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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Not quite. Unfortunately we hit some last-second production delays. But it will not be long at all. WWB
  2. Not quite. Unfortunately we hit some last-second production delays. But it will not be long at all. WWB
  3. Not quite. Unfortunately we hit some last-second production delays. But it will not be long at all. WWB
  4. Maternal Grandfather: Served in XV Corps Headquarter, 3rd Army (IIRC, the Coprs on Patton's Right Flank) in the cartographic department drawing situation maps. He gave me some but they were tragically lost in a move. Fraternal Grandfather: Commander, US Navy. Served on an escort carrier in the pacific. USS B-something. Was the radar officer, which in those days was so secret that the captian was not aware of what it was and could not enter the room. He literally told the captain that a little birdie told them that there were planes coming in. Had one of 2 air conditioners on the ship in the radar room, had to jack the compressor from the other one once. The other one was in the captain's quarters. The captain was not happy. In another note, the picture of the F6F in the US Air & Space Museum was taken on his carrier. WWB
  5. Maternal Grandfather: Served in XV Corps Headquarter, 3rd Army (IIRC, the Coprs on Patton's Right Flank) in the cartographic department drawing situation maps. He gave me some but they were tragically lost in a move. Fraternal Grandfather: Commander, US Navy. Served on an escort carrier in the pacific. USS B-something. Was the radar officer, which in those days was so secret that the captian was not aware of what it was and could not enter the room. He literally told the captain that a little birdie told them that there were planes coming in. Had one of 2 air conditioners on the ship in the radar room, had to jack the compressor from the other one once. The other one was in the captain's quarters. The captain was not happy. In another note, the picture of the F6F in the US Air & Space Museum was taken on his carrier. WWB
  6. Maternal Grandfather: Served in XV Corps Headquarter, 3rd Army (IIRC, the Coprs on Patton's Right Flank) in the cartographic department drawing situation maps. He gave me some but they were tragically lost in a move. Fraternal Grandfather: Commander, US Navy. Served on an escort carrier in the pacific. USS B-something. Was the radar officer, which in those days was so secret that the captian was not aware of what it was and could not enter the room. He literally told the captain that a little birdie told them that there were planes coming in. Had one of 2 air conditioners on the ship in the radar room, had to jack the compressor from the other one once. The other one was in the captain's quarters. The captain was not happy. In another note, the picture of the F6F in the US Air & Space Museum was taken on his carrier. WWB
  7. CMAK stuff will be forthcoming very shortly. No need to rush to press, and quality beats quantity any day. No mods of any sort are hosted at the moment, mainly due to space and bandwith restrictions. Some plans are afoot to redress those weaknesses, so just wait and see. WWB
  8. Yeah, the seelowe picture has been broken for a while. I will try and work something up this evening. Gramatical error is fixed. Thanks for the kudos guys. WWB
  9. Hehe. No banners or popups are planned. Cookies might come in with a few features, but nothing too invasive. Just let you get the "new since your last visit" icons and such. There are slicker ways of gathering stats. Dorosh--what is your issue? The product stands in its head but a little marketing glitz never hurt nobody. WWB
  10. Hope that got your attention. I am pleased to announce the advent of a new era at Boots & Tracks. Gone is the rather depressing blue table based monstrosity of yesteryear. Here is the more colorful & standards-based design of the future. Originally, I sat down to upgrade the site to work with CMAK. I ended up doing a ground-up rewrite. The net result is a more visually pleasing site, a faster site, and a much more capable site. There is alot of open space in the menus for a reason <g>. Now, given it is a completely new and largely cutting edge endevour, I am certain there will be some issues, especially with older browsers. If you do have any issues, please do email me at wwb@3dwargamer.net, tell me what browser you were using. Screenshot are appreciated. But, for now, go forth and search for some scenarios damnit. WWB
  11. I am pleased to announce the advent of a new era at Boots & Tracks. Gone is the rather depressing blue table based monstrosity of yesteryear. Here is the more colorful & standards-based design of the future. Originally, I sat down to upgrade the site to work with CMAK. I ended up doing a ground-up rewrite. The net result is a more visually pleasing site, a faster site, and a much more capable site. There is alot of open space in the menus for a reason <g>. Now, given it is a completely new and largely cutting edge endevour, I am certain there will be some issues, especially with older browsers. If you do have any issues, please do email me at wwb@3dwargamer.net, tell me what browser you were using. Screenshot are appreciated. But, for now, go forth and search for some scenarios damnit. WWB [ January 07, 2004, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  12. Hope that got your attention. I am pleased to announce the advent of a new era at Boots & Tracks. Gone is the rather depressing blue table based monstrosity of yesteryear. Here is the more colorful & standards-based design of the future. Originally, I sat down to upgrade the site to work with CMAK. I ended up doing a ground-up rewrite. The net result is a more visually pleasing site, a faster site, and a much more capable site. There is alot of open space in the menus for a reason <g>. Now, given it is a completely new and largely cutting edge endevour, I am certain there will be some issues, especially with older browsers. If you do have any issues, please do email me at wwb@3dwargamer.net, tell me what browser you were using. Screenshot are appreciated. But, for now, go forth and search for some scenarios damnit. WWB
  13. PP: we americans love to play with ourselves. Why do you think Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry stateside. All CDV issues aside, work continues on the pack. A few more preview shots for public consumption: Honies off to the races in Richie's First Taste of Honey A Panzershreck guards a road in WWB's One Hedgerow at a Time Enjoy and stay tuned for one more major announcement tonight. WWB [edited 'cos the captions should match damnit.]
  14. PP: we americans love to play with ourselves. Why do you think Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry stateside. All CDV issues aside, work continues on the pack. A few more preview shots for public consumption: Honies off to the races in Richie's First Taste of Honey A Panzershreck guards a road in WWB's One Hedgerow at a Time Enjoy and stay tuned for one more major announcement tonight. WWB [edited 'cos the captions should match damnit.]
  15. PP: we americans love to play with ourselves. Why do you think Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry stateside. All CDV issues aside, work continues on the pack. A few more preview shots for public consumption: Honies off to the races in Richie's First Taste of Honey A Panzershreck guards a road in WWB's One Hedgerow at a Time Enjoy and stay tuned for one more major announcement tonight. WWB [edited 'cos the captions should match damnit.]
  16. Did you set the forces to be eligible for exit points in the editor? The default is ineligible. WWB
  17. IIRC, the rule with AthalonXPs is keep it under 80C. Preferred temperature is in the 40s or 50s C. WWB
  18. With all due respect - again - if punching in twelve digits is too mentally taxing, then you're probably too stupid to play CM. Or own a credit card. </font>
  19. Can u please inform us if your idea works? I think that the lack of the possibility to hit an enemy unit from the flank is a real deficiency. In the vast area of Russia there was often for both sides the necessity to have an controlled open flank. After the encirclements during Operation Typhoon lots of Russian units who managed to evade were harrassing German units in the rear and on their flanks. The same happened vic versa when the Germans were on the run in 1943-1945. So a large range of battles can be simulated if we have the tool to position reinforcement where ever we want Manstein22 </font>
  20. You really cannot simulate flank attacks in CM operations, aside from the first battle where you can place forces manually. They are really linear affairs and most attempts to circumvent that lead to failure. WWB
  21. This hasn't started yet, has it? I would hate to miss it, I had a lot of fun with I, II, and III. If there is a waiting list put me on it. </font>
  22. Some clairifications: I am rather involved in the community, and spend a fair amount of time on IRC. I dont think I have ever discussed anything while playing an FPS, but many of the people I play CM with I consider friends and have even traveled a fair bit to see. I think the more personal involvement in CM games is a fundamentally good thing, as well as necessary considering the nature of the game. Even a modest size TCP match takes an hour or two. I do not want to see this go, nor do I want to see the kind of faceless gamespy community which exists for, say, CounterStrike. But, while in the CMHQ IRC channel, I have helped a number of people with connection issues. End users dont mix well with IP addresses, NAT and port forwarding. Bottom line is that, in 2004, there is absolutely no reason why someone should have to manually enter IP addresses in order to join games. It should be a point and click option. I wonder how many players were turned off from TCP play because they could not figure out how to connect? WWB
  23. Cant quite say without seeing a savegame, but I just checked the scenario on the CD and all the guns are there. I should know, I did place them. WWB
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