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Everything posted by Mord

  1. LMAO! If I had a daughter! I love this kid. ^5 her from me next time you see her! I almost brought up the Tiger screen shot thread. LOL. It was a good one. Basically, BF finally gave us a BN screenie after an ungodly drought of info and because there was a Tiger in it some people went ape****. And not in a good way. Arguing, angst, over the top theatrics, ensued. You know, typical forum stuff. You have absolutely no reason to apologize. You did a good job and every one here that has a problem with it can feel free to break out a video editor and Fraps and make their masterpieces when the game is released. Put their money where their mouths are. Hell, BF could run a contest, guy that makes the best SF2 trailer gets a module of their choice, free. Only rules, no mods or added effects. See how many "directors" jump in, then. Mord.
  2. That's why they are called beta shots. The video was from December 2017. That evil bastidge is playing SF2! Mord.
  3. That's only 3.8 posts per day for the last 6942 days. He's practically a mute. Mord.
  4. I thought it was fine. And I would think it's fine if I'd never played the game before. It's one video not the final word ever on SF2. LOL. I think IICaptMillerII did a decent job. Mord.
  5. HA! My quote above is newer. He changed his mind. See what I wrote above or check here, page 4 and rejoice. Mord.
  6. I'll give you one great reason even though you didn't ask me. Just because someone preorders doesn't mean they know anything about the game. What if it's the first time the dude has played CM? Without experience and extensive knowledge of how certain features are supposed to act and how the game handles them, how would they be able to contribute? They'd be reporting typical game functions as possible bugs etc. if they don't understand what's going on. From what I've seen over the years most of the beta guys, the newer ones, have been plucked from the forums because of the knowledge and experience they've displayed, through tests and discussions. Why should anybody just be able to buy their way in without any proof they even know what's going on? It's a recipe for confusion. Mord.
  7. Actually he did mention it. I forgot, then remembered. LOL So much crap gets said, so many points get argued and so much time has passed, it's hard to keep it all straight. "Drones were just starting to be used at our scale back in 2008 (full production of the Raven started in 2006). They were mostly being used by Brigade level assets up until that point. At the time we erred on the side of caution about production and introduction. Looking back, for our timeframe the Raven should be available to the US side. The other forces were slower to adopt. The Brits had a handful in 2007 so we might do them as well, but the other NATO countries got them after our timeframe. " Steve Mord.
  8. They don't pick just anyone. I think they look for people who have been around a while and show a good grasp of knowing the system and its in and outs. I was actually asked back when BN was coming out ( I am still not sure why LOL) but I turned it down because of comp problems and I was worried that the game would become a chore instead of fun. Mord.
  9. Steve mentioned a new coder was joining in the fall. I wonder if that is still on? Mord.
  10. LOL. Don't get me started on the diet rubble! I am still irritated they improved it over SF1. It was the one graphic that was better than what was introduced in BN and the new engine. But yeah, I want to see more fire! We need some new upgrades in the graphics department to freshen up the game. Animations etc. Mord.
  11. It was bad. I think I pretty much only visited and posted during patches, hard to remember now but the negativity was just depressing. I think the game came out about six months too early, if not more. We didn't even have the blue bar! You know how the bar loads up and then you watch the turn. It can take 10 secs or 20 secs to load. Well, the turn loaded as you watched it. So, no matter what, every turn took sixty seconds to load, and until it played out the first time you couldn't rewind or fast forward. For a while the game wouldn't even reset damage and such when you'd replay the turn. I had faith they'd fix it all (and they did for the most part) but there was a lot of hate, animosity and doom and gloom. LOL. Worst I have ever seen it here. Mord.
  12. Thank you so much! Yeah, there were a couple that drove me crazy, but mostly it was the work of redoing all the files after I changed the design. It can be incredibly repetitive and carpol tunnel inducing! There are 900+ Heer infantry and I redid those a couple of times but luckily I was only half done each time. This guy wasn't too bad because there's only a few, maybe 20+ portraits so it goes fairly quickly. Mord.
  13. Glad you like them. The Queens Own Hussars and 1st KRRC is armoured Infantry and that particular formation (KRRC) wore a brown beret (I may need to lighten it a bit it's hard to tell unless it is side by side with a black beret portrait). I added the helmet version in case people prefer that. From what I remember from DC and his notes, I believe these guys operated AFVs and always wore the brown beret, and were not traditional CM armoured infantry. I'll have to double check the notes, I may have them confused with the QOH. I had a helluva a lot of fun designing that Gurkha, btw. Mord.
  14. That was originally planned when they were first making SF. MadMatt dropped that throwaway bone in a comment once. No one seemed to catch it but me. The gist was scenario designers were gonna be able to assign wav files to certain spots on the map that would trigger when you moved the camera/troops near it. Water would trickle, a dog could bark etc. And that was the one and only time I ever heard it mentioned. But SF1's release was so screwed up that I am not surprised. LOL. We didn't even have water, so. It would be cool though. They could do a couple types. One that would loop and always play when you are near the spot and one that plays a single time only. Mord.
  15. Thanks, Ironsturm. Managed to get the British armoured infantry designed along with a special guy. Worked on these dude for ten hours today. LOL. I am beat. Hope you like them. Mord.
  16. Good catch. I had to bring the collars and jacket folds in line with the original pic. The collars, the jacket fold (two of them) and the collar tabs, were all individually cut and pasted from the uniform bmp up above and worked into the portrait. Mord.
  17. Thanks, guys. @Erwin, that would be Canada. Yeah, I like him a lot too. I was very, very, very happy with how the tank crews came out. It was a break through that was a long time coming. I've been messing with these guys off and on since before I announced the RT mod. Mord.
  18. That's a bad argument by them. And so what if people do? Players can still hug the map edge, jeep rush, sound recon etc. People that use exploits are going to exploit no matter what is done. Buildings should be able to burn, fires should start and stay lit not just fizzle for five seconds (like they do now). The ground work has been laid it just needs to be followed through on. And I am not not so much interested in the fires that are purposely started than I am the ones that are accidental, like firing a bazooka in a small building, or tracers setting off a patch of dried grass, or a brewed up tank catching some trees on fire. They could code it in a way so as to keep terrain from going up all the time, or it spreading too much. But in the least buildings should catch, and the little fires shouldn't wink out so quickly. It's one of those features I waited a really long time for and when it finally came it was anemic and mediocre. Mord.
  19. Black Sea. It's your only choice for modern, right now. CMA's setting is 20+ years behind SF. It's not gonna be perfect but it'll give you an idea. Mord.
  20. Just at modules prices (35 bucks a pop) it'd cost about $3045.00. Man, we have guys here that lose their **** over 10 dollar upgrades that only come out every two years or so. They saw that price they'd stroke out. Hell, I would stroke out! Nice dream, though! I'd be happy for a quarter of that list. Mord.
  21. Thanks, man! I spent the last three hours dicking with him. It took about 7 iterations to get everything adjusted. Thank god for templates! LOL. Mord.
  22. Names as in Sgt. Smith, Jones, Johnson etc.? You could answer my question there Snake, if you want. Mord.
  23. Man, I am stupid. I forgot that the above pic isn't how it will appear in the game. There is no plain version for the Pz Abts. DUH! The left strap won't even be seen in game, it's covered by a shield, so it's a non-problem. I showed it like this to keep focus on the unit. Anyway, I went ahead and removed the middle strap, widened the collar, shrank the collar tabs and added folds at the breast to better look like the uniform jacket above. Thanks for bringing it up, I think it looks more like a Pz uni now. At least I hope so, this about the fifth time I have worked on this dude. Mord.
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