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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Hit decals! I love the immersion and atmosphere they bring to the game. Your imagination can really run away with you when you are examining the aftermath of a horrendous hit, whether crewmen make it out or not. I really enjoy scouring that battlefield and conducting forensic autopsies during and after a battle. My single most favorite graphics edition since BN was released. Mord.
  2. Another unfortunate victim of the Wiesel. Not a single crewman bailed from the tinfoil coffin. A forensic battlefield examination of the 20mm penetrations. Any wonder why there were no survivors? Mord.
  3. The smoldering carcass of a dead MBT. The kill penetration just below the the turret ring. Man, I love hit decals! Mord.
  4. Wiesel spits 20mm death. Advancing Syrians reluctantly accept the gift. Mord.
  5. I'll start it off with a bang! Long range BMP smack down, courtesy of Germany and the milan. Mord.
  6. LOL. Oh, it drove me up the wall. I am pretty adept with mods and their ins and outs and I was going nuts trying to figure out what could be wrong. The data folder idea struck me right when I hit send on the first post. I remembered that both BN and SF1 both used it, so I figured I'd give it a go. Mord.
  7. AHH! On a hunch I just moved my mod folder from "user data" to the "data folder" and the mods work. The "user data folder" is broken. It must be some legacy code left over from SF1 or BN or something. Checked the RT demo and there is no 3D view in that either. So I guess that is normal. Cool. I was mostly concerned about the mods. Mord.
  8. They are not working at all. I didn't bother with vehicles or stuff like that, just the generic stuff that hasn't changed across titles since the 2.0 engine. The file names, bmp sizes (and bit depths) and sounds are all as they should be. The first thing I did was explode the brz and made sure everything matched up. I use all of them in BN, FI, BS, and RT and they work just fine. Specifically, explosions, flames, smoke/dust, bases, weapons sounds, us voices, red cross. No uniforms, no vehicles, nothing from SF1. I am thinking it might have to do with the demo itself. And there is no 3D preview for maps. I could've sworn the old demos allowed you to view just not save. Mord.
  9. Well, that sucks! Figures it'd come out while you were working. Well, good luck. Hope you are playing soon! Mord.
  10. Thanks! Very cool. I wasn't expecting it. Actually when I first saw the thread I thought it was somebody being a jerk and pulling a prank. BTW, mods won't work in the demo (tried to change the explosion, fire, red cross and some sounds) and there is no 3D view for the map editor. You can plop down tiles but you can't look at them in game. Mord.
  11. Thanks. Ok. Fixed it. That's what happens when you mod for 14 hours and don't pay attention to your cut and paste! My brain was mush by the time I uploaded it. I'll tell you, no matter how much I pay attention every single time I upload a mod I end up editing the friggin' thing at least once by the time I post it on CMMODs. Mord.
  12. You're welcome. I was on another marathon and needed a change again from the portraits. It seems I get to a point of diminishing returns with the portraits and then I need to switch to something completely different to cleanse my palate and re-calibrate my brain. Right after I finished the menus I nailed a portrait I had been struggling with for a couple of hours. I am very, very, happy with the Combat Mission logo on this one. It really captures the feeling of the game. I picture a battle worn concrete bunker surrounded by barbed wire when I look at it. Mord.
  13. I have already uploaded. I might change it at some point but I put too much time in it to take it back down right away. LOL. Mord.
  14. Yep, I agree and I think a rational person can tell the difference. Like I said, "rational person". There are guys that are gonna scream because that is their nature. EVERYTHING should be in the release even if it takes five years to create the content first. Just idiocy on a level I can't fathom. Music to my ears. I've been holding off posting an official update because there's been an annoying detail and a few other things that needed to get nailed down first. It's pretty much where I need it to be, so expect a post in a few days. -Steve And this one, yesterday: "That said, I've been wanting to make a post that *IS* meaningful and *WILL* do something other than say the same old thing. But like so many other things, life is not that simple and I can't make the post yet. If wishes were gold then we'd be retired by now " -Steve From here: Mord.
  15. Sure. what's one vowel between friends? It's the fashion statement that's important. Man boobs need love too! Mord.
  16. That's pretty funny and true. But on the other side of the argument you get guys like Crusader Kings II players b****ing that every DLC should've been in the main game. Or you don't get the full experience if you don't have all the expansions. And my thought is, well, it took them five years to get here, so basically your argument is they should've spent five more years developing the game before they released it. In which case they'd get heat for taking eight years or so to make it. It's a no win situation because in the end a lot of gamers are just b****es. They'd cut their own heads off to spite their nose. I love companies that spend years adding features and content to a good title instead of abandoning it six months after it comes out , just to make a watered down new and improved version as quickly as possible (that's a cash grab IMO). It keeps a good game fresh and gives it longevity. I couldn't of been happier than when BFC announced they'd keep all tiles at the same engine level. I hope that's the future of many wargames. I've seen a few that are doing it now. Mord.
  17. No suspenders, that's a good way to get dragged through a chipper. Just between you and me...number 7. The old man can rock a sports bra. Mord.
  18. Thanks much, guys. @MOS:96B2P LOL. BF couldn't use my my menus because I am making them with pics I find on the net. All I am doing is adding text I design to try to invoke the flavor of the settings. It doesn't seem like much when it's said, but believe it or not I spent over four hours doing the FB mod. I was getting ready to close out Adobe after a long stretch of portrait modding and I was like, I want to to take a minute and mess with these Bulge pics I found. Next thing I know the sun is coming up! It's a nice change to do some menus, considering I have been exclusively modding portraits since December of 2017. And I have been modding straight out since August. Not quite everyday, but it feels like it at times. Normally the second October hits I drop everything and spend the month immersed in Horror but this year is different for some reason. I have a military bug I can't shake. Mord.
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