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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Just uploaded some new menu screens to CMMODs. Which gives me the perfect opportunity to open an FB thread for all my modding work. Hope you like 'em! Mord.
  2. Christmas 2019 is almost fourteen months from now! I hope it would still be an option! Mord.
  3. I'd just got done with the guy I was working with that August. So, luckily I wasn't with him when it hit. But yeah, it was massive destruction around here. We only lost our power for five days. It was a lot worse for some. Unfortunately my power was still out on Halloween so I missed my traditional Horrorthon that day. No King Diamond and no Blu-rays! Yeah, I remember seeing that storm on the news and how hard it wailed Brunswick. Fun story. The last time I worked in Brunswick the dude's trees had all kinds of Brown Tail nests in them. Each caterpillar will grab a leaf, fold it and and sew itself inside with silk or whatever it is. So, you'd see all these little cobwebby spots throughout the canopies of the oak trees if you paid attention. Well, of course we had to chip all the branches and limbs as they were cut. And of course we were doing mostly oak trees for the home owner. This one guy on our crew ended up breaking out in welts like you read about, like a day later. Man, his chest, stomach, back etc. were covered in dime and nickle sized itchy red spots. I didn't get one spot! Funny stuff. For all you guys that don't know what a Brown Tail can do, here's a pic of the effect their hairs have on people. Mord.
  4. Anytime. Just heels, the thong cut off my circulation. Mord.
  5. We only used them when it was financially feasible considering the operator ran about 150 an hour. Usually we'd line up a couple other jobs if the original wasn't gonna take all day. They are best used for situations like a tree is right up near a house, or there are a bunch of big take downs etc. This one day we did a massive dead oak in Gorham and had it down and cleaned up by noon, for five grand. It was so big that it took an hour just to drop the butt. We ended up doing two more jobs that day and made ten grand for 12 hours of work. Ha! Reminds me of this crane job we did in Portland. This young climber shows up in the middle of every thing looking for work. He's kinda cocky. And he goes "I don't know why you'd need a crane to get that tree down? I could take it down just fine with some ropes." And I was like "Yeah, so could we. But the difference with the crane is, you'd still be here tomorrow and we'll be done in five hours." LOL. Wisdom is earned... Yeah, it's even worse when a low level bureaucrat is involved! Back in 94-5ish there was this mini-Hitler in the town office in Gray, who refused to allow us to take a dead pine down for this guy because he lived on a lake. The thing was MASSIVE, right up near his house, and within a year or two of destroying his home or killing someone. Thing is, she never even left her office to go look at the tree. Had absolutely no clue how dangerous that beast was. Made the decision for that dude's fate from her desk. We ended up doing it anyway and never heard a word about it. That's how important it was we NOT do it. Mord.
  6. Reminds me of a story my x boss used to tell about a job he did an estimate for. He told the customer we could bring a a crane in to take the tree out. The customer than proceeded to argue with him about how nobody used cranes to take down trees. He argued and argued. No matter what he was told he refused to believe cranes were used in tree removal. Here's a couple pics of us NOT using a crane to take down trees. Moral of the story: Customers know your business better than you...because. Mord.
  7. And we'll no longer have to delete fifty lines of TO&E from a battalion to get a specific team or vehicle! Woo hoo! Mord.
  8. Oh, and I wasn't a lumberjack LOL. I was a ground man on a tree crew. Same basic industry, different skill sets and machinery. But I did skip and jump... Mord.
  9. @Vet 0369 The demos are under each main game title. https://www.battlefront.com/battle-for-normandy/cmbn-base-game/ https://www.battlefront.com/red-thunder/cmrt-base-game/ etc. Mord.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA5UqUyFmT0 Mord.
  11. LOL. The Tyrannosaurus threw a Zeig Heil... Mord.
  12. Well, if you guys want to keep arguing the minutiae of BFC's pre-orders that's your business but it's beyond ridiculous at this point. Steve should've locked the thread after he said there'd be an update. Now, it's just devolved into a $#@% measuring contest. Mord.
  13. Don't get me wrong though, I am not advocating for anything Sci-Fi. Just pointing out that a earth invasion background like that (especially in WWII) would save a lot of work. Really, they'd probably need to wait for CM3 to do a science fiction title real justice. I'd buy it, whatever it was, but I can find that kind of game anywhere. I am here for the history first and foremost. Mord.
  14. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Snake726: No. I'm right. Three other guys: No. I'm right. Jesus, I think we get the gist, fellas. Enough already. LOL. Move on to something interesting and productive. Mord.
  15. I was referring to this series. So, it would be lizard men vs WWII equipment. Half the work is already done. Mord.
  16. I've been holding off posting an official update because there's been an annoying detail and a few other things that needed to get nailed down first. It's pretty much where I need it to be, so expect a post in a few days. -Steve
  17. I've been holding off posting an official update because there's been an annoying detail and a few other things that needed to get nailed down first. It's pretty much where I need it to be, so expect a post in a few days. -Steve Mord.
  18. I've been holding off posting an official update because there's been an annoying detail and a few other things that needed to get nailed down first. It's pretty much where I need it to be, so expect a post in a few days. -Steve Mord.
  19. Actually Harry Turtledove's novels would be the closest fit. They human hardware is already made. Mord.
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