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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Gone are the days when imageshack was free. They have destroyed thousands of threads thanks to their change over. Mord.
  2. Joke's on you Phone Typer, I can be there in eight hours by tank...three if I take the Mord Copter...east coast Pasadena...EAST COAST! I'm gonna bring the hammer down and send you back to your desktop keyboard! Vive le Craftsmen! Mord.
  3. Is this the part where I am supposed to be surprised? Coming from an admitted Commonwealth junkie I'd expect nothing less. LOL. You may have to do prove the Wasp was within the time frame though, seems like there is some conflicting ideas about when it first saw combat. Mord.
  4. Here's a giant discussion on the system itself; http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118480-armata-soon-to-be-in-service/ Mord.
  5. Oh, I wouldn't expect anything until at least after the next RT module which hasn't even been mentioned yet. It's just nice to know that CMBN could get some fresh stuff sometime in the future. The French would be a nice addition. I'd bet the French players would love that. Mord.
  6. Damned good post, Peter. Mord.
  7. Thanks, Steve. That finally cleared that up. Mord.
  8. I am gonna break your phone into a thousand pieces, Sublime. Mord.
  9. Actually, Mikey is referencing the Vehicle Pack that was released (before it was released). Notice he says; "Since there's never been a CMBN 'pack' before we'll just have to wait to see what it looks like." But hopefully down the road we get surprised and they do a second one, that would be cool. Mord.
  10. No, my man, you are thousands of hours richer. Mord.
  11. I can't really add anything to this discussion other than that I just wanted to tell you, More Chicken, that I have been a massive fan of yours for ages! For the last 35 years I have screamed your name in restaurants and at dinner tables around this great nation....it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome to CM crackdom. Mord.
  12. I do that a lot...because I remember where I started, where electronic gaming started, I don't take much for granted unless it's some pile of crap. My first real memory of seeing a video game was Space Invaders somewhere around 78. Then I think I may have played Pong at my uncle's house. Then in 80 I got Intellivision for Christmas. I remember daydreaming and chatting excitedly with my firends about what games could be like and what we thought would be cool and they have gone beyond what my kid brain could even fathom. LOL. I still remember the day my buddy brought home some floppies of the Doom shareware...I blew a gasket...actually a couple gaskets. I thought it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen. As for wargaming I played Panzer General, Close Combat and Steel Panthers but they were just kinda peripheral for me. When I encountered CMBO for the first time I thought it was moronic...I came back 6 months later and fell helmet over jackboots for it...and for WWII. The story telling moments, those little vignettes we are all always talking about really grabbed me and sold me on it. And then CMX2 came along and made those vignettes much sharper and defined, more visceral and epic—stuff I longed and wished for through the whole CMX1 development cycle. I don't think sburke is too close to the game, I think he's speaking on a more transcendental level, about appreciating what we have here and now, for what it is, not what it isn't—a kind of "stop and smell the cordite" thing. There isn't a guy here that doesn't want CM to be more than it is and I think what he is saying is that the really cool things that already are, can get lost in all that static. That's my take anyway. Mord.
  13. I thought Jon already clarified that hits do take into account where crew members are sitting. Which makes sense because Steve described a bug early in CMBN's development where the spotting in a buttoned Tiger turret was off because the TC was facing the back of the tank instead of forward. So, apparently the engine knows right where the crew is for spotting purposes so why not for penetration/damage? Mord.
  14. Well, I do know Win 8.1 has a plain zip function built into it that is basically just like Winzip. You right click on a folder or files, go down to "Send To" and there'll be an option that says "compressed (zipped) folder". If you really want the 7Zip program try getting it through CNET, that's usually where I go when I am not sure about a program. Mord.
  15. The next guy that says CM is ugly gets pointed to this series of pics. Mord.
  16. Are you on a Mac? I could've sworn that 7zip came with Windows 8. But anyway, I have been trying to do all my latest mods with just regular zip so people don't have all these problems. Mord.
  17. And when porn fails to feed the soul you know the director dropped the ball...figuratively of course. Mord.
  18. Lee, you weren't even in the same hemisphere as rude. I've heard nuns say worse things...then again it was in a German porno so that might explain it. Mord.
  19. Anorexi-core not your style? Mord. P.S. What? Too soon?
  20. Geez, all that lead up and hand wringing I was expecting something AWESOME...your post was about as offensive as a puppy snuggling with a baby panda while a butterfly hugged a humming bird and the Carpenters played "Top of the World" and John Denver sang "Sunshine On My Shoulders" in the background. Ok. I'm off...gonna ride my pony down to Cotton Candy Creek and weave me a tiara made of daisies and unicorn drool. Mord.
  21. Ah, "a happy accident". It made the screen shot look really cool. Mord.
  22. NEVER EVER pick an all green Russian force...EVEEEEEEEEEER. Mord.
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