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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Try iTunes. WinAmp is the best I've found on PC (prior to Apple bringing iTunes out for PC), but its playlists are clunky and it doesn't have iTunes ripping capabilities. Also, Apple's Music Store is very cool </font>
  2. A few things... Accent marks (ä, è, etc) are a real pain on a PC. I don't think they could have made that more cumbersome if they tried. Most of my CMAK briefings were written on a Mac. Took me less time even with ASCII translation for the editors. If you do anything with MP3's, download iTunes for PC... everything else on the PC sucks in comparison. Photoshop on the PC is... painful. I find that if I have to do any graphics work at all I do it on the Mac and then transfer it to the PC (or just print it out) Winblows XP is a complete joke when viewed next to OS X, but isn't to bad compared to OS 9 </font>
  3. I think you mean CDST--Rob's Combat Mission Scenario Design Team. WWB
  4. Ok, your Java Virtual Machine is screwed up. Go to http://java.com/en/index.jsp and download and install the Java Virtual Machine 1.4. That should solve things. WWB
  5. There is no particular order the battles should be played in--they all can stand alone quite nicely. You probably have a winter mod for the Infantry but not your panzers. Check out www.combatmission.com for a full CMMOS winter set. WWB
  6. Not quite Jeff, but close enough. Probably NOT an issue with your internet services. It probably IS an issue with your Java Virtual Machine. Go to http://thenationalshow.com . Do you see a running ticker across the top? WWB
  7. Probably a local thing. I am on it right now. Try mirc or any other IRC client, far better than the java chat in any case. WWB
  8. I add James Bailey, for his invaluable assistance in rescuing some maps from the depths of the US Library of Congress. WWB
  9. Rumors of my demise are unfounded. No arrests, a few drunken incidents, but otherwise uneventful last few days, save not being able to get home and take care of the screenies. In any case, new screenies are up, and I backdated so you get 5, yup, count em, 5 new ones today. Sorry for the delay folks. WWB
  10. Covered arcs work just the same. Obviously, one is generally better off having the 75mm pointed towards the enemy. WWB
  11. Nope. Executeable in CMBB, Us version is "Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" WWB
  12. Easy fix--network the two computers together, and copy your old CMBB directory over. My CMBB CD will not read, at least well enough to install the game. But it will run. WWB
  13. Look around, at least 118 of those were from one moved thread. WWB
  14. Glad you all are liking the AAR. A few responses: Official identification is M3 Medium, the "Grant" misnomer is all me, mainly due to a bit too much reading on the brits earlier. As for the guns, pay attention to the angle on the shots. Also, these are late production models. There is another ATG behind the wall near the mosque, and that one was restricted to a setup zone on that side. It actually turned out to do very well, and I like the dispersion. 37mm ATGs are not going to do much frontal killing, at least not until point blank range. Better to be setup to take side shots, like, say, living way out on a flank. Also minimizes exposure to arty. I would be interested to hear Thomas' comments on this one. It definitely did distract my tanks while he moved through. Steinar--call that dramatic license, its a bit too good to be true. There are no new orders. As for buggyiness, it was definitely in an unfinished state so far as some skins and models, and the tacAI & OOBs are still getting tweaked, but it was rock solid. No CTDs or anything else one would expect with beta software. WWB
  15. Ask your questions for the allied commander to the CMAK AAR here. I will answer them as best I can. WWB <font color="red">[EDIT: Sorry for the intrusion I have changed the topic to a general CMAK AAR discussion, so that questions to both the Axis and Allied commanders can be posted here. - Moon]</font> Part Two is posted! WWB [ October 25, 2003, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  16. Into the Void works reasonably well as the Germans for solo play. If you go to the boots and tracks site, try the Solo Battles link--it will list all of our single player scenarios. WWB
  17. You need to: 1) Enable port forwarding on your router, sending port 7023 to the private IP of your computer (the one CM shows). 2) Give him your public IP address. Best way to get it is to visit www.whatismyip.com . WWB
  18. Sorry to have to take it down, but due to our current hosting situation we really cannot host mods, especially mods of that size. Luckily, they have not cleared us off MGO/wargamer.com quite yet so we they are still avaliable for the moment. WWB
  19. Quickly, I think is the key point. Both WWII (Hetzer, probably others) and post war (Conqueror, for certain) mounted co-incident range finders, which were adequte at least, just not quick and they needed some skill to operate. </font>
  20. IIRC Israelis did start using specailly designed rounds in the coax to range main guns in the 50s or 60s. Probably would not work without special rounds, as the main gun and the coax have far different ballistic properties. Before the advent of laser range finding the real issue with aim was not adusting left-right but getting the range right. WWB
  21. IIRC it is a rather significant one. G has a nasty shot trap, drastically increases chance of weak point penetrations to front turret shots. Late model had a little lip that eliminated this issue. WWB
  22. Adding to what dingo breath said, bring them in with a few casualties and otherwise paniced or worse to simulate the post drop confusion. WWB
  23. Are you saying there are weird random map anomolies (kind of normal unfortunately) or you were halfway through a game when some road tiles appeared? WWB
  24. Dropping indirect fire on tanks to keep them buttoned up and generally increase the anxiety level of the crew is not gamey. Easier to deal with a blind KV than a sighted KV. WWB
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