit (especially if it were a vehicle or AT gun) let loose an avalanche of lead death. AT guns probably had a life span of about thirty seconds in CMX1 once they fired a couple shots. I have had them plague me like crotch lice in a couple CMBN games, never having seen where they really were. I don't get what 76mm is thinking but I think there is a complete 180 degree difference in Borg spotting in CMX1 and the spotting we have now. Mord.
  3. CMX2 definitely took infantry engagements to the next five levels. I had a CMBO game one time where this one street area of the map was just littered with casualty markers. It was a back and forth slugfest that changed hands repeatedly and all I could think was how much cooler it would be to see all that carnage in 1:1. I love scouring the battlefield afterward checking out where the heaviest fighting took place and this was a jackpot even for a 1 casualty equaling 12 guys trade. Probably the most intense balls-out combat mission I ever had in CMX1. I would've peed into the air to see it in CMBN. I almost mentioned it in my first post (which was trimmed down and had a response to the OP). Probably the single biggest game changer when we jumped to the new engine. Many units live longer and have more value for the lack of it. Mord.
  4. Also you can use your air/artillery/UAV support panel (during your orders phase in WEGO) to find out what's going on. Trust me, there's enough immersion between the sound sfx, attack munitions animations and the support panel that you won't end up missing the lack of a visual aircraft. BFC did a good job with the audio, weapons and info cues to make up for it. Mord.
  5. CM:A will unfortunately not be updated/upgraded as it's on a much older version of the CMX2 engine. The actual engine upgrade system didn't come into effect until well after CMSF and CM:A were finished being developed. It's old enough that BFC (Snowball actually made it) would have to rebuild it from the ground up, which is what they plan on doing eventually with Shock Force. Actually, it would be a good place to start your CMX2 gaming as you won't have to suffer feature envy like you would if you started with say CMBN and then went backwards and tried an older version of the engine. CM:A is a great game, lots of fun, with a rare setting and has a dark feel to it. As far as I remember the last patch took care of any glaring issue and it's very stable. There is air support. The game covers the entire length of the conflict so they'll probably have all the major air assets. A quick look at the editor (for April 1978) I found the 24P Hind, Su-25, SU-17M and SU-22M. Stingers unfortunately are not modeled. We didn't get any ground-to-air attack weapons until the 2.0 or 3.0 upgrades for the WWII titles. And nothing as advanced as a stinger until just recently in Black Sea, which has a bunch of shoulder fired anti-aircraft weapons as well as ground-to-air missile firing vehicles. However some tanks do employ the Drodz system for shooting down RPGs. There's a demo here that you can try. Just keep in mind it's version 1.01; http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=262&Itemid=437 More info here, though it is sparse compared to other CMX2 product pages. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=242&Itemid=376 Couple YouTube vids to give you an idea of how it plays/what it looks like; My advice would be to check out the demo and if you like it get the game. As I stated above it would be better to start with CMX2's older titles (CM:A or CMSF) because once you get to CMBN on up it's hard to turn back with all the added features—you'd really miss them going backwards. Combat Mission games are very engrossing and in-depth representations of the conflict they cover. You might miss out on some flash here and there (like physically seeing a helicopter) but it will quickly get forgotten as you are pulled into the deep tactical battlefield experience that will play out on your screen. CM games are serious wargames for serious wargamers—no mass unit rushes here...unless you want to get all your dudes dead. You'll need real world tactics to achieve victory. As an added note every game created from CMBN forward is subject to an upgrade system which effectively keeps all those titles at the same engine level. Which means, that when a new title comes out and it adds new features, any titles that those features would pertain to will get an upgrade for a modest price. Wargaming heaven, no feature envy! Welcome to Battlefront and the crack that is Combat Mission! If you have any more questions feel free to ask, we'll help you with whatever you need. Mord.
  6. The engine has really matured over the last few years, lots of cool new features that add to the atmosphere, my favorite being the hit decals— triggers being the biggie for the scenario editor. I don't know if you've bought everything but once you add up all the vehicles and units in the modules we ended up with way more than what was in CMBO for the same time span, minus the French. Lots of new toys! My first CMBN game (I think it was the demo) I had a team of GIs running across a farmyard, this German soldier popped up in the window of this little house ready to take a shot and one of my guys stopped in mid-stride, took aim and plopped a rifle grenade right through the window. He killed both the German and a buddy that was with him, then just continued on his way. THAT'S when I realized I'd finally gotten what I been wishing for all those years ago in CMBO. It's definitely a great time to be a Combat Mission player. Mord.
  7. LOL. I was gonna ask if you owned Gustav. Hey, it could've been worse, like "What happened to my sound/floating icons/shadows? I think I posted (back in CMSF days) that I'd lost my icons because I forgot that I'd turned them off. Mord.
  8. So, how are you liking the CMX2 engine so far, Andreas? Having any trouble disengaging from the CMX1 mindset? Or taking to the new game play? It's very different, that's for sure. Some of the basics are still there, though. And...what the hell took you so long? LOL. Mord.
  9. Actually, that concept works 100x better in CMX2. There is much more fidelity and enjoyability in smaller scale battles in CMBN, RT and the like. The 1:1 really shines at micro levels. I always liked the idea you guys came up with but the CMX1 environment just wasn't conducive to so fine of a scale. The 12:3 man representation, the 1 casualty marker per unit, squad leader/HQ officer always being the last to drop, giant terrain squares, abstract placement, hokey animations, etc. really took away from the experience. Now, you could set up a tiny fire fight, with say 1 squad (split into 3 teams) and have them try to overcome a machine nest, or a sniper, and it could play out as dramatically as any company size engagement, especially if you role play it in your head—lots of room for little dramas and stories to unfold—not to mention that zooming in and watching from ground level can be as harrowing and tense as any war movie. It's pretty damn cool. You really feel the loses and stress when you can see each of your men being taken down in a shootout. Mord. P.S. Welcome back...seems like I haven't seen you on here in quite a while.
  10. I disagree. There's a couple things you aren't taking into consideration; CMBN is effectively done and CMFI is on its last module. Outside of any future engine upgrades those two titles are finished (unless they spring packs on us in the future). So, that frees up manpower/time. And don't forget covering the scope of the East Front isn't a one shot deal this time around. BFC can make the front in pieces and get paid as they go as opposed to investing a couple years into one title for one price. And things aren't gonna be "outdated" if they stick to the upgrade concept. If dudes like CM and the East Front I think they will buy. Yeah, it might take a few years but if the end result is the full experience then that's fine by me. Time will tell. Mord.
  11. A shameless plug; http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3018 Another spot to find mods; http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?game_type=6&show_all=true Actually MJkerner and Vein have uni mods. http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=327&game_type=6 http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=336&game_type=6 Mord.
  12. Yes. And coincidentally it's also the newest addition to Ben and Jerry's tasty lineup. I used to fluff his pillows. Mord.
  13. That could get expensive...it's like a cross between The Fortress of Solitude, Liberace's boudoir and the executive toilets on the Death Star. In other words...awesome. Mord.
  14. Very nice, umlaut. You are really coming into your own with these new camo schemes. You realize that we have actually only had a handful of new paint jobs since CMBN was released? You are a pioneer! I am really digging that first one on the left. Mord.
  15. For real? *SIGH* It's unfortunate that the world has become so oversensitive and p***ified that I'd even have to explain myself over something so minor. It's called humor. If I were being "mean" it be a helluva a lot worse than that. See umlaut's post and every response before it...you seem to be the only one that doesn't grasp the obvious. When Emrys (hopefully) returns he'll insult me back and the universe will be restored to its proper balance. In other words, I am not kicking the old dog I am patting his head, in return he'll lift his leg on me. It's the circle of life... Mord.
  16. Another point, CMBN isn't just bocage battles, especially once you get to the modules. But there are plenty of scenarios out there for the basic game that have other themes besides hedgerows. Mord.
  17. Hey Emrys, your Viagra finally arrived...I signed for it in your absence. Do your orders normally ship on pallets? Remember, anything over 4 hours will require a physician...and a crowbar. Mord.
  18. Yeah, they didn't add tank riders to BN or FI. But they'll have them in the Bulge. CMFI doesn't have flame throwers probably because it only goes to May 44? I was just riffing some added features from off the top of my head. I couldn't remember everything that was new to RT. Mord.
  19. No limits on DLing. And you can have a copy on two different computers. Something worth mentioning is that CMFI is as up-to-date as the Red Thunder title (newest of the WWII CMs). All CM titles from CMBN on have an upgrade system, which means that if any new title adds features that are pertinent to other titles, those titles will eventually get a modestly priced upgrade DLC. For instance, when Red Thunder was released it added hit decals on vehicles, flame throwers, AI triggers for the scenario editor and a bunch of other stuff. Then upgrades came out for CMBN and CMFI that added those features to both titles making their engines on par with RT's. In the end it means CMFI will not suffer from "feature envy". Three years from now the Italy game will be as advanced engine wise as a title in 2018—it's a wargamer's dream. Mord.
  20. You could also give the vehicle a pause of five seconds+, and give it a way point to where you want it to go, while also giving the passengers a movement waypoint like "quick". Mord.
  21. You aren't running the game through an HD TV in place of a monitor are you? Mord.
  22. After the patch advice, try compatibility mode Win XP (Service pack 3) that's what I use to use and it started fine. Mord.
  23. Yes, except there may be some problems with some older pre-2.0 uniform/face mods that haven't been updated and a handful of sound mods that may not work correctly with Macs because of the bitrate. Mord.
  24. With umpteen thousand-thousand posts he isn't usually one for radio silence. Hey Emrys, you dusty yet ever prolific reprobate, let us know you are alright. Mord.
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